Chapter 231 : The ambush of Pilitang! Where is Luo Rulie?

The leader of the Thunderbolt Hall had already seen Ye Tian’s divine might, and his hands and feet were even weaker at this time.

Despite this, he still yelled: “Brothers, give it to me, kill him for me.”

Hello, after all, I saw Ye Tian so powerful, no one dared to step forward.

“Trash, a bunch of trash.

Give it to daddy!”

The leader of Pilitang was furious and incompetent, yelling.

He picked up a big knife next to him and hacked one of his men to death with a single knife.

When the rest of us saw this, they were dead anyway, and dead if they didn’t.

All of them were holding big swords or thunderbolts, and they all rushed up.

Seeing this, Xue couldn’t help but startled.

On the contrary, Ye Tian sneered when he saw it, and moved his fingers gently, and saw that the breath in the Thunder Hall suddenly solidified, and the movements of the people in the Thunder Hall gradually slowed down.

While everyone was still in shock, I saw Ye Tian waved his big hand again.

Those who landed vomited blood one by one, and died instantly.

“It’s so risky, I actually caught them in an ambush.”

Xue Jian looked horrified.

“It’s okay to have me here, haven’t they all been wiped out.”

Ye Tian said lightly.

He knew that Xuejian was a small burden, but it was only a small burden, and it would cost him a little more work at most.

Immediately, Ye Tian led Xuejian into the Thunderbolt Hall.

The inside of the Pilitang is very large, but there is very little sunlight coming in, so the light in the hall is dim, which makes people who come in feel very depressed.

The solid wood furniture is neatly arranged in the hall, and a calligraphy and painting are hung in the center of the wall facing the door, on which “Thunderbolt”

The two characters are very eye-catching.

Ye Tian and Xue Jian can’t take care of these

Because when they first entered the door, their eyes hadn’t adjusted to the dark light in the hall, and they saw a cold light before them.

Ye Tian waved lightly, and all those attacks were blocked.

At this time, Ye Tian took a closer look, and it turned out that there were more than 20 little bosses in the hall, all waiting for them with knives.

Ye Tian narrowed his eyes and saw that the little boss was in the lobby.

Xuejian and Jacaranda are hiding behind Ye Tian, ​​they know that…the wide back is all.


one small

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The leader pointed to Ye Tian, ​​and many small leaders of the Thunderbolt Hall rushed up, knives, swords, guns:, fists greeted Ye Tian from four directions.

The corner of Ye Tian’s mouth provoked a cold and arrogant solitary pattern, and the fingertips moved slightly, and a pure Yang Qi between heaven and earth spread to all directions.


The little bosses all around shouted in unison, their weapons and bodies were all broken into several pieces.

“Hey, dead guy, see if you dare to be arrogant.”

Xue Jian saw that Ye Tian was so powerful, and his heart suddenly soared.He saw that a disciple of Pilitang who had broken his body was still trembling, so he left Ye Tian and ran directly to kick him.

“Kick you to death, kick you to death, bastard, let you bully me”

Suddenly, the wall next to it turned over, turning out a small leader of Pilitang.

With a long sword, it pressed Xuejian’s throat firmly.

Xue Xue was caught off guard, and her face was flushed.

While struggling, Jacaranda saw the right time and rushed straight to the face of the… boss.

The boss was about to shake off, and suddenly felt the bones of his whole body shattered and fell to the ground limply.

Behind him, Ye Tian raised a cruel smile at the corner of his mouth.

The little boss just broke his bones and didn’t feel any pain, but his body gradually floated.

His feet dangled in horror in the air, like a dying fish.

Ye Tian asked: “Where is Luo Rulie?”

The man didn’t speak, only gasping desperately.

Seeing that the other party didn’t say a word, Ye Tian frowned slightly. The broken bones of the man felt a great pain, and finally couldn’t help it. He said, “Just cough and cough in the hall.”

Ye Tian let go of him after hearing it, and didn’t care about him anymore.

Along the way, many people still came out with knives and tried to put Ye Tian and Xuejian to death, but Ye Tian didn’t blink his eyes and all resolved.

After walking for a while, no one finally rushed towards them with a knife.

“Are they scared?”

Xue Jian asked.

“No, it looks like we are almost in the inner hall. They should all be there waiting for us.”

Ye Tian replied.

Ye Tian took Xuejian to rest for a while, then walked forward, and finally saw a dark gate.

He nodded to Xuejian, and Xuejian signaled that he was ready.

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