Chapter 233 :game over! Kill Luo Rulie!

Because Tang Clan was prematurely destroyed, these people were used to deal with Ye Tian.

It’s just that people who have spent a lot of effort training are not able to withstand a single blow.

It shouldn’t be vulnerable, but the opponent is too strong.

No one thought of this! Luo Rulie saw that the situation was not good, and hurriedly ran away.

He pulled a vine hanging from the roof, and saw that the calligraphy and paintings on the side moved slowly, revealing a dark secret road:

Ye Tian sneered: I didn’t expect Luo Rulie, the old fox, to still have one hand to retreat.There are really many institutions in this thunderbolt hall.

Seeing that Luo Rulie was about to get into the secret path: Ye Tian chanted a spell, the magic sword that had nothing to do, originally stood in the air and swayed.At this time, it immediately rushed towards Luo Rulie’s back.

Luo Rulie wanted to avoid the magic sword, but he didn’t want the magic sword to entangle him tightly.

In desperation, Luo Rulie had to start fighting with Demon Sword.

That magic sword didn’t attack, it was just defense, which made Luo Rulie very irritable.

Xue Jian saw that the magic sword was automatically fighting Luo Rulie next to him, so he pulled the vine organ silently, and the calligraphy and painting slowly moved back.

Seeing that Luo Rulie secretly said: Vanished, he turned his head to look at the vine subconsciously, but saw Ye Tian’s mouth sneer again.

He didn’t care about Luo Rulie’s life and death at this time, because it was as easy as playing with a doll to take his life.

The reason why so much time was wasted is that Ye Tian is still: looking for what he needs-Pan Gu Blood Essence! Ye Tian’s Divine Sense has always been: scanning around and expanding, hoping to find a trace of Pan Gu Blood Essence here .

But, obviously, there are no clues here.

“Okay, the game is over.”

Ye Tian retracted Divine Sense, with a flick of his finger, the magic sword suddenly circled in the air, and then shook! The breakthrough of all obstacles pierced Luo Rulie’s throat.

However, the tip of the sword didn’t cut through his throat, as Lie pushed to the corner and didn’t dare to move even a bit.

Because he moved, the Demon Sword would inevitably cut the throat.

“Tell me, have you ever seen a peculiar drop of blood, red as agate, as hard as Vajra, it can reflect the sky full of red clouds when you use it”

Ye Tian asked coldly.

“No, never.”

Luo Rulie said vaguely.


Ye Tian spit out half a word gently.

The magic sword stretched forward

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, Blood is flowing like a fountain.

Luo Rulie’s body slumped to the ground.

Seeing Ye Tian’s so capable Xue Jian, he was stunned.

“We can go now.”

Ye Tian hooked his finger and motioned for Xue Jian.

“Ah good.”

Xue Jian replied blankly.

The two turned around at the same time and left the Thunder Hall together.

“Thank you.”

Xue Jian, who was walking by the side, suddenly thanked Ye Tian in a low voice.


Ye Tian is puzzled.

“Pilitang and Tang Clan have always been enemies of life and death. They have repeatedly designed to frame Tang Clan.

So, if you helped me destroy the Pilitang, it is equivalent to avenging Tang Clan.”

Xue Jian said bitterly.

Ye Tian couldn’t help feeling funny, and asked Xue Jian: “It turns out that this is considered revenge. You still miss Tang Clan so much. So, Tang Clan was destroyed by the ancestor, shouldn’t you be more resentful”

Xue Jian thought that he had said something wrong, shook his head hurriedly, and quickly denied: “No, I don’t hate you.

I just think of Grandpa, and everything I do is for Grandpa. As for Tang Clan, other people have nothing to do with me.”

Ye Tian nodded: “Okay, I see, why bother to be so serious.”

Xue Jian knew that he had misunderstood again, and made a big blush again.

The two continue to move forward. Ye Tian originally intended to find Pan Gu Blood Essence, so wherever he went, he would release Divine Sense search, and he didn’t care about the time spent walking between Xue Jian and Hua Jacaranda.

When he was about to walk to a forest, Ye Tian suddenly narrowed his eyes and took a deep look.

“A group of beam jumping clowns can also escape the eyes of the ancestor.”

Ye Tian sneered.

Xue Jian saw that Ye Tian’s expression seemed a bit wrong, and hurriedly asked: “What’s wrong with you?”


Ye Tian smiled, “There are wild fruits in the woods ahead, let’s pick some to quench our thirst.”

Hearing that there were wild fruits in front of him, Xue Jian not only swallowed, but after walking for so long, she was indeed thirsty.

Even the jacaranda kept squeaking.

They quickly approached the woods, but the scene in front of them disappointed Xuejian.

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading

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