Chapter 235 : The gods in the sky? The man in black in the water!

Ye Tian smiled and raised his hands to persuade each other: “Don’t be afraid, the ancestor is a human, but he has practiced some Cultivation Technique.

My ancestor has a companion on the shore, can you come to pick her up”

The boatman didn’t believe it, and refused, “I don’t care what you are! Get it down to me! I’m just this ferry today!”

Ye Tian sneered when he heard the words, flashed to the front of the boatman, stared at his eyes and said: “Are you toasting and not eating fine wine!”

The boatman’s legs were frightened by Ye Tian, ​​and he responded silently and steered the boat to the shore.

Xue saw that the ship was approaching, waved to Ye Tian excitedly, and jumped up after seeing it almost, and praised Ye Tian: “Ye Tian, ​​you are so amazing! You can go to get the ship from such a far away, ashamed to dare Claiming to be the ancestor of the Ancient World! Now we finally don’t have to walk!”

Ye Tian heard what Xue Jian said, shook his head gently, and said, “This is nothing but a ship. Do you think the ancestor of Ancient World did this specifically, if it wasn’t for the search for Pan Gu Blood Essence, the ancestor company? I don’t even bother to use this kind of simple tool!”

Xuejian always thinks that Ye Tian is talking big, but his ability is really unusual, and his mouth deliberately agitated him: “Cut, what, but praise you, the tail is up to the sky again, it is impossible that you can compare Are the gods in the sky still powerful?”

Ye Tian disdain: “Of course, the gods in the sky are not worthy to give the ancestor shoes!”

Xue Jian hurried forward, trying to cover Ye Tian’s mouth.

Ye Tian was taken aback and asked: “What are you doing?”

Xue Jian made a gesture of “hush”

With the gesture, he whispered to Ye Tian: “Don’t say this casually, there are real gods in the sky, and it will be detrimental to you if you let them listen to it at that time!”

Ye Tian stayed blank, then smiled bitterly and shook his head.

He is the ancestor of Ancient World, and the world is in his grasp.

But this little girl always doesn’t believe in own ability.

“Well, you think that gods are powerful. In the future, there will be a chance that the ancestor will take you to the sky and let you meet those so-called gods. It’s nothing great.”

Xue saw slapped his lips and looked at Ye Tian sideways, only as if he was joking: “Look at you, the more you talk about it, the more mysterious you are! Can you go? That’s where the immortals live! Even those immortals who have been cultivating for many years I can’t even go.”

Ye Tian asked Xue Jian: “Oh, then you think the ancestor is not as good as that fairy.”

Xue Jian stuck out his tongue: “I didn’t say that, it’s just that you look

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So young, even if your skill is really strong, you should not be able to match those Elders!!!.”

Ye Tian no longer argued with Xue Jian on this issue, and changed the subject: “I have said that the ancestor came from other worlds. I came here only to find Pan Gu Blood Essence.”

“I didn’t find it in Pilitang this time. I don’t know if the next place we are going to…, you should pay more attention to it and tell it when you have news.”

Xue saw the answer, but stared at Ye Tian quietly.She couldn’t guess the handsome man in front of her at all.

He seems to be really as he said, stronger than he has seen so far.

Although she still couldn’t believe this.

Who on earth did he come from and where does what he said really exists? The more familiar it is, the more Xue Jian feels that the mystery of Ye Tian is more and more, and she can’t help but become more and more curious about Ye Tian.

The boat drove safely, and the dimming light and shadow were on the faces of the two quietly standing, the wind gently blew the river surface, and the river water rippled.

Everything is so peaceful.

Suddenly, Xue Jian noticed a slight abnormality in the water not far away.

The entire river surface is calm, but there is a huge vortex.

Xue Xue was startled and looked at Ye Tian, ​​and Ye Tian’s Divine Sense posted that morning and found that something was wrong.

“How is this going”

Xue Jian asked carefully.

“There are people in it, maybe it’s for you and the ancestor.”

Ye Tian seemed to have nothing happened, calmly reminding Xue Jian.

“How can I panic? Are you kidding me? Humph!”

Xue Jian actually had some fear in her heart, but she didn’t want to show her own timidity at all.

The whirlpool turned bigger and bigger, getting more and more urgent.

In an instant, a group of people in black robes suddenly appeared in the whirlpool.

All those in black were holding a sword, and their robes half-hidden their faces.

Xue saw couldn’t see how their expressions were, and only felt murderous and bullying.

What made her stunned was that after this group of people in black rushed out of the lake, they demonized one after another and turned into monsters covered with branches all over.

They came fiercely, and when they appeared, they showed their murderous intent.

Xue Jian was frightened, and at this moment she couldn’t think of how to make a move.

Feilu reminds you: Three things about reading

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