Chapter 238 : Shushan was in chaos? Town Demon Tower!

The people on the dart boat did things for themselves, without turning their heads, and silent, as if they hadn’t heard Xue Jian’s yelling.

Several people pulled out the scabbard slightly with the big knife in their hands, seeming to be a little wary of Xuejian and Ye Tian.

Xue Jian saw that these dart-walkers were a little nervous, and after thinking about it, he asked them loudly again through the water: “Several Dage, we are just looking for people, there is no malice! The two of us just want to know if you have seen one. For men and women, get the answer and leave.”

A person on the other party’s boat frowned slightly, and then a man in a burlap clothes curled his mouth and cursed fiercely: “Where is the little girl, hurry up, don’t call here, get in the way!”

Seeing this dissatisfaction in his heart, Ye Tian frowned, like a sharp arrow that came out of the string, and flew onto the opponent’s ship.

Standing on the deck of the ship, his sleeves fluttering in the wind, he threatened in a cold voice: “Apologize to the girl behind me, otherwise, the ancestor will be welcome!”

The other party laughed. Seeing Ye Tian’s young age, he not only sarcastically said: “What do you dare to call yourself an ancestor? You are impatient.”

As soon as that person’s words fell, dozens of people shot Ye Tian together in an instant.

Before the big knife was swung out, Ye Tian waved his hand, and without exception, these people fell to the ground without exception.

Ye Tian walked over, and at a glance he recognized the one just now… yelled and humiliated Xuejian and insulted his own person.

He raised his hand and grabbed it.The man had been taken out of the crowd, a tongue suddenly flew out, and blood gushed out.

The man yelled and his body kept twitching.The rest of the people shivered and did not dare to squeak.The cold sweat on his body almost wetted his clothes.

Ye Tian snorted coldly, picked up the person who was convulsing, and threw it into the river casually.

This son, life is over! At this time, a leader appeared.

This person is rough-looking, with a beard and mustache, God, but he kept bending over and bowing his head in salute, apologizing and saying good things: “This…hero, this…hero, is a group of brothers who are ignorant, we, yes. I don’t know Mount Tai, I just had something to do.

, I didn’t have time to stop them and make you angry. I’m really sorry!”

This person walked towards Ye Tian again.

Said: “Here is the person from Zhenjiang Tiger’s Escort, called Fang Qiuhao. These little ghosts have offended you. I will punish them to receive punishment. I hope you can

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Haihan one or two, ah.”

Ye Tian stopped, said the matter just now in a cold voice, and stopped speaking.

Fang Qiuhao was shocked when he heard that, he was even more panicked, and he kept accompanying sin: “The ancestor of the Ancient World, your Cultivation Technique is the world’s first, and now you are even more civilized and martial, handsome and handsome, and the gods in the sky can’t be compared. ! The ancestor of Ancient World, please spare your life, please spare your life!”

“Fang Wu, hurry up and get money for the ancestor of Ancient World! Hurry up!”

Fang Qiuhao yelled at a young man behind him, then turned his head to flatter Ye Tian and said: “Ancient World ancestor, you calm down, our silver and two are dedicated to you to calm down, please let us have a way out!”

Ye Tian didn’t move his eyebrows, still disdainful.

Fang Qiuhao was about to intercede again. At this moment, the two boats were approaching, and Xue saw that he had come before him, and hurriedly stepped forward and begged for mercy: “This girl, my group of men have nothing to stop, and the person who cursed you has been pulled out and thrown away. The river is gone, it is his own responsibility, but the brothers behind, they are not guilty of death, please forgive them!”

“After I go down, I will punish them severely. They are blindfolded, just to save their lives!”

Xue Jian saw the appearance of Fang Qiuhao’s middle-aged founder, and felt that since these people have been punished, they are a little soft at the moment, and feel that they don’t have to take their lives, so he pleaded with Ye Tian: “They are all crippled by you, and they are more than certain. If you can live on, or just forget it!”

Ye Tian glanced at Xue Jian and nodded in agreement.

Fang Qiuhao saw that he was very grateful, and the ancestor of Ancient World kept screaming, and he respected Xuejian.

Xue Jian called Fang Qiuhao to stop, and asked, “Have you seen a girl in purple and a man who looks like a Taoist priest. The two of them are accompanying each other. They are a pair. If you see, we came here to ask about this!”

Fang Qiuhao reacted immediately, and hurriedly said: “I saw it, I saw it! We are old acquaintances with Taoist Xu Changqing! We are still talking!”

Fang Qiuhao carefully recalled for a moment, and relayed: “Xu Changqing said that something happened in Shu Mountain, the town monster tower was damaged, and various monsters escaped, each one is more powerful! After Xu Changqing heard about this, he wanted to go back to rescue Shu Mountain.”

After speaking, Fang Qiuhao sighed again, “I don’t know what’s going on now. Such a powerful mountain of Shu has also been in chaos. I am afraid that the world will be chaos!”

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