Chapter 240 : Get rid of Xu Changqing!

After leaving the escort boat, Ye Tian used the fairy method to continue driving the boat with Xue Jian.

Xue Jian lowered her head, curled her own hair in her two little hands and whispered: “I don’t know where Miss Zixuan and Heroes Changqing have gone. After chasing them for so long, they haven’t found any trace of people.”

Ye Tian looked down at Xue Jian and didn’t speak.

In fact, Ye Tian already knew that Zi Xuan and the others were not far away by virtue of his own skill and the vibration of underwater water ripples, but he couldn’t tell Xue Jian yet.

Ye Tian has his own plan.

“It’s not a way to find it like this, so let me fly to the front to see if they are there or not, so I have a direction.”

Ye Tian said.

Xue Jian said, “Yes, then you go and come back quickly.”

Ye Tian nodded, he used Cultivation Technique to fly into the air.In fact, Ye Tian has always had no good feelings for Xu Changqing.

If it weren’t for the face where Zi Xuan shot and rescued Xue Jian, Ye Tian would have killed Xu Changqing at that time.

At this time Ye Tian was still: searching in midair, and she saw a wooden boat floating on the sea not far away, and Xu Changqing and Zi Xuan were on the boat.

Ye Tian smiled coldly, and read a formula casually, a small fireball gathered in his hand, and then Ye Tian threw the small fireball onto Xu Changqing’s boat.

The fireball rolled bigger and bigger in the air, and its rolling speed became faster and faster.When Xu Changqing discovered the fireball, it was too late.

As if it happened in an instant, the fireball ignited the entire ship.

Xu Changqing and Zi Xuan hurriedly flew into the air, at this time their ship had been reduced to ashes.

Just as the two of them were not knowing what to do because of this sudden change, Ye Tian sneered, then recite the formula, and pointed at the billowing river.

The waves in the river suddenly rolled up, Xu Changqing and Zi Xuan had no choice but to fly higher and higher.

Ye Tian lightly moved his fingers again, and a wave surged up, and the air turned into a big fish that swallowed the sky, swallowing Xu Changqing inside in one bite.

In a blink of an eye, Xu Changqing was caught in the waves and disappeared.

I saw Zi Xuan anxiously shout Ye Tian in mid-air, and saw Zi Xuan looking around in the river, shouting Xu Changqing’s name loudly.

Even if Zi Xuan is a descendant of Nuwa,

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After all, she was a girl, and she quickly lost energy.

Seeing that the time was almost there, Zi Xuan was exhausted.

Ye Tian jumped and dived into the bottom of the sea.It happened that at that time, Zi Xuan had fainted in the sea because she was tired and anxious.

Ye Tian took her in his arms and took her away from the land.

Because Ye Tian understands the world of Immortal Sword III, he knows that Zi Xuan is a descendant of Nuwa.

As the ancestor of Ancient World, of course know that in the era of Ancient World, Nuwa belongs to the great power

And Pan Gu Blood Essence belongs to the Ancient World, so as long as this person has a relationship with Nuwa, there is a possibility that there will be clues to Pan Gu Blood Essence.

But Ye Tian knew that if Xu Changqing was by Zi Xuan’s side, he would definitely stop Zi Xuan, and Zi Xuan might not help him find Pan Gu Blood Essence.

Therefore, Ye Tian deliberately shot Xu Changqing and got rid of him.

In this way, Xu Changqing could not influence Zi Xuan.

Then Zi Xuan might find Pan Gu Blood Essence for him.

“Why have you been there for so long”

Ye Tian brought Zi Xuan back to the own boat, Xue Jian asked strangely.

Immediately, she found Zi Xuan who had been brought back by Ye Tian, ​​and blurted out: “What the hell is this, how can she be like this?”

Ye Tian lied to her and said: “The boat Xu Changqing and Zi Xuan were riding in was attacked by the people in Pilitang, and the boat was burned by the people in black in Pilitang. Xu Changqing fell into the sea while fighting with them.”

After a pause, Ye Tian continued: “Zixuan went down to the sea to search for Xu Changqing, but she fainted due to lack of physical strength, so I brought her back, but Xu Changqing was missing.”

Xue Jian nodded without any doubt.

She helped Zi Xuan into the cabin, but Zi Xuan didn’t wake up for a long time. Xue Jian was anxious and asked Ye Tian: “What can I do if she hasn’t woke up yet, can you save him?”

Ye Tian nodded and said: “Then let me come.”

He asked Xue Jian to help Zi Xuan up and sit upright with his legs crossed.

I used Magic power to draw a magic circle behind Zi Xuan, and then slowly pushed the magic circle into Zi Xuan’s body, and then Yun Gong patted Zi Xuan’s back.

Zi Xuan spit out a mouthful of water and slowly opened her eyes.

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