A round of warm sun hangs in the middle of the sky.

The leaves swaying in the breeze reflect the brightness of the sun, playing a rhythmic sound like a movement.

It seems that there is a breath of spring in every breath.

Bathed in the April sun, Sue Kirin lay his hands on the roof of the snow building, drowsily squinting his eyes.

The two dumplings on the left and right of her forehead are soft and soft, and the black ponytails connected to them are spread out on the tiles, and the exposed skin is like milk mixed with honey. As if it would melt into the light yellow sunlight at any time.

“April is really a good season to sleep in…”

Sue Kirin stretched, as if his slender limbs were stretched tight for a while. Then he collapsed.

Speaking of which, Sue Kirin used to have a friend named April, who was obviously a woman, but said every day that she was the most handsome in the world. In this regard, the girl can only say that there is something wrong with this person.

“The weather is so good…”

This soft and warm weather is really suitable for sleeping late, especially after lunch, Sue Kirin thought.


Suddenly, there was a cat cry.

Then something fell on the girl’s belly, and the incidental shock made Sue Kirin groaned.

“Whiteboard, come up as soon as you come up… can you use it to climb, don’t use it to jump!”

Sue Kirin complained and raised his head.

The white two-tailed cat is curled up, lying comfortably on the girl’s belly. It is said that a creature like a cat sleeps most of the day, so it probably wants to sleep late.

Seeing what it looked like, Sue Kirin felt even more sleepy.

Well, sleepiness is contagious.

“I can’t do it, I really want to sleep…”

Sue Kirin’s body is limp, with one hand on his forehead to block the sun.


The cry of a cat came from inside her arms again, seeming to say: Sleep.

“Can’t sleep…”

Sue Kirin shuddered when thinking of someone practicing spell below.

“When I get up, I find that the room is burned.”

Qi Qiqi has been practicing spell recently for some reason, and she has worked harder than when she was just learning. Practice when you have time. However, it is impossible to practice without error. During this period of time, Qi Qiqi’s spell accidentally destroyed countless things, ranging from paper and brushes to furniture and flowers.

Compared with that, Shui Yuner is much more reassuring. Of course, she uses water spell, which can cause much less damage than Qi Qiqi who uses fire.

But even if this is aside, Shui Yun’er is still quite good, making spells like playing with water.

She not only uses the water spell as a finger, but also has amazing comprehension. Whenever she encounters something she doesn’t understand, she can understand and deal with it by herself with just a little bit of attention. In contrast, Qi Qiqi is like a problem baby, asking left and right. After Sue Kirin explained it, she still seems to understand, causing the girl to grab her hair and cry.

be that as it may, Qi Qiqi is not an idiot. Most of what she doesn’t understand are the decisive differences with martial arts theory. After all, she has learned martial arts since childhood, and has been familiar with martial arts theory and internalized it. An instinct. Therefore, when she tries to understand the concept of completely different, she is likely to unconsciously preconceive and use “martial arts theory” to explain this new concept, so that she can’t get around the curve.

To put it bluntly, it is Yu Wenhua’s difference. Sue Kirin, who is thinking about it, has gradually become hazy.

“No…I’m going to fall asleep…”

The voice also became blurred.

Give a little more time, she will definitely fall asleep here.

“Forget it, go to sleep…”

Just when Sue Kirin is about to lose to the Sandman──

“──Little Kirin, you Come and have a look, I succeeded!”

A shout of joy came from the courtyard of Chaoxuelou.

“Oh…what did you succeed?”

Sue Kirin replied loudly, but his voice was listless.

“Boom──well…it hurts!”

The voice suddenly stopped.

You bit your tongue, right… Do you need to be so excited? Sue Kirin rolled the eyes, trying to prop up his upper body directly, but found that the whiteboard had fallen asleep peacefully on his stomach, and had to give up.

──Wait, what did she just want to say? Boom what? is it possible that ……

“What did you just say? Bang… will not be the thunder flame dragon!”

Sue Kirin picked up the whiteboard and placed it on Next to him, he asked half-doubt and half-accidentally.


Qiqiqi, who is still a bit slurred, seemed very excited.

“I used it, the Seventh of Thunderflame Dragon!”

No way, I learned it? Sue Kirin was so scared that he almost rolled off the roof.

She actually didn’t plan to teach Qi Qiqi “Booming Thunder Flame Dragon” so early. After all, how can a junior high school student learn college-level spell?

Even if Sue Kirin really taught her, Qi Qiqi would never understand it. Even if she did, she would never make it out.

However, the palace lord of Heavenly Jade did not know that he had drawn that nerve, and kept pestering Sue Kirin to say that she wanted to learn. In addition, she threatened with a small fist again, and the girl had no choice but to fight The technique was taught to her.

However, Qi Qiqi only took two weeks to learn, which is completely beyond the girl’s expectations.

“Hurry up and take a look!”

Sue Kirin half-crawled and half-rolled to the edge of the roof, lying on his stomach, looking out of the yard.

There are several places in the yard that are scorched, which seem to have been burned by fire, and the girl standing in the center is unbearable to look at.

The very beautiful and beautiful face is dirty, the curvy body is covered with ash-like stains, it looks like it just jumped out of a certain stove. A long hair like ink shaved all around, the knee-high socks with slender and long legs were incomplete, and the white and rosy skin was exposed in many places, causing Sue Kirin to look twice.

However, the most striking thing is the white thigh between the socks and the short skirt.

By the way, the socks on her legs were specially made by Sue Kirin and given to her. The reason is that it is convenient to move and will not expose too much. Of course, this is not the real reason for Sue Kirin. As for the real reason, it is too nasty, so I won’t repeat it here. Qi Qiqi is happy to dress anyway.

At this time, Qi Qiqi is very different from her usual image, but this is also the proof of her hard work.

Sue Kirin knows better than anyone that the girl will be embarrassed because of her failure in spell practice. However, these are not important at the moment.

“I really did it…”

Sue Kirin whispered with his clear and bright yellow eyes revealing an incredible mood.

Between Qi Qiqi’s high palms, there is a Fire Dragon floating around.

“Look! I used the Seventh of Thunderflame Dragon!”

She was very excited, the red in the bright red eyes seemed to overflow .

“Don’t move!”

Sue Kirin lightly jumped down, came to Qi Qiqi, grabbed her wrist, and moved to her. As the girl’s palm moved, the Fire Dragon also moved, as if connected by magnetism.

The girl squinted her eyes, stick one’s head around to look for, looking at the small flame dragon.

It is indeed the seventh of the thundering flame dragon, but… Sue Kirin glanced at Qi Qiqi, who was glamorous on her face, and said nothing.

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