After coming back to her senses, she voiced the question that welled up inside her, “But how do we leave? Didn’t you say that there is no way out?”

“It isn’t that there isn’t any… It’s just that it’s beyond troublesome!”

Xue Qilin wrinkled her nose, then stuffed her hand into a sleeve and rummaged inside for a while. At the same time, she muttered, “It just so happens that I picked up something suitable.”

Phecda tilted her head and stared at Xue Qilin’s sleeve.

“What thing?”

“Well, that’s… ah, found it!”

Xue Qilin pulled her hand out of the sleeve and spread it in front of Phecda.

The fog is so thick that Phecda can’t see clearly what lies on the other party’s hand, and so she narrowed her eyes.

“This is… a gem?”

There lies a gem on the tender, fair hand.

Even though it is wrapped in fog, it still radiates fascinating blue light.

It is a sapphire, irregular in shape. It must be a rough gem extracted from a vein not long ago.

“Where did you get it?”

“Hmm? I found it by chance when I tripped and fell. But who would have thought that there are sapphires in Martial Demon Realm?”

What kind of shit luck is this? Can you pick gems by falling down randomly? The surprised expression on Phecda’s face seems to convey this thought.

However, compared to this, Phecda is more curious about how this gem will help them get out of here.

“What are you going to do with it?”

“Well, this… I think this fog is only interfering with our perception. But in fact, the physical environment has not changed. The reason why we can’t go out is probably that our senses are tempered with, making us go in circles!”

As she spoke words that Phecda could not understand, Xue Qilin rummaged inside her sleeves, looking for something with a furrow in the brow.

“Darn it, it seems there is no rope…”

Xue Qilin stopped the rummaging motion and looked at Phecda.

“Little Phecda, do you have a rope?”

Phecda shook her head, a vacant look in her eyes. Even her clothes are made from spiritual qi, where can she get a rope?

“Hey, looks like I can only use my hair.”

Anyway, I have a lot of hair, so I can make do. Xue Qilin let go of Phecda’s hand and instructed her not to move, then extended her right index finger. She ejected true qi from the fingertip and made a small ray of sword qi.

Seeing that Xue Qilin has cut a strand of her hair, Phecda could no longer suppress the curiosity that is threatening to erupt inside her.

“Qilin, Qilin, what are you going to do?”

After twisting the cut strain of hair into a rope, Xue Qilin compared it to her arm. The hair rope is half as long as her arm.

“Hmm, good enough!”

Xue Qilin nodded in satisfaction.

“Little Phecda, hold it as I process the gem.”

After handing the hair rope to Phecda, Xue Qilin squatted down and used the thumb, index finger, and middle finger of the left had to rotate the sapphire in front of her eyes. She narrowed her eyes and looked at the sapphire for a while, and then answered the question Phecda has made previously.

“I plan to make a pendulum.”

“A pendulum?”

After finally determining where to cut, Xue Qilin used a ray of sword qi to cut a corner of the sapphire.

Although the small sword composed of true energy is extremely sharp. But as everyone knows, gems are generally rather hard, not to mention that what she is holding is sapphire… a gemstone second only to diamond in terms of hardness. Using all her strength, she cut off a corner of the sapphire.

“Um, Little Phecda, do you know of divination… it’s a way to divine fortune? Pendulum is a kind of divination tool.”

“Do you mean, tortoise shell [1], oracle lots [2], and the like?” Phecda’s eyes widened, “In other words, you also know divination, Qilin?”

“That’s the foundation, so how could I not know.”

Xue Qilin rolled her eyes at Phecda.

Divination is the foundation of all wizards. Even Xue Qilin, who is not good at it, more or less understands several different divination methods.


Phecda nodded, not fully understanding. At this time, Xue Qilin has already cut the sapphire into a regular octahedron.



“What are you planning to divine?”

Focusing on inscribing various complex symbols and strange characters on the surface of the sapphire, Xue Qilin didn’t look up.

“I’m going to figure out the directions… If we find the right direction, it should not be difficult to get out of here.”

In Xue Qilin’s view, the scope of this dense fog shouldn’t be large, maybe less than 50 square meters.

After all, the larger the scope, the greater the burden Xihe will have to bear. She still has a battle to fight, so she must conserve as much power as she can.

It didn’t take long for Xue Qilin to complete the inscribing work, and a sapphire with strange symbols and characters engraved on the surface emerged.

“Little Phecda, give me the rope.”

“Here…” Phecda handed the rope to Xue Qilin, “Boo… didn’t you made something suspicious?”

“What are you calling suspicious? Your body is also engraved with similar symbols and characters! How come you don’t say that you are strange?”

After receiving the hair rope, Xue Qilin tied one end to her index finger and tied the other end crosswise around the sapphire.

“Hey, it’s finally done!”

Xue Qilin swung the gem, excited. Consequently, the gem, which was not tied firmly, flew out and fell into the thick fog.


Phecda pointed out the current situation, sluggish.

“Qilin, what now? The gem disappeared.”

She pulled Xue Qilin by the sleeve and spoke anxiously.


Xue Qilin’s face darkened, and she kept silent. She touched the ground with her hands for a while, but the gem didn’t fall within her reach.

… as the saying goes, don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.

“How frustrating!”

Xue Qilin shouted indignantly.

Then she angrily fished out another rough gem from her sleeve. This time it wasn’t a sapphire, but a ruby red like fire.

“You also picked this up?”

“I found it when my clothes were hooked by a tree.

Xue Qilin ignored Phecda, who is about to faint because of her good luck, and started the work of making a pendulum with the ruby.

This time she didn’t take it lightly. After finishing the work on the gem and tying it up, she stood up and carefully raised the hand that is tied to the pendulum.

The suspended pendulum naturally didn’t move, and even the rope that united Xue Qilin’s index finger with the gem is perfectly straight.

“That’s it?”

Xue Qilin responded grumpily, “Of course not. How could it be that simple? If you ask someone for directions, you have to tell them where you want to go, right? Come, hold my hand. We’re about to go.”

Phecda followed suit. Xue Qilin chanted a cryptic incantation. Unlike the previous incantations she chanted, the syllables she uttered this time are not in Chinese.

When the last set of syllables dissipated in the air, the ruby flashed with a dazzling light, and then spiritual qi circulated inside the symbols and characters carved on its surface.

The ruby slowly rose into the air and flew in a certain direction, pulling the rope tied to Xue Qilin’s index finger.

“It seems that this is the way! Little Phecda, let’s go.”

Xue Qilin pulled Phecda by the hand.

“Okay. But is the direction really correct?”

“Hey, it can’t be wrong! Now hurry up.”

Although she looks uneasy, but Phecda still started walking.

As if light guiding at night, the ruby’s radiance guided the two inside the thick fog.

However, what awaited them at the end was…

[1] – tortoise shell

[2] – oracle lots

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