The Yaochi old woman was the first to object, and it was her position that the Beginning Bell could not be moved.

Qin Xuan sighed, "That was before the revival of the subduing demon pestle without being hit, but even the revival of an extreme emperor soldier has been stimulated, and it has not yet been resolved. Do you think it is less serious than the remnants of the Taikoo clan? "

Qin Xuan asked indifferently, the Yaochi old woman who asked was speechless, and he said: "It is precisely because the remnants of the Taikoo clan can't be messed up, so I let the West Emperor Pagoda and Hengyu Furnace also stay~!"

Remembering that Zishan Gu Tianshu mentioned that there was also the Emperor Zhun of the Taikoo Clan suppressed by Wu Shizhong, Qin Xuancai asked subconsciously, "Can Yaochi and the Jiang family still have the Emperor Zhun in charge?"

He was taken aback by Qin Xuan's inexplicable words. After a long time, the old woman in Yaochi nodded slightly, and the eldest sage of the Jiang family slowly shook her head.

Facing Qin Xuan's skeptical eyes, the eldest sage of the Jiang family was blown away by his beard, "You think I'll lie to you, but the quasi-emperor of my Jiang family has already perished in the turmoil before the pacification, 470 There is only the last emperor left, that is Jiang Yu, and he, alas, is also us preparing for the future...!"

At the end of the speech, the voice of the romantic boss of the Jiang family fell silent.

It seems that all the luck of the Jiang family is concentrated on the emperor's son of the Great Emperor Hengyu. From Hengyu to the present, they have fallen three quasi emperors, and the emperor's son Jiang Yu may be the next one!

Qin Xuan Worth looked at the old woman Yaochi, "Although you may not understand what I said, please listen to me!"

"Wake up the quasi-emperor of Yaochi, let her fully revive the West Emperor Pagoda, and replace the immemorial bell to suppress the immemorial remnants of Zishan in a short time, and leave the matter of confusion to the Void Mirror and the Infinite Bell to deal with!"

Opening her mouth, the Yaochi old woman did not immediately answer Qin Xuan.

"I want to communicate with that person about this~!"

After saying that, the old woman of Yaochi closed her eyes, and the spiritual sense of the great sage swept out, and the direction was exactly Yaochi! .

Chapter [-] Combining vertical and horizontal 【Subscription】

She was communicating with the existence in the dark, and after a while, the Yaochi old woman opened her eyes with a smile on her face.

"The one who agreed, can use the West Emperor Pagoda to temporarily replace Wu Beginning Bell to suppress Zishan, but she has something to talk to you about!"

When the old woman in Yaochi finished speaking, Qin Xuan felt the space under his feet changed, and a powerful air swept over him. When he stood still, he saw a white-haired woman with her back to him in front of her, with a graceful figure telling of beauty Desolate white hair.

"Are you the Beginning Emperor? Hey, or the Innate Holy Body Dao Embryo?"

The Yaochi female quasi emperor turned around, revealing a peerless face that did not match her white hair at all, as if she knew something, and looked at Qin Xuan with a slight shift in her eyes.

"However, as the second congenital womb without beginning, it is not too much to say that you are the emperor without beginning. Then you can call me Aunt Bai!"

The Yaochi female Zhundi opened her mouth, and what she said to Qin Xuan was more like looking at her younger generation!

However, since the Yaochi female quasi-emperor had let herself shout like that, Qin Xuan would not be polite.

"Aunt Bai seems to be very familiar with the emperor?"

Qin Xuan's question made Yaochi's daughter Zhundi glance at her in surprise, and a touch of sadness flashed between her brows.

"What did the little guy think? When I became the emperor, the emperor had already become an emperor. The emperor thought of Yaochi's affection, which led me to the realm of the emperor. With such kindness, what more can I hope for in Baiyu!"

However, her inadvertent sigh also let Qin Xuan know the name of the Yaochi female Zhundi, Baiyu Zhundi!

Eh, it seems that I can't hear what I shouldn't listen to. Listening to this resentful words, is it really that Luohua is intentional and flowing water is ruthless?

"Tell me, why do you have to let the West Emperor Pagoda and Hengyu Furnace stay in the Big Dipper, and Yinghuo and his party must let Ji's Void Mirror and Wuyuan Bell come out~!"

Without giving Qin Xuan time to think about it, Emperor Yaochi Baiyu spoke directly.

Although she has a young face, she has stepped into the realm of the Emperor Zhundi in the age when the Great Emperor Wubei became enlightened, and her real lifespan is not much left.

"Uh, doesn't Aunt Bai think these two imperial soldiers are very strong?"

In the face of Yaochi Baiyu Zhundi's questioning, Qin Xuan spoke directly, as if in his heart, among all the imperial soldiers in the entire Beidou, the Void Mirror and the Beginning Bell are among the best.

In response to Qin Xuan's rogue's answer, Emperor Yaochi Baiyu came to Qin Xuan in one step, "Tell me seriously, if you keep messing around like this, believe it or not, I will really take care of you~!"

When Emperor Bai Yuzhun spoke, he raised his jade-white hand.

At her level, not to mention that Qin Xuan is not the emperor's son, even if Qin Xuan is the emperor's son, she can take care of him directly.

Even if the Great Emperor can turn his hands to suppress the Quan Emperor in reality, as long as there is no great hatred, the Great Emperor will still retain enough respect for him.

Wait, how does this style resemble that of the Queen Mother of the West, the Holy Lord of Yaochi!

Could it be that the surface is gentle, but in fact the "cleaning up" is passed down from here.

Moreover, what makes him speechless is, is his answer a nonsense?

History has proved his words, when it comes to the power of imperial soldiers, the Beginning Bell and the Void Mirror really surpass other extreme emperor soldiers by a large margin!

Could it be that he could point to the nose of Emperor Yaochi Baiyu and say, "These two imperial soldiers have the potential to evolve into immortal weapons." Qin Xuan estimated that once he finished speaking, the next conversation would not be able to continue.

It will evolve into a drama of the Yaochi female Zhundi cleaning up the naughty congenital celestial body!

"The Void Mirror, as a space-type polar soldier, must go to the ancient star of Yingzhuo. If there are unexpected variables, the mirror can at least ban the entire ancient star of Yingzhuo in a short time, and strive for the follow-up solution. Time~!"

Qin Xuan spoke earnestly, and the reason he gave was barely recognized by Emperor Yaochi Baiyu.

Banning the space of an ancient star can still be done if the Void Mirror is fully recovered!In this regard, both the West Emperor Pagoda and the Hengyu Furnace seem to be a bit incompetent. After all, there is no one who can control the void.

"The Void Mirror seals off the space just in case, so why does it have to be dispatched by the Beginningless Bell? You must know that the Beginningless Bell is suppressing the remnants of the ancient royal family. During this period, there is an emergency. Can you bear the consequences?"

Yaochi Baiyu Zhundi, who was fortunate enough to live in the same era as Emperor Wushi, may know more about Zishan than Qin Xuan, so he does not recommend using Wushizhong from the bottom of his heart!

The Beginning Bell has the mission of suppressing the remnants of the Taikoo tribe, this is an indisputable fact!

In the face of Yaochi Baiyu Zhundi's questioning, Qin Xuan was unable to express his bitterness.

He can't say that the Great Emperor Wushi once confronted a terrifying existence at a certain node on the road to becoming an immortal from the ancient star!Let people bring the Beginning Bell to the past to see if they can activate the Dao that it stays there, and help them solve the Yingpu mutation!

"...The Great Emperor once walked the world for tens of thousands of years, and this world should still be engraved with its dao marks. Don't you think it would be safer to carry the Beginning Bell? Hehe, maybe it will accidentally activate the Great Emperor's legacy in this world. The imprint of it might even be there!"

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