At the same time, I also look forward to getting my own opportunities here!

Because there was once a Buddhist monk who was stuck in the sage king's realm and could not enter an inch, and obtained a broken quasi-emperor-level ancient Buddha relic here. He broke the shackles of heaven and earth and entered the great holy realm just ten years ago!

Since then, Ying Dang Gu Xing has almost become a treasure hunt place. As long as the monks are good enough to hold their own luck, they all come here!

There are opportunities and disasters!

There are a lot of destined people who can get the residual relics, but more of them are shocked to death by the Ji Dao Qi machine leaking from time to time on the ancient star of Yinghuo.

Under the King of Saints, he was contaminated by the qi machine of the extreme way. Unless he carried a heavy treasure with him, he would be killed or injured!

Only the sage king and even the monks in the realm of the great sages can survive under the aura of Dacheng Demon Venerable, Demon Buddha Supreme, and Wu Beginning Great Emperor!

As for the eighteen layers of hell in the depths of the Zhenmo Tower, Dacheng Demon Lord and Demon Buddha Supreme have faced each other for 17 times!

It was deeply buried. There was a great sage who tried to explore the entire eighteenth floor of hell, but when he reached the sixteenth floor, he couldn't go any further!

"The seventeenth floor is buried with an emperor~!"

This was the sentence left by the great sage who was looking for it after he withdrew, and then the whole person's pupils became blood red, and he went crazy!

Beidou Donghuang, a big black dog looked at a group of demon youths who were waving fists and feet not far ahead, and there was an indelible loneliness in his eyes.


"Xiong Batian, is your special mother's skin itchy again? Did you fight the Batian Bear Demon Fist like that? Are you Batian? It's almost the same as knocking on the sky~!"

A paw slapped directly at a slightly chubby but majestic boy who looked naive and stupid.

Before he could react, the bear boy who was throwing his fist was stuck on the stone wall by a black claw.


The stone wall let out a whimper and collapsed!

"Hey, Uncle Hei, can you say something before you hit me again, this is already the ninth wall I've crashed through~!"

The majestic young man smiled naively, patted his butt and stood up like no one, looking at the stone wall that he had smashed down again, there was grievance on his thick eyebrows.

There is a nine-point resemblance between the face and the big Zhuang who was looking for Qin Xuan's spiritual fruit in the West Desert!

However, compared with the naive little guy back then, he has become taller and stronger!

"Wang... They say Xiong is blind, are you a bear deaf, I reminded you so loudly that you didn't hear it~!"

The Black Emperor was so angry that he dared to question it. Another claw was sent. This time, the monster boy named Xiong Batian finally reacted!


Dantian gathers qi, round sea roars, and there is domineering fist force above both fists.

"Uncle Hei, this time I can pick up...!"

Well, before he finished speaking, the [-]-meter zhuangshuo body flew across at a faster speed than the previous one.

Looking at Xiong Batian who had run through several stone walls in a row, the big black dog took out his nostrils with his paws.

"I forgot to tell you just now, the emperor confiscated his strength, and used strength comparable to the level of slashing, not the strength of the dragon realm~!"

The smug boy in the dog's eyes, who is watching martial arts together, has a heart.

"Okay, today's practice is over, do whatever you like, this emperor has no time to accompany you~!"

The big black dog walked towards Zishan with enchanting steps.

"Mother, the big Zhuang boy who has entered the realm of dragon transformation, his skin is getting more and more serious, and I have to force this emperor to use the power beyond the realm of dragon transformation to beat him~!"

One step and three shakes, so uncomfortable!

After a while, the entrance of Zishan appeared in front of the Black Emperor.

There were two slim figures waiting for it. The older girl was about twenty-five years old. She was wearing a light green Luo skirt. The willow leaf brows were slightly wrinkled. There were bursts of murderousness in her eyes looking at the big black dog. Beito bit his moist lower lip, and there was a sneer on his crystal clear face.

The girl beside her looked a little small, but she was also like a seventeen or eighteen-year-old flower bone, just the age of budding.

A pair of water-like eyes blinked and blinked, and there was a lot of agility between the Black Emperor and the girl beside him, hiding a thick smile!The brilliance radiated like a gemstone dimmed the brilliance of the entire world.A pure white scarf wrapped around his neck, with a white face between his ears, like a fairy transformed from a jade rabbit above the vast cold.

Paired with Shuanglian, the temperament is different!But they are all peerless and independent!

The big black dog shuddered, and a brake just stopped his pace.

Oh my god, why are these two aunts.

"Then what, Hong Bao and Qin girl, this emperor has sensed the fluctuations emanating from the Beginning Bell in the past few days, so I will go and find it back~!"

The big black dog came casually with an excuse, and when he turned his neck, he turned his head and was about to go back!

Like the incarnation of a jade rabbit, the young girl who looked younger laughed lightly.

"Sir Hei Huang, even Hong Bao has heard these words no less than a hundred times. The Beginning Bell has disappeared for fourteen years. Are you sure you can still find it?"

The 430-year-old girl who claimed to be Hongbao exposed the lie of the black emperor with a smile, making the black emperor look bright!

"Oh, isn't it, that should be Ji Void, that guy who offered to fight me on the mountain of immortality, yes, the emperor remembered it wrong!"

"Lord Black Emperor, are you sure you can make an appointment with Ji Void? If it wasn't for Brother Dizi...!"

The girl Hongbao's tone was stagnant, and there was a hint of sadness in her eyes!But it's hard to go on. The bell of the Beginning Emperor is gone, and her brother, the emperor's son, has also not returned!

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