What's even more speechless is that every time such a situation occurs, Duan De's strength will be stronger by three points.

This made the twelve great masters who practiced under the supervision of Qin Xuan look like they had no temper, and even Duan De would become the "children of other people's family" in Qin Xuan's mouth when he was guiding the practice of the twelve great masters. son"

Ten years have passed by, but Wucheng remains the same!

However, the strength of the powerhouses within it has undergone earth-shaking changes. Led by Qin Xuan, fourteen saint-level powerhouses stand above Wucheng, looking down, all the saints’ coercion covers Wushu The radius of the city is thousands of miles.

On the left side of Qin Xuan is Duan De, who still looks itchy and twitching, and his plump body doesn't look like a saint-level powerhouse!

His strength is completely by mistake, eating the remains of his previous life, and then entering the holy realm. If you ask him to tell how he entered the holy realm, Duan De will definitely tell you crying and laughing. Inadvertently entered the holy realm.

On the opposite side of Qin Xuan are the twelve great masters who have initially stimulated the bloodline power of the Holy Body. Perhaps their individual bloodline strength is far from the desolate Holy Body of the Eight Classics. Xuan rubbed his nose, even if it was Chu Fei, who had been befriended by Beidou Donghuang, he would have to clean up after a while.

The twelve great deities stand together, their blood and energy rushing straight to Xiao Han, each of them is like a god king coming to the world, looking down on the world!

Qin Xuan is very much looking forward to the look on Chu Fei's face when the ancient sacred body meets them one day!

"The Holy Body is the strongest, it is the body of battle, and its bloodline carries the inextinguishable fighting spirit of the human race~!"

"The Holy Body is complete, you can fight the emperor! Come, let me see your achievements in the past three years~!"

Qin Xuan carried his hands on his back. Compared with ten years ago, his aura became more profound at this time. When he went to that station, he would become the focus of attention between heaven and earth without deliberately exuding his power.

The qi and blood of the Twelve Great Venerables were boiling, and a fighting spirit born from the blood was brewing in the world with a touch of unyielding. In the face of Qin Xuan's provocation, they did not do anything, but kept looking for the flaws in Qin Xuan's body. , then deploy Thunder Clap.

They couldn't help but think of the scene that happened over Wucheng three years ago.

The sky was filled with thunder, the towers and palaces were intertwined, and the shadows of humanoid creatures appeared. It was not too much to say that the world was destroyed by thunder.

One person exclusively owns the phantoms of the nine Great Emperors. Compared with them, twelve brothers and sisters have passed through the calamity at the same time, and they are able to compete with the Pediatrics that the nine saints have.

At that time, Duan De was speechless. The nine saint-level young emperors and the nine saint-level Dacheng Sacred Body phantoms actually manifested twice in the same place (of King Nuo) in just ten years.

If it weren't for the fact that he still felt the shackles and suppression in the dark, he almost thought that the ancient star of the ancient world was about to usher in a prosperous era of explosive cultivation.

"." Battle ~! "

Twelve voices of different colors were emitted neatly, and the fist of six reincarnations appeared.

Whether it is the first Wutian, the second Wudi, the seventh Wuyin, and the tenth Wuyu, the whole body is covered by the pale yellow holy body blood, and it is about to break the shackles of the avenue. The fist intent fills the world.

As the fist intent continued to condense, the blood energy between the twelve great deities resonated with the origin of the Holy Body, and the golden blood energy belonging to the Holy Body covered their position.

In the golden field, this is the power of the same blood energy that belongs to the Twelve Great Venerables! .

Chapter [-]: Holy Land Showdown

In the shroud of the golden realm, the Twelve Great Reverends are like twelve ancient sacred bodies between heaven and earth, each with pale golden blood energy transformed into a golden dragon, making a rumbling and surging sound.

Qin Xuan's expression was a little surprised. He didn't expect them to keep a hand. You must know that in the previous discussion-sex duel, the Twelve Great Venerables did not use such a golden field.

Feeling the faint suppression of the golden domain formed by twelve homologous bloodlines, Qin Xuan did not resist, but allowed the golden domain to shroud himself in it.

He wanted to experience this so-called golden field and see if these twelve "half-crippled" desolate holy bodies could hurt him.

The Six Paths of Reincarnation is performed on the fists of the Twelve Great Venerables. Even if it is not as good as the Great Accomplished Holy Body, it can reverse the space and evolve the reincarnation, but it is still possible to interpret the illusory reincarnation shadow.

No one knew what it was like when twelve people with thin Eucharistic bloodline evolved the Fist of Reincarnation at the same time, but Qin 497 Xuan, as the first person in history, felt it.

Twelve people waved the Six Paths of Samsara Fist in unison, and a total of twelve illusory gates of Samsara flashed. Under the superimposition of two and two, it happened to be the Gate of Six Paths of Samsara, which was in line with the true meaning of Six Paths of Samsara Fist.

This is far better than the evolution of the Gate of Six Paths by one person. Under the combined attack of this move, the space seems to be involved in the shadow of the Gate of Reincarnation. Qin Xuan suddenly felt that the entire space seemed to be rejecting and blocking him.

"Suppress the enemy, strengthen one's own side, hehe, not bad, but deal with me?"

"Not enough~!"

Qin Xuan carried his hands on his back, and his whole body radiated endless purple light. The purple air came three thousand miles eastward and spread out from Qin Xuan's back. It also turned into a purple field to protect Qin Xuan.

With Qin Xuan as the center, it expands little by little, forcing the golden field composed of golden blood to retreat little by little.

When the six gates of reincarnation were formed, Qin Xuan stretched out his hands behind his back, pointed to swords, swallowed the purple sword glow, and waved directly at the phantom of the gate of reincarnation that was suppressed by the head.

The purple light long sword collided with the light and shadow of the door of reincarnation, and I saw that the door of reincarnation flickered for a while, but it was tenaciously carried down and did not disappear.

On the contrary, with the resonance of the other five doors of reincarnation, the phantom of the door of reincarnation that was slashed by Qin Xuan's purple light sword actually stabilized.

A sonic boom sounded in the space, and twelve golden fists manifested from the six gates of reincarnation with an indomitable fighting intent.

It is like a peerless battle king attacking across borders, to suppress the provocative demons below!

Qin Xuan danced his arms, his left hand evolved the yin, his right hand moved the sun, yin and yang were united, and a gate of yin and yang appeared, blocking his front.

The space was hollowed out by Qin Xuan's step.

A big purple foot descended from the sky, and the Great Emperor Wubei's footsteps fell out of thin air from above the nine heavens, and stepped on the door of the six reincarnations just like that.

If the war king dares to cross the border, then the immortal king can naturally punish him.

The ripples in the space rippled, and the purple feet on the sky were at a stalemate with the phantom of the gate of six reincarnations.

"Hmph, give me a crack~!"

The first great Wu Tian shouted, (bidh) the phantom of the gate of reincarnation maintained by him and the second great shaman, directly out of their control, and launched a crazy collision against the phantom formed by stepping on the sky. .

Where the two clashed, the golden and purple rays of light turned into streamers and continued to dissipate.

"Let go~!"

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