Ye Fan turned his head to look, but saw that the street in Qingfeng Town crossed the entire town.

And at the end, it leads to a layer of mountains, there is no danger at all, it just gives Ye Fan a sense of oppression from the vicissitudes of the years, that kind of feeling...

"That's the road to the Forbidden Land."

With Duan De's explanation, Ye Fan finally understood.

The land occupied by the State of Yan in the Eastern Wilderness is not small, but all the central areas are barren and ancient forbidden areas, surrounded by the six caves of the State of Yan.

And each of the six major caves has an entrance to the ancient forbidden land. The Qingfeng Town in Yanxia Dongtian is guarded at the entrance of the ancient forbidden land, so there are so many cultivators in a small town.

Although the ancient forbidden land is dangerous and impermanent, the opportunities in it are also coveted by countless cultivators.

Ye Fan, who escaped from the dead in the ancient forbidden land, naturally understood that the berries and divine springs they consumed could drive the cultivators crazy.

"Mother, if Master Dao can also go in and venture in, maybe he will develop again." Duan De looked at the ancient forbidden land with a coveted face.

" go in...they're there, you'll die...".

Chapter [-] Tianxuan old madman

Just as Duan De finished speaking, there was a slight sound next to Ye Fan and the others.

Ye Fan and Duan De turned their heads and saw an old man with a shaggy beard, unkempt hair, and ragged clothes that smelled of musty crouching under the big rock in front of the entrance to the Forbidden Land. Li was constantly muttering:

"Don't go'll die...they're all dead, so are you...all gone..."

"It seems that it is a cultivator who has entered the ancient forbidden area to find treasures. What danger has you encountered and drove you crazy?"

Duan De didn't pay much attention to the old lunatic who was squatting under the stone and muttering to himself, but turned around and ran to the inn built on the street:

"You can't starve others to starve Daoist himself, Ye Fan, come in and eat. Little Er! Serve the Daoist with chicken and wine!"

Ye "[-]" Fan did not follow Duan De into the inn, but turned to look at the old man who was still talking madly. From the ramble of the mad old man, Ye Fan could barely hear what happened.

This crazy old man's partner should have had a huge accident in the ancient forbidden land. In the end, only the crazy old man survived, but all the other partners were buried in the ancient forbidden land.

All the partners were buried here, and only myself survived. This is a kind of luck, and it is also another more painful misfortune.

Ye Fan sighed, and walked slowly beside him an old woman leaning on a dragon head crutches, her entire back was hunched over and looked old, but she was walking towards the entrance to the barren land.

The old woman saw Ye Fan standing in front of the old madman with a somewhat pitiful expression, so she said:

"You're not the first person to be moved by the misery of this old maniac, who saw him sitting here crying more than [-] years ago."

Ye Fan's expression froze, as if shocked by what the old woman said.

For more than two thousand years, these two old people have lived for at least two thousand years?And this old madman doesn't seem to be as old as the old woman. What has he experienced?

"Eight thousand years ago, there was a holy place in this ancient forbidden land, named Tianxuan. Later, the entire Tianxuan Holy Land was destroyed, and all the people who gave a holy place fell into it. This lunatic is said to be the Tianxuan Holy Land. The only one who survived."

Looking at the old madman who was squatting under the stone and crying for people not to enter the ancient forbidden land, Ye Fan was slightly moved. This mad old man had experienced such a desperate catastrophe.

The Holy Land was destroyed, and all his fellow disciples died tragically. No wonder this old man went crazy for thousands of years.

"I don't have much lifespan now. When I'm dying, let's go to this barren and ancient forbidden land again. Life and death have a life."

The old woman looked at the desolate and ancient forbidden land in front of her with her turbid old eyes. The dragon-headed crutch gently stabbed the ground, and she disappeared in front of Ye Fan without a sound.

Ye Fan was surprised at first, and then relieved. The lifespan can last for thousands of years, so this old woman is also a certain character in Donghuang.

With a sigh, Ye Fan took a deep look at the old madman, and finally turned around and walked towards the inn. Only the old madman was left alone, squatting under the big rock, shivering and crying non-stop. sentence.

Just as Ye Fan stepped into the door of the inn, a slender purple figure also walked to the position where he had just stood, looking at the old madman beside the stone.

Looking at the lost old madman in front of him, Qin Xuan was quite emotional, but he couldn't say anything when he opened his mouth.

In his previous life, he had already known the deeds that one of the three heroes of Tianxuan had experienced. Now that he had met with his own eyes, he truly understood how deeply the tragedy of the destruction of the Holy Land and the death of all his fellow disciples left the old madman's heart.

It should have been the most powerful Heavenly Jade Holy Land in Beidou. He devoted all the power of the Holy Land to attack the ancient forbidden land, trying to pacify the forbidden land, but it was all destroyed within the ancient forbidden land.

Except for Wei Yi, it can be said that the only surviving person in the entire Tianxuan Holy Land is the old lunatic.

"Brother, why does this old grandpa look so pitiful?"

Xiao Nannan held Qin Xuan's hand and looked at the old madman in front of him with big eyes full of mist.

"Because Grandpa has suffered a lot of people's pain in his heart."

It seems that he heard the voices of Qin Xuan and Xiao Nannan. The old madman who was blind and crying all of a sudden suddenly choked, turned his head mechanically, and looked at Qin Xuan and Xiao Nannan... ......

Suddenly, the old madman's scattered eyes suddenly shot out two rays of light, and instantly appeared beside Qin Xuan and Xiao Nannan from the stone.

The beard and the dirty old hands kept shaking. They first looked at Qin Xuan, and then at the little girl who was holding hands by him.


Rao is an old madman who has been crazy for thousands of years, but the moment he faced Qin Xuan and Xiao Nannan, he became sober.

He didn't sense anything wrong. The two people in front of him were flowing with an ethereal rhythm...

how is this possible……

The old madman had a blank look in his eyes.

The purple shirt moved lightly in the wind, Qin Xuan leaned down and hugged Xiao Nan Nan, looking at the old lunatic and sighing:

"One of the three heroes of Tianxuan in the past, but now it has fallen to this point."

"Haven't you ever thought of saving all the fellow disciples buried in the Holy Land, as well as the heroic spirit of the person you never forget?"

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