Listening to the words of the Ruthless Man, Ru Mengxue also felt the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, then nodded and sighed.

"Nine Heavens and Ten Earths have never been oppressed by the Dao of Heaven, but after all, it is only a Middle Thousand World. I didn't expect this Great Thousand World to become like this because of the Dao of Heaven."

"With such strength, I am afraid that even nine days and ten places can't fight it..."

After all, the Ruthless Emperor and the others have cultivated to an existence that is almost close to the realm of the Great Dao. The vision above the Immortal King soon noticed the abnormality of the world of Honghuang.

One flower, one world, one leaf and one bodhi, there are three thousand worlds outside the chaos, and the prehistoric world is one of the few great worlds in the three thousand worlds, and even the way of heaven has never really formed, and the road to longevity has gone through endless. Nine days and ten places were opened up by Qin Xuan alone in the years, and only 700 years ago is just an ordinary little world.

Three thousand worlds, big and small, have distinct levels. Otherwise, when the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths are still in the ancient times, it is impossible for another dark world outside the territory to successfully invade the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. It is precisely because Qin Xuan and the others are located in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths. It is the weakest little thousand world.

However, even if it is Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, after Qin Xuan walked the road of immortality, made the secret of longevity public, and integrated the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, after so many thousands of years, the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths have become one A world that cannot be underestimated.

Immortal immortality is no longer an extravagant hope for living beings, and even the Great Emperor is no longer the last end of the road of cultivation.

It's just that from the beginning of its formation, it has already been a prehistoric world. At this time, the power of the entire world is weak.

Apart from the fact that they are firmly in control of the entire prehistoric heaven behind their backs, there are only a few prehistoric saints in the prehistoric realm who are comparable to the realm of the Red Dust Immortals in the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, not to mention those Jinxian and Daluo Jinxian.

In such a fragile big (bcae) thousand world, even if Qin Xuan led the sentient beings in the nine heavens and ten places, which were only in the middle thousand world, to attack, the prehistoric sentient beings would not have any room to fight back.

Tiandao controls the spiritual lifeline of the entire flood in his own hands, just to strengthen himself. As the resources of the entire world continue to be depleted, all living beings will naturally lose the opportunity to set foot on a higher realm. This is a kind of ignorance. , also a kind of sadness.

"If it weren't for the fact that his head was on the heavens, I'm afraid that the prehistoric world would have grown into the style of the real Great Thousand World since these q years."

Qin Xuan raised his head with his hands on his back and looked at the already dim sky, and said to Ru Mengxue and the Ruthless Great Emperor.

When he was involved in the slowly forming world because of the chaotic tide, Qin Xuan saw with his own eyes three thousand chaotic gods and demons with power comparable to the peak of immortal kings and quasi-immortal emperors.

The stalwart figure who almost killed the rest of the chaos gods and demons holding a handful of Chaos Treasures, has been engraved in Qin Xuan's mind so far.

At the beginning of the prehistoric world, it gave birth to a powerful force that could not be confronted by the nine heavens and ten places. However, under the calculation of the avenue, in the end, the three thousand chaos gods and demons were not able to break through the final realm of the avenue, and almost all died in the slaughter of the prehistoric avenue. Under the pressure of the Dao, the whole world was gradually squeezed into what it is today by its incarnation of the Dao of Heaven.

"If the last moment comes, be sure to let us help you."

Ru Mengxue stretched out two jade hands worriedly, grabbed the collar of Qin Xuan's chest, raised her head slightly and said with tenderness in her eyes.

"Don't worry, with this emperor's current cultivation base, what can he do even in the heyday of the Great Desolate Avenue?"

Qin Xuan said with a slight smile, but Ru Mengxue shook her head and put a finger directly on Qin Xuan's lips.

Seeing Ru Mengxue's worried expression, Qin Xuan's expression gradually softened, and he glanced at the Ruthless Emperor who was also standing on the side.

Qin Xuan stretched out his hand and pulled over the Ruthless Great Emperor, who was silent but just looking at him. The two stunning female emperors took off the veils covering their faces, and their eyes were full of autumn water. He looked straight at Qin Xuan.

Their faces can only be seen by the man in front of them. Even if others want to spy on one or two, they must be completely destroyed between heaven and earth.

"This emperor knows what you are worried about... Well, if there is any danger at that time, this emperor will never take the risk alone."

"Don't worry us both."

"elder brother."

Looking at the two women who fell in love with him and had been with him for a long time, Qin Xuan nodded solemnly and promised them.

"Don't worry, otherwise, why would you be brought into the flood?"

Qin Xuan smiled and stretched out his hands, hugging Ru Mengxue and Ruthless Emperor into his arms.

While staying with them on Penglai Immortal Island, Qin Xuan had already informed them of everything that happened after he left the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths.

For the sake of the three thousand chaotic gods and demons and Pangu, Qin Xuan used his own power of the Immortal Emperor to fight against the ancestors of Hongjun in the Battle of Kaitian, and there was also the strongest creature Pangu on the Great Desolate Avenue.

Although the Honghuang Avenue and other existences were finally severely damaged, Qin Xuan himself almost died at the time, and even the body of the Immortal Emperor, who was already at the peak of the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths, almost collapsed, so Qin Xuan could only be forced to separate one. The incarnation of Lingguang was re-cultivated in the wild, while the body was placed in chaos, and it was slowly repaired by absorbing the breath of chaos like the former soldiers of reincarnation.

It was precisely because of the experience of almost destroying her against the Great Desolate Avenue that Ru Mengxue was so worried about Qin Xuan.

Even if Qin Xuan is now back at his peak and has made breakthroughs, who knows whether the Great Desolate Avenue, which has been hidden behind the scenes, will also recover from his injuries and, through the exploitation of the floods, he has gathered all the power of the Great Thousand Worlds. to itself?

Since ancient times, it is difficult to be affectionate. Seeing Ru Mengxue and the Ruthless Emperor's affection towards him, even if Qin Xuan had already made up his mind, and he had planned everything in advance, he still sincerely agreed to the two in front of him. woman. ."

Chapter [-]: The Stone Statue of Emperor Wa

The once prosperous imperial city of the Shang Dynasty has also become like this under the Wudao rule of King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty. In Chaoge City, there is only one palace of the King Zhou with its gates closed, which is still brightly lit and singing every night.

The night has slowly descended. At this time, in a ruined temple like a gathering place for the poor in Chaoge City, there are also some ordinary people who have been impoverished and homeless under the oppression of the dignitaries of the dynasty. .

On the walls of the collapsed temple, the splendor of when it was built still remains.

And at the end of the ruined temple, on the stone platform that has been mostly destroyed, there is a still holy and clean female stone statue that still stands on it. It is coiled on the stone platform, the tail of the snake is upward.

However, the face of the stone statue was obscured by a few red rags hanging down from the beam, and it was impossible to see what it looked like.

The bright moonlight above the clouds reflected on the earth, and also illuminated the three golden characters on the dilapidated huge plaque hanging above the gate of the ruined temple.

Nuwa Palace.

The Nuwa Palace, which was forced and built by King Zhou of Shang and spent a lot of manpower and material resources, has become such a dilapidated place at this moment, and even the homeless poor people in Chaoge City are barely living. last harbour.

In the vast Nuwa Palace, at this moment, there are many civilians in ragged clothes, most of them are old and young women and children. When they are starving, they can only support each other. I randomly found a place to sit down slowly, in order to spend the long night.

The dilapidated buildings behind them were built with the money that King Zhou of Shang ordered Baiguan to collect from the common people. Even the thick stone pillars that fell to the ground were made by the craftsmen ordered by King Zhou of Shang. It was carved with fine jade, but now it is only covered with dust and has become the "bed" of these poor people.

In the Nuwa Palace, a young boy with a youthful face was leaning on the sloping stone pillar, while feeling the coolness from the jade-carved stone pillar behind him, he wrapped his tattered clothes tightly with his hands.

Hearing the groans of other people in Nuwa Palace due to hunger and pain, the young man couldn't sleep for a long time. Following the bright moonlight pouring down from the dilapidated window, the young man wiped his dirty face with the back of his hand and looked at the man in front of him. There is a stone statue of Nuwa sitting on the stone platform.

I heard from my grandfather that although this Nuwa Palace was built by King Zhou using the ointment of the people, it not only cost a lot of manpower and material resources, but also got rid of many people who resisted the decree. With admiration.

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