The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 1 Traveling through the ancient times, with incredible understanding, joining the chat group

The ancient continent is vast and boundless.

Since the creation of the world by Pangu, there has been a catastrophe of ferocious beasts, three clans fighting for hegemony, a battle between Tao and demons, and Hongjun becoming a saint.

So far, the world has respected the immortal way.

At this moment, an island was moving on the North Sea. Not long after, a huge turtle head stuck out from the bottom of the sea. Shen Fei looked at the sky, hatred flashed in his huge turtle eyes, and said, "Can you really not become enlightened?" ?”

He sighed heavily and hid under the sea again.

Good to wear or not.

He actually traveled through time and became a giant tortoise.

It was the ancient giant turtle whose limbs were chopped off to support the sky. Later, when he entered reincarnation and had his limbs chopped off, the Tongtian Cult Master accepted him as a disciple and became the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit among the four major disciples.

It sounds like he is very glorious, and even became a Daluo Golden Immortal.

But later, during the Battle of the Gods, he was brought back to his original form by the Holy Saint. He originally wanted to take him to the West to grow stronger, but his flesh and blood was absorbed by the Nether Blood Mosquito, and he finally turned into a turtle shell.

She wasn't even included in the list of gods because she didn't die in the list of gods.

Shen Fei was originally just reading ancient novels, and suddenly traveled here. Not long ago, he realized himself and finally synthesized his own characteristics.

Then he discovered that he was a giant tortoise.

The giant tortoise of the prehistoric times should have been blessed by nature. It was a different species from the prehistoric times, and it was even said to be one of the ancestors of the tortoises.

After several catastrophes and such a long period of time, he passively absorbed the spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

Now he has a huge body and amazing strength. It can be said that he can make the North Sea churn with just one move!

But even so, he still can't transform.

For species like them, which are born in nature, they often have inherited memories.

Among the inherited memories, there are partial images of Pangu's creation of the world. Some may only see one pair of legs, and some may only see one pair of hands, so most of the innate beings' transformations are not complete.

The more complete the transformation, the more powerful the heel is, because the more memories are passed down.

Therefore, before the human race appeared in the ancient world, they all transformed according to their own wishes.

But Shen Fei knew that the most complete Tao body is the human form, but when he wanted to transform, there was always a force stopping him.

And as his size increases, it becomes more and more difficult for him to transform.

He remembered that many novels said that the giant turtle carried the destiny, but could not transform. It could only continue to grow in size until its limbs were cut off and the body entered reincarnation.


Shen Fei sneered in his heart.

[Ding, congratulations on your enlightenment. The will of the earth in your previous life felt that you were really pitiful and decided to give you some benefits. You have acquired abilities, and your understanding is incredible. 】

"Huh? Goldfinger has just arrived now. His understanding is incredible?"

Shen Fei shook his neck, what's the use now?

He doesn't understand anything.

Your understanding is incredible, but you need to learn some basics. If you say you can master elementary school mathematics to advanced mathematics, then at least you can master elementary school mathematics, and he has nothing.

Even cultivation is just about absorbing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth instinctively and increasing the size.

It was completely different from what he imagined, with five qi in his chest and three flowers on his head.

Without the accumulation of knowledge, there is no way to achieve enlightenment. It seems that I have to find a way to see if I can get the method of cultivation.

But now at least there is hope, and Shen Fei's originally extremely depressed mood is a little cheerful. As long as he can find some basic training knowledge, he can really practice training.

[Ding, Wanjie chat group invites you to enter the chat group, (enter/reject)? 】

It hasn't been long since I swam.

The corresponding information appeared in Shen Fei's mind, and his mood started to get weird. Is this also a golden finger?

Good guys, if any of you come here early, he might have found a way to transform.

If you don’t come, that’s it. Come or two.


Shen Fei suddenly thought that if this group was real, then he wouldn't be able to obtain all kinds of knowledge from the group members, and rely on his understanding to deduce the skills and transform into another form easily.

"join in!"

A light curtain emitting gleaming blue light also unfolded in front of his eyes. Above the light curtain was an interface like the penguin group chat he had used in his previous life.

The interface also followed, with several pieces of information popping up in succession.

【Ding! The ancient giant turtle has joined the chat group! 】

[Huo Wu will always be my goddess: Prehistoric? What is the prehistoric thing, a giant turtle... Could it be that the newcomer is a turtle? 】

[A person from Wudang Mountain: I don’t know, I thought only people could come in, but I didn’t expect turtles could come in? 】

[Peach Blossom Island Little Chef: Hehehe, I didn’t expect that the person who came in this time was not a human being. Turtle, I made turtle soup before...]

[I am Spider-Man: As long as all the people who come in are our friends, don’t scare others at first... don’t be a turtle. 】

[Peach Blossom Island Little Chef: I was just kidding! 】

[Burn, burn for me: Wow, a new person has joined, and there is one more person in our big family. I am about to continue my journey! Unfortunately, my father rejected my idea of ​​entering Wano Country again. 】

Shen Fei looked at the three messages that appeared one after another.

Huo Wu will always be my goddess?

You can't tell who it is. There is a Huo Wu in almost every world, and people with this name usually don't look too bad. It's normal for them to lick dogs a lot.

As for a person in Wudang Mountain, the one who can be called this is probably the iron-clad Zhang Sanfeng in the flowing chat group.

A flash of light flashed through Shen Fei's tortoise eyes. Zhang Sanfeng was indeed the mentor of all realms. Master Zhang must have a skill in his hands, and he didn't know how he could get it.

Needless to say Spider-Man, Peter Parker, I don’t know which Peter Parker it is, there are so many Peter Parkers, if it is Spider-Gwen, that lizard-man Peter is destined to die.

The little cook on Peach Blossom Island should be Huang Rong, her features are so obvious.

This [Burn, burn it for me], combined with his words, it looks like the Pirate King, the fire dog Ace who makes a mess of the natural fruits.

In other words, Zhang Sanfeng and Huang Rong should be the only ones who can get the skills.

"No, there is another person."

Shen Fei glanced at the group members. With him, there were now seven people in total, which meant there was still one person who hadn't come out yet. Shen Fei glanced at the names of the group members.

【Guardian Spirit of Stone Village】


The guardian spirit of Ishimura?

I thought that there wouldn't be many powerful people in this chat group at the beginning. The most powerful people in this chat group should be Ace or Zhang Zhenren. It turns out that there is a giant crocodile in the fish pond.

This is obviously Liu Shen.

Shen Fei naturally wanted to use many techniques in Liu Shen's hands, but there was no response even when he entered the group, and he didn't know what he was doing.

Forget it, if you have an understanding that defies heaven, you should be able to deduce a skill that can be practiced based on Master Zhang's skills.

[Ancient Giant Turtle: Just call me Shen Fei. 】

[Burn, burn for me: Shen Fei? An Oriental, Mr. Zhang, your fellow countryman. Then you can take it with you. 】

[A person from Wudang Mountain: OK, OK, newcomer. My name is Zhang Sanfeng! This is the chat group of all worlds. We all come from different worlds.

Currently, only three group functions are enabled: points function, red envelope function and upload function.

Points can be used to strengthen and exchange things uploaded by group friends. Red envelopes can be sent to group friends or exclusive group friends. 】

Shen Fei raised his eyebrows, "Strengthen?" He didn't expect that there was such a function. In the chat interface, he quickly saw [Strengthen].

Shen Fei's personal information appeared on the panel.

[ID: Giant Turtle]

[Plane: Prehistoric]

[Strength: Six Stars from All Realms (Innate Creatures)]

[Points required for strengthening: 100000000]

Shen Fei looked embarrassed, mainly because he had no points!

[Prehistoric Giant Turtle: I don’t have points to strengthen it. By the way, do you have any skills? 】

[Huo Wu will always be my goddess: Newcomers, let me first tell you what realm you are in. The strongest ones now are Zhang Zhenren and Ace. They are one star in all realms. I, Xiaotian, Peter, and Huang Rong are all sporadic stars.

As for the guardian spirit of Shicun, he has never spoken since he joined the group, and he doesn’t know where he came from. 】

[Prehistoric Giant Turtle: The strength is six stars in all realms. By the way, do you have any skills? 】

[Huo Wu will always be my goddess:? ? ? 】

[A person on Wudang Mountain:? ? ? 】

[I am Spider-Man:? ? ? 】

[Burn, burn for me:? ? ? 】

The new book is on the road, and the flood is flowing.

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