Neither of them expected that the other party was so powerful.

The twelve ancestral witches and the nine quasi-sages fought together in an instant. The world was turned upside down, the sky and the earth lost color, the sky was overturned, and the void was shattered.

Wisps of calamity-inducing energy were rising at this moment.

Although Da Luo's strength and combat effectiveness are extremely powerful, the devastation caused to the entire prehistoric period is not worth mentioning.

The origin of the ancient world is too powerful.

Even if a part of the sky is destroyed, as long as the Mount Buzhou that supports the heaven and earth and the membrane of heaven and earth that wraps the ancient world are still there, it can be quickly restored under the operation of the ancient world itself.

Just like a skin injury on the human body, even if blood oozes out, it can be healed in just a few hours.

But for battles at the quasi-saint level, they have already begun to use the river of time to fight. Battles at this level often pull out the river of time, constantly killing in the past and future.

Sometimes the movement is too loud, which will disturb the development of the downstream and destroy the ancient times. This may lead to the generation of calamity energy, and finally stack up into countless calamity energy, brewing calamity.

Many quasi-sages pulled out the timeline and summoned their own corpses, hoping to severely damage the ancestral witch when he was weak in the past.

They all know that the Wu Clan does not cultivate their souls, their cultivation methods are different from theirs, and their 'past bodies' are not as powerful as theirs.

The barriers of time and space shattered crazily, and figures disappeared into the present world, fluctuating in the past in an instant.

Zhu Jiuyin sneered, and the law of time in his blood spurted out instantly, and the vast endless river of time came out behind him, "Time Branch!"

The vast and boundless river of time instantly divided into countless tributaries, forming tributaries that belonged to the past. In conjunction with this, the Dijiang River also surged out in an instant. The two laws of time and space intertwined with each other, shattering the past and present in an instant. barrier.

Many ancestral witches also transformed into "pasts" who were as powerful as the "present" and fought towards those "past incarnations". Many quasi-sages who were originally confident were surprised when they saw this move.

It turns out that the Witch Clan also has such a method.

"Immortal? That's all! In front of me, do you think you are angry?"

Zhu Rong sneered, a divine bead appeared between his eyebrows, and the fire on his body soared into the sky, instantly breaking through the boundless true sun fire of Dong Wanggong. At the same time, countless flames immediately burned and annihilated the army of the Immortal Court.


Just a few moments.

Countless elites in the Immortal Courtyard were like dumplings, falling one after another, and blood was scattered all over the world, like a rain of blood!

"Hahaha! What kind of garbage is Xianting!"

Zhu Rong laughed. When Prince Dong saw this, he was not angry. Shaoyang Taoist held the Shaoyang Sword and released the Shaoyang Qi of heaven and earth. The vast Shaoyang Qi instantly turned into a huge and boundless Shaoyang Sword and slashed towards Zhu Rong. go.

And the dragon-headed crutch appeared in his hand, turned into a stream of light, penetrated countless time and space barriers, and countless explosions exploded in the wild world.


Tianwu can control all the winds in the world, and countless pitch black winds howl. This is the wind, which can hurt the soul of the immortal and destroy the body of the immortal.

Kun Ling, who was still fighting with Xizi, seemed to have been prepared for it. In an instant, a long sword flew across the air in his hand and slashed Xizi away. The sword energy shone brightly in the sky, and the terrifying power of the sword shocked the ancient world.

Kun Ling Sword.

Kunwu Sword, the top-quality innate spiritual treasure that had fought with Demon Ancestor Luohu, was now in Kunling's hands. Even the slashes of Kunwu Sword in front of Xizi were forced to retreat.

And Kunwu's sword turned and immediately headed towards Tianwu to kill.

"Tian Wu, be careful!"

Xizi roared, the electric light on his body flashed, and he penetrated countless time and space barriers to stop the Kunwu sword. Tianwu had already reacted, but at this time, the dragon-headed crutch, which was originally aimed at Zhu Rong, changed direction instantly and hit Tianwu in an instant.

In other words, their target was Tian Wu.

The two were flanking each other. Zhu Rong was already preparing to defend, but who knew that the dragon-headed cane rushing towards him changed its target in an instant.


But it was too late now.

Tian Wu sacrificed his witchcraft, and a pair of double hooks turned into strong winds of heaven and earth to stop the Kunwu Sword. But how could it be so easy to stop a top-quality innate spiritual treasure? Tian Wu even used his own fleshy palms.

But his hands were still cut through by the incomparable sharpness, and they were bleeding profusely!

The dragon-headed cane behind him hit Tian Wu instantly, "Bang!"

A huge hole emerged in Tian Wu's chest, and countless blood spilled to the sky and earth like a torrential rain. Tian Wu suffered heavy injuries in an instant.

Even if the ancestral witch is first in physical form, the innate spiritual treasure combined with the magic power of a quasi-sage cannot be ignored.



Di Jiang wanted to go to support, but was stopped by Taiqing. Di Jiang roared: "Taiqing! We, the Wu Clan, are incompatible with you!"

Taiqing just looked at it indifferently and said: "We have already been enemies of the Tao, so there is no need to say more. This is the disaster caused by your inability to bear the status of Pangu Zongzong!"


Di Jiang looked over and saw that Tian Wu, who had suffered heavy losses, fell into a more dangerous siege in an instant.

Originally, what he hated most in his heart was Guiyuan, but now Sanqing is even better.

"Second brother!"

Dijiang roared, Zhu Jiuyin suddenly felt blessed and lowered his head and roared.

"Du Tian Shen Sha! Come out!"

A huge flag suddenly appeared above Dijiang's head, with the true form of Dijiang's ancestral shaman embroidered on it. Boundless evil energy emerged, and behind it, Mount Buzhou suddenly had infinite Taoist charm.

Not only him, but also the other ancestral witches.

In an instant, the entire ancient world was shaken. Even Hongjun, who was far away in Zixiao Palace, opened his eyes and looked down at the ancient world, suppressing the trembling Yin Yang Diagram and Pangu Flag.

"Pangu's physical body..."

The giant pillars of metal, wood, water, fire, earth, time, space and other laws, surrounded by the shocking evil aura of the gods, soared into the sky and headed straight towards the stars.


Suddenly, the heaven and earth shook violently, towering mountains collapsed, and endless evil energy from the earth converged towards the twelve ancestral witches.

From the endless ancient land, to the quasi-sages who thought they could traverse the vast wilderness, to the plants and trees that have not yet transformed, they all feel their hearts shaking and restless, as if they are worshiping and in awe.

"The Twelve Capital Gods' Formation, rise!"

With a loud roar that echoed through the prehistoric world, a towering giant silhouette suddenly appeared in the center of the prehistoric Buzhou Mountain and the twelve ancestral witches.

This giant stood tall and tall, holding a giant cold-light axe, and his eyes seemed to contain endless mysteries.

Even if it is just a shadow, it seems to be able to suppress everything in the world. It seems that he is the incarnation of the great road and the master of heaven and earth.

Supreme and eternal.

Just by looking at it, all the creatures in the ancient world could feel their bodies trembling uncontrollably, as well as the natural kindness.

"This is Father God Pangu!"

Yuqing was stunned. What appeared was obviously Father God Pangu in the inherited memory. Has Father God Pangu been resurrected?

Is the Wu clan behind the resurrection of God Pangu?

But soon everyone discovered that Pangu Father God only had a physical body, no spiritual intelligence, and had countless evil and turbid air in his body.

Yu Qing roared angrily, "Witch Clan, how dare you use the body of God the Father!"

They Sanqing resisted the attraction that Pangu's physical body gave him. How dare this witch clan condense Pangu's physical body? !

Di Jiang's voice sounded in his body, "Kill!"

Driven by Di Jiang and others, Pangu's physical body, which was holding the shadow of Pangu's ax tightly, roared and slashed towards Kunling who had just attacked Tianwu.

That ax light penetrated the long river of time and the long river of destiny in an instant.

In an instant.

The sky and the earth changed color, the sun and the moon lost their light, the universe was reversed, as if only the ax light was left flickering in the sky and the earth, Kunling Daoguo trembled, the soul seemed to be stiff at this moment, and time and space were frozen.

Cause and effect and fate all indicate that he will fall under this axe!

‘Wow! ’

In an instant, countless time and space were shattered, and fate was broken. Kunling's past, present, and future belonged to him. No matter time, space, or fate, no trace of him could be found.

His true spirit disappeared instantly under the light of the ax and turned into nothingness.

Even the Kunwu Taoist who was struck out by the Kunwu Sword instantly turned into ashes, and the Kunwu Sword instantly fell into Pangu's body. At this moment.

Everyone was shocked, knowing that the quasi-sage had truly jumped out of the river of time and destiny, trying to get a glimpse of the secret of Hunyuan and contact the immortal of the avenue.

It is Da Luo who has reached another level. It would take a lot of effort for a Da Luo to fall, but this Quasi-Saint fell in an instant. This is too outrageous.

But this ax not only wiped out Kun Ling's true spirit, but also erased all his past and future, as if there had never been any trace of him in the world.

In other words, Da Luo's biggest back-up man was also wiped out after his return in the endless years.

Except for the quasi-sage or Da Luo, who is powerful and unaffected by the long rivers of time and fate, no one remembers him.

And this Pangu body hasn’t stopped yet.

The target he chose this time was directly at the Lord of Immortal Court, Duke Dong. The moment Duke Dong saw Kun Ling fall, he roared: "Escape!"

In an instant, the Shaoyang Sword turned into a ray of light, and the Queen Mother of the West realized something was wrong early and had already escaped. She had long said that the Witch Clan must have a trump card.

Seeing this, Pangu's physical body changed its target and transformed into Sanqing.

Seeing this, Taiqing immediately activated the accompanying treasure, and the exquisite black and yellow pagoda of heaven and earth burst out with billions of brilliant rays of light. Each tower was ten thousand feet high, and countless black and yellow energy fell down. It blessed the law of the boundless avenue and protected the three people extremely tightly. .

In an instant.

Without hesitation, Sanqing cut through the space and escaped through time and space dimensions.

"Be sure to leave one more!"

Di Jiang roared, and the ax in his hand selected the ancestor of Sirius. This guy was the most arrogant just now. Seeing this, Sirius quickly said loudly: "I have always admired the Wu clan...ah!"

Before he could finish speaking, the light of the ax fell, and the Heavenly Wolf Ancestor fell instantly, leaving only a jar floating vaguely into Pangu's body.

Zhu Jiuyin suddenly said: "I have the last ax left, who can I chop it with?"

"The Immortals of the Immortal Court!"

Zhu Rong said quickly, and the others nodded. The others had already fled, and they didn't know where they went with the help of escape techniques. The immortals who had not yet finished running behind just weakened the immortal court's combat power.

"Cut the North Sea!"

Xuan Ming said loudly at this time, and Di Jiang's eyes recalled the humiliation of being blown away by Gui Yuan.

"Okay!" The other ancestral witches also nodded, and Hou Tu sighed in his heart. After this, Guiyuan will either perish or become the sworn enemy of the witch clan!

Zhu Jiuyin did not object. In fact, he did not agree with killing the immortals of the Immortal Court, because once the Immortal Court was weakened too much, it would give the Demon Court too many opportunities. It happened that Guiyuan had a causal relationship with his witch clan.

In an instant, the light of the ax flew out of Pangu's physical hand and slashed towards the North Sea, penetrating countless time and space barriers and breaking the laws of heaven and earth.

In an instant, we arrived in the North Sea.

Guiyuan, who was practicing in Beihai with his eyes closed, suddenly opened his eyes.

"Damn it, Witch Clan!"

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