North Sea bottom.

Shen Fei was absorbing the insights just now.

[You have watched the Chaos Ax Light wielded by Pangu’s physical body, and you have a deeper understanding of Pangu Avenue, which is contained in the Chaos Ax Light of your own magical power...]

[You have observed Pangu’s physical body condensed by the evil spirits of heaven and earth by the witch clan, and you have gained a better understanding of your own body-refining techniques. You can use the method of swallowing evil spirits, turbid air, and resentment from heaven and earth, and the pure and turbid blend together to create chaos...]

Shen Fei's understanding of "God Turtle Zhenhai Jin" has reached a new level. Before, he had only deduced the third layer of "God Turtle Zhenhai Jin", the Golden Ao of Chaos.

But the specific method of cultivation is still being deduced. At the beginning, the main thing was not to be in a hurry.

Because he only has the power of ten giant tortoises in his body now. If he wants to reach the Chaos Golden Ao, he thinks that at least he has to reach the Hunyuan Golden Immortal, which is the way to comprehend the Hunyuan.

I didn't expect it to be performed this time.

Chaos can be formed only by the blending of pure and turbid.

Pure Qi is actually innate spiritual energy, which is why the Wu Clan does not absorb innate spiritual energy, because they themselves are based on turbid energy, if they absorb innate spiritual energy.

If the mingling of pure and turbidity does not understand the law of yin and yang, it will only be like thunder from the sky and fire on the earth, directly destroying the body and being assimilated by chaos. Do you really think that anyone can turn pure and turbid into chaos?

With Shen Fei's realization, in an instant.

The dead air, turbid air, etc. in the deep sea water were absorbed into the giant turtle particles in Shen Fei's body like a whale.

"Witch Clan..."

Shen Fei's mind was wandering. This time he had tested the limit of his defense power. It should be that he could almost ignore the attacks of the quasi-sage, even the top-grade innate spiritual treasures.

Unless it's a magic weapon specializing in attack such as the Chaos Clock or the God-killing Spear.

Of course, if the Twelve Ancestral Witches become more familiar with the Twelve Heavenly Divine Evil Formation, and their strength increases, it will definitely be more powerful. At least as far as he knows, this formation can hurt Hunyuan.

At least that was the case in the prehistoric times.

Just when Shen Fei was about to enter cultivation, he suddenly thought of something. He remembered that the demon clan should also have a corresponding formation, called the Zhoutian Star Dou Formation.

Rumor has it that Taiyi gained enlightenment from the Chaos Clock. This is not the key.

The key is that the source of the power of this Zhoutian Star Formation is the Zhoutian stars that are scattered throughout the heaven and earth membranes. Normally, on the ancient land, unless one practices special laws, it is almost impossible to attract the power of the stars in the sky.

But there is a place for that.


Naturally, what he was talking about was not the Heavenly Court that appeared in Fengshen and Journey to the West, but the Heavenly Court that the Demon Clan later occupied. It was filled with star power and could be said to be the place where the Demon Clan flourished.

Because most of the demon clan have practiced cultivation, especially those who have not yet awakened their wisdom or have just awakened their wisdom for a long time, they are best suited to absorb star power. When the heavenly court is born, the demon clan's strength and potential will skyrocket, completely leaving the immortal court behind.

At this moment, the demon clan has not yet entered the heaven, which means that the heaven has not yet been born.

Shen Fei naturally knew where the Heavenly Court was, at the top of Mount Buzhou.

"It should be okay to go and get a share of the pie."

Although it is definitely impossible for Shen Fei to enter the Heavenly Court, that place can be said to be a top-notch cave heaven paradise. It must contain spiritual treasures and countless spiritual roots. Even the star power accumulated over countless years can make Shen Fei's cultivation more powerful. To go further.

Why not.

Now that Dutian Shensha has emerged and Heavenly Court is about to be born, it should not be a problem for him to open a passage with the help of the power of the Star God in his body and the laws of space.

Thinking of this, he instantly transformed into a Taoist body, sealed Jin'ao Island, and escaped into a spiritual light.

Carp World.

The two-faced turtles and the three came to the Golden Toad Paradise. The two-faced turtle looked at the entertainment facilities. There was no joy like Bubbles and Meimei in his eyes, but full of sadness.

Because the entertainment facilities he knew were all modified by aquatic tribes, those aquariums who could not repay their entertainment debts, and according to the original plot, they would do the same.

But that's because they are playful. After the two-faced turtle knows the plot, he must not be playful!

"Bubbles, Meimei. Aku is inside. The entertainment facilities inside are all transformed by aquatic creatures using magic. We must not be playful!"

The two-faced turtle whispered to Bubble and Meimei.

Paopao wagged his tail, kept glancing at the entertainment facilities, and couldn't help but ask: "No, it looks fun, how about we play first?"

It will take some time to find Aku. "

Meimei floated slightly, looking at the facilities expectantly and said, "How about we play first?"

When the two-faced turtle heard Bubble's words, he was about to refuse sternly, but when he saw Mei Mei's expression, he swallowed the rejection again, "Then let's have fun. But after playing with the gold coins, you can't play anymore."


A fish, a turtle and a jellyfish rushed into the park happily and started playing happily. They played almost every facility several times. Their gold coins were quickly consumed and they became more and more tired.

The final break.

The two-faced turtle was lying down and resting before he realized what he had done. He was also playful.

"Oops, I would have stopped playing if I had known it! But even Bubbles is like this. Without his help, how would I find the box with the dragon scale box?"

The two-faced turtle suddenly thought that if he waited until the plot developed and Aku woke up, he would have no chance to get the blue dragon scales...

So if he wants to get the dragon scales, he must do it before the plot reaches that point, and it is definitely impossible for him to get the dragon scales himself. The only one who can help him is Bubble!

"Bubble! Bubble! Wake up! Wake up!"

The two-faced turtle came to Bubble and shook the dizzy Bubble wildly. He remembered that soon a toad would come to dig through his turtle shell to see if there were any gold coins.

During this time, they had to go out.

"What's wrong..." Paopao was a little confused, opened his eyes, and the two-faced turtle said quickly: "Stop sleeping, listen to me, this place is a playground transformed by magic!...

After hearing this, Paopao was stunned.

For the first time, the Two-faced Turtle revealed to Paopao that he knew the details of the Golden Toad Paradise. Originally, he didn't really want to reveal it. He mainly wanted to show it off in front of Meimei, but suddenly it seemed that he didn't seem to be in front of Meimei. The strength shown in front of you.

And if things are allowed to develop, they will just repeat the same mistakes as the plot.

In this case, it is better to tell Pao Bu about his plan.

"You mean, there is actually a dragon scale in this place, and it was that dragon scale that caused Aku to be controlled, and these facilities were also transformed by magic?

I don't believe this place is so fun, and it's not like you haven't played it before.

How could there be an aquatic creature in here! "

Paopao said matter-of-factly. When the two-faced turtle heard Paopao's words, he did not refute but said: "Give me your golden dragon scales. I will take you to Aku and let you see what's going on here." the truth!"

When Paopao heard the words of the two-faced turtle, he shook his head, "I can only use the dragon scales, and I can't take out the dragon scales..."

The two-faced turtle heard this, "Then you will know when I go out with you now. We must find where the dragon scales are to save these aquatic creatures and Aku!"

"What about Meimei?"


Meimei followed the two-faced turtle and Bubbles out of the room in confusion. Suddenly, the two-faced turtle heard a jumping sound, and it was the one-legged toad coming.

Immediately he saw the three of them and said quietly: "Golden Toad Paradise is not open at night, so we invite the three guests to go and have a rest!"

The two-faced turtle suddenly rushed towards the one-legged toad with its fists dancing, "Look at my invincible turtle fist!"

With the help of the points earned from signing in, the two-faced turtle strengthened his own, and instantly rushed in front of the one-legged toad, punching the one-legged toad until it was dizzy.

"Damn it! How dare you hit me!"

The one-legged toad shouted, and at this moment, a golden light wave suddenly flashed through, instantly knocking out the one-legged toad who was about to yell.


Bubble said quickly that he also discovered a problem. If there was no problem with Golden Toad Paradise, how could it be possible to ban guests from going to Golden Toad Paradise.

When the three of them walked out of the resting place, they saw a scene that shocked them. The entertainment facilities they took during the day had all turned into aquatic creatures, lining up to one place and spitting out gold coins.

"That's Aku!"

Meimei said quickly.

Just as Paopao was about to run over, he was pulled by the two-faced turtle, "Aku is now controlled by the magic of the golden toad. We must find the dragon scales to rescue him!"

At this time, both Bubble and Meimei looked at the two-faced turtle and asked, "Do you know where it is?"

"I don't know, but Jin Chan knows. Jin Chan did not master the dragon scales, but he begged the dragon scales to give him a little magic power. He needs to replenish magic power from time to time.

As long as we follow the golden toad, we can find the dragon scales! "

"How do you know this?" Paopao and Meimei were a little confused. How could the two-faced turtle know such a secret thing? Logically speaking, the two-faced turtle should not know.

The two-faced turtle had no answer, "Don't worry about this for now, the most important thing is to save Aku first!"


Bubble nodded, and they just hid quietly. After all the counted people left, Aku also left, and then they hid somewhere else.

It didn't take long.

The sleeping double-faced turtle hiding in a bunch of grass was woken up by the bubbles. "As expected, this golden toad really appeared."

"Let's go! Let's follow quickly!"

The two-faced turtle shook his head and woke up. He knew that after this time, the lobster would know that the golden toad was hiding the treasure, and then he would have to face the mangy snake. It was best to take advantage of this time to get it quickly.


Bubble took the lead and rushed towards the place where the golden toad jumped, followed closely by the Two-faced Turtle and Meimei. They discovered that this was indeed a passage, and soon they heard the sound of the three-legged golden toad.





"Uh, uh... I'll think about it again, I'll think about it again!"

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