The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 107 Coming to the Carp World and Entering Heaven

"I don't know. I might not know until my ancestor comes."


Meimei was a little confused. The double-faced turtle glanced at the group and said, "Here we come..."

In an instant, the entire sea surface was covered by black shadows. It was still daytime, but suddenly it fell into darkness, and all the water tribes were stunned.

They saw the water flowing close to the sea flowing freely, and countless waves surging.

"Two-faced turtle..." A voice like thunder sounded.

"Old... Ancestor! Ancestor, you are too big!"

The two-faced turtle was stunned. He thought he was already big enough, but who knew that his ancestor was countless times bigger than him? It was as if the entire sea was blocked from sunlight.

"Ask Pao Pao about the golden dragon scales. If he is willing, I will take away all the dragon scales. As for the mangy snake, you can deal with it yourself."

"Okay! Ancestor, those dead aquatic creatures..."

"They will all be resurrected."

The two-faced turtle looked at Bubble and said, "The ancestor will take away your dragon scales, but can help you resurrect your grandma and the octopus leader. Are you willing?"

"Is your ancestor a real dragon?"

"It's not a real dragon...but the real dragon you call needs to be respectful in front of me, hahaha!" Shen Fei was floating in the sea and looked at the three-headed phoenix flying from Tianchi.

"Pure Phoenix bloodline? It has reached the upper limit of the world, and it still has a lot of potential. If you have any questions, go to the Two-Faced Turtle!"

Shen Fei's voice sounded in the ears of the flying three-headed phoenix, and she felt the body that was like an island, even bigger than the island.

He didn't dare to make any mistakes, so he just hovered quietly in the distance, and when the time came, he could just ask the giant turtle what happened to the double-faced turtle in his mouth.

Shen Fei looked back at the two-faced turtle and Bubble and asked, "Have you thought about it?"

Bubble nodded and said: "Okay!"

The golden dragon scales on his forehead instantly turned into golden light and fell into Shen Fei's body, and three dragon scales flew out from all over the ocean and all disappeared into Shen Fei's body.

In an instant.

A new dragon scale appeared in Shen Fei's body, and in an instant, Shen Fei suddenly felt an extremely tiny trace of Tao Yun.

"Ancestral Dragon Dragon Scale?"

Shen Fei was stunned. He didn't expect to have such a harvest in the carp world. The dragon scales after the fusion of the five elements of dragon scales actually had a trace of the ancestral dragon breath. No wonder the bloodlines of the dragon and the three-headed phoenix were so pure.

"It seems that this world has some say!"


Shen Fei's soul rushed into the core of the world in an instant. This world was undoubtedly the Xiaoqian World, but it just felt like this world was a little special.

But the defense was not strong. The soul invaded the origin of the world in an instant and turned into the consciousness of heaven. Now Shen Fei was used to this sigh of turning into the consciousness of heaven.

In an instant, he began to read through the history of this world from his birth to his entry into the heavenly realm.

"It turns out that I was also affected by the overflowing power when I was born..."

This world is the kind of place where the sky is round. It is with this sea, and Shen Fei has found the Dragon Gate. That is the legacy of the real dragon. Most of the power of the True Dragon is in the Dragon Gate.

Otherwise, how could Xiao Carp and the four of them be transformed into real dragons at that time? Although they only had the spirit of a real dragon and no shape of a real dragon, they still had some of the power of a real dragon.

Before this world was born, two drops of blood suddenly appeared next to the origin of the world.

He quickly fell into the world that was about to be born.

One drop of it lies in his hand, which is the dragon scale of the ancestral dragon.

Another drop of blood turned into phoenix feathers, which should be the three-headed phoenix.

That's why this world took shape, and there were only two extraordinary individuals that formed this world.

Otherwise, this world is likely to be a demon-free world, and then disappear in a continuous cycle.

"But where does the blood of the ancestral dragon come from? Is it also a prehistoric world? But this prehistoric world should not be very advanced..."

Shen Fei pondered the breath in the blood.

If so, he would make that prehistoric world a subordinate world to his own inner world.

When the time comes, if there is a world affected by the prehistoric projection, it will be directly integrated into it.

You can ponder this while thinking about it.

But after he is promoted to Hunyuan Golden Immortal and has a deeper understanding of the laws of space, he may be able to find the world directly based on this breath.

"Well...if this ancestral dragon's blood is refined into the Xuanzhong Monument, it should have some magical powers!"

Shen Fei's mind returned to the ancient times, and before leaving, he casually resurrected all the dead folks in Liyu Lake.


Shen Fei landed on the top of Mount Buzhou. As the pillar that supports the world, Mount Buzhou is vast and boundless. Last time, Shen Fei did not appreciate it properly because he wanted to quickly get the innate gourd.

It's somewhat lacking.

"We share the same fate. I will be your successor when the time comes."

Shen Fei laughed to himself.

Looking around, Buzhou Mountain is boundless in front and back, with endless peaks and ridges, and row upon row of cliffs.

There is extremely strong pressure on the top of Buzhou Mountain. If it were not for Da Luo, it would be almost impossible to climb the mountain. This pressure is not only physical pressure, but also spiritual pressure, and even Taoist pressure.

Every moment I am inquiring about my original heart and asking about the path and fruit.

If you can't hold on, you're likely to get hit hard.

Buzhou Mountain is the backbone of Pangu. Even after experiencing so many catastrophes, his Tao charm still remains, and it is the place with the most Tao charm.

This is also one of the reasons why Hongjun did not intervene in the affairs of the prehistoric era before, and it seems that recently because the Wu clan used the twelve capitals of the gods, Buzhou Mountain is now more agile.

Shen Fei calmed down and even felt a faint aura of intimacy coming from him, "Pangu Da...really love fraternity, maybe this is also Pangu's way!"

[You are observing Pangu Taoist rhyme, and you integrate this Taoist rhyme into your own chaotic ax light...]

[You are comprehending Pangu’s spine. Heaven and earth were once united. Pangu’s sun was ten feet long to support the heaven and earth. The spine contains supreme supernatural power. It is strong with body and powerful with strength! 】

[You start to combine the "Nine Transformations Mysterious Technique" that you learned from the ancestral witch body before, and take its magical power - the law of heaven and earth! 】

[You begin to deduce the way to advance in order to master its magical powers - big and small Ruyi! 】

"Those who are as big or small as you want can be likened to the heavens and the earth, or they can be hidden in mustard seeds!"

All the insights from Shen Fei's previous battle with the ancestral witch were drawn out and turned into the material for this insight. He did not expect to gain such a harvest. As expected, the Great God Pangu would not favor one thing over another.

The Wu Clan and Sanqing are indeed the legacy of Pangu Zhengzong, but that was given to them by the prehistoric times.

But as long as you want to understand what Buzhou Mountain left behind, God Pangu will not set any boundaries.

Shen Fei did not stop exploring the Yuanshen, and at the same time, the Daluo Daoguo emerged in the Yuanshen, and the space laws inside continued to spread out, heading towards the top of Buzhou Mountain to explore deeper.

At the same time, he also took out the empty cane that had been warmed in his body for a long time.

With the help of the space laws inside, it continued to spread, but it had penetrated into many layers of space, and Shen Fei still couldn't feel anything about the paradise of cave heaven.

‘Is it really not possible? ’

Shen Fei frowned slightly.

But he still has an ace up his sleeve.

Those are the three hundred and sixty-five star gods.

In an instant, the three hundred and sixty-five star gods in Shen Fei's body worked together, and the power of the stars spread out from the Daluo Dao Fruit.

Many forces work together.

Shen Fei's soul finally felt a special node, a bit like an innate formation, and the power of the Star God was instantly infused into it.


Suddenly there was a tremor, and countless spiritual energy ripples spread from the top of Buzhou Mountain towards the surroundings, and the law spread.

Countless Yaohua spiritual trees around were shaken and opened. The innate spiritual energy atomized into liquid and spread out like a wave. Purple clouds lingered around.

The empty void suddenly trembled, and huge ripples appeared in the entire void.

It was like a huge hole suddenly burst into space.



After the sound, a huge space suddenly appeared in the void, and the space was filled with the power of the stars.

When Shen Fei opened his eyes, he still had to use the power of Zhou Tianxing Dou to enter it. Di Jun and Tai Yi were able to find it probably because their fate matched the Chaos Clock.

And Di Jun and Tai Yi are actually the Sun Star Lords.

It is reasonable for them to master Zhou Tian Xingdou.

Shen Fei took a step forward and instantly entered the gaping hole in the void. What he saw in front of him was a huge heavenly gate.

On the Tianmen, there are three extremely complicated characters written in Taoist texts.


Three big words suddenly appeared in Shen Fei's mind.


It really is this place.

Shen Fei looked around and saw that this space was huge. Even his soul could not quickly see the entire heaven in a short time. Shen Fei stepped forward and directly entered the top thirty-third heaven.

It is also the center of heaven.

There are several large pillars with red-bearded dragons with golden scales twining around them; there are also several long bridges with red-crested phoenixes hovering in the sky with colorful feathers.

Mingxia shines in the sky, and mist covers the mouth. On the birthday stage, there are thousands of famous flowers that have not been removed for thousands of years; beside the medicine refining furnace, there are thousands of evergreen auspicious herbs.

Then he arrived in front of the pilgrimage building, where he was dressed in crimson gauze and the stars were shining brightly; his hibiscus crown was resplendent in gold and green. Jade hairpin, beads and shoes, purple ribbon and gold medal.

The most important thing is that the thousands of square meters of lake floating on the upper level are intertwined with countless star powers.

These are liquids condensed by star power, which is also a type of innate spiritual energy, even extremely high-quality spiritual energy.

It can be regarded as Zhou Tianxingdou's gift to all living beings in the ancient world, and it is also the reason why the demon clan's strength has greatly increased since then.

"It's all mine now!"

Shen Fei opened his mouth and swallowed, and the entire star power liquid lake fell into Shen's mouth like water, and the giant turtle particles and black turtle particles in his body roared.

Countless divine lights swept out, and the turtles roared, frantically extracting the star power brand and turning Shen Fei's mark into Shen Fei's mana.

Shen Fei's weak magic power began to increase rapidly. She closed her eyes to rest and refine her star power.

When his Nine Laws enter the late stage of Da Luo, he can quickly condense his Qi Flower and enter the late stage of Da Luo!

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