Shen Fei collected the black turtle aura in this black turtle magic, and he soon got a similar aura from the soul in the western frontier of the wilderness.

This black turtle was killed in Western Xinjiang, and the clan he left behind was normal in Western Xinjiang.

Shi Hao, on the other hand, was sitting cross-legged on a special futon, comprehending the 'Longing Earth Golden Light' that Shen Fei had just passed on to him. This magical power was much easier to use than the Shrinking Earth Talisman.

"Wake up."

Xiaota saw that Shi Hao had entered the enlightenment mode and waited quietly for a while. When one of the collections appeared, he woke up Shi Hao.

"What was auctioned just now?" Shi Hao came back to his senses. The vertical golden light taught to him by the great immortal was so mysterious that he couldn't help but immerse himself in it.

"Void Beast Skin..."

"Why didn't you wake me up? Such a precious thing..."

"You can't get it either! Don't I know your family background? How can you compete with those pure-blooded creatures?"

Xiaota's voice was filled with contempt.

"But you have to get this thing."


"Immortal golden body!"

Shen Fei also looked at that thing. This should be Shi Hao's trump card in the future to fight against the strong men in the divine fire realm. The perfected immortal golden body allowed Shi Hao to resist the attack of divine fire to a great extent.

It can also increase the user's attack, so it is indeed something that can be used for cross-level combat.

However, it is limited to use in the humanitarian field.

Soon this thing was photographed by Shi Hao.

Shen Fei looked at the door of the auction house. If he remembered correctly, the heroine was here. She was Qingyi, one of the incarnations of the saint Yuechan of the Butian Sect.


A graceful figure walked in and wanted to join the bidding.

However, the situation was disrupted by the Heavenly Fox Saint, and finally fell into the hands of Shi Hao.

After obtaining the Immortal Golden Body, Shi Hao had already spent most of his family wealth, and then came the God's Blood Mud. Shi Hao quickly auctioned it off, and now most of the collection has been auctioned off.

Until the last one, the special stone ball.

Both the Heavenly Fox Saint and Qingyi missed the point, and in the end Shi Hao took advantage.

Shen Fei looked at the double pupil that was unsealed by Shi Hao. This thing naturally had no effect on him, but he remembered that after the battle between the two stones, Shi Yi was rescued by the girl with double pupil.

The double pupils of the girl with double pupils might be of some research value to him.

It can even be used to deduce the Thirty-six Heavenly Powers - Insights across the Wall.

"If there is nothing important after that, I will just hide in the void. You can decide the rest by yourself."

Shen Fei said.


Shi Hao nodded, but this was exactly what he wanted.

Ancient times.

Shen Fei felt various insights coming back from his incarnation in the perfect world. The perfect world was quite special, and he was actually wondering whether to use the body and the way there.

But he didn't find anything suitable in that world to carry the 'Tao body'.

It's like a mystery.

It just so happens that the three pillars are used to carry the Tao body. When the Tao body merges with the real body, it will reverse the mysterious "original".

But perfection is different.

He has too many things, and there is no way of heaven in the perfect world. He can only find things closest to the origin of the world. In fact, the bone fragments, the bone tripod and the bone tablet that record the 'original true solution' are quite suitable.

But these are Shi Hao's opportunities.

The subsequent bone cauldrons and bone tablets did not have much effect on Shi Hao. The bone fragments were quite useful to Shi Hao in the early stage. After going to Sanqian Daozhou, most of Shi Hao's lives were saved by the Wanling Tu.

"Forget it, wait until the bone cauldron is obtained and then see if it can be used to carry the method of combining the body with the Tao."

Shen Fei shook his head. Perfection was controlled by its own avatar. With the power of a giant turtle particle, who could hurt the avatar in the lower realm?

"Now that the yin and yang of heaven and earth, and the four phenomena of cold and heat, are already present, it is indeed possible to generate living beings."

Shen Fei murmured to himself that he had the Three Light Divine Water and Breathing Soil, plus the Calabash Vine, as well as his own perception of the Law of Creation and the Law of the Soul, making it easy to create living beings.

And now that so many worlds are involved, using the prehistoric three-light divine water and living soil to create living beings, the prehistoric brand will not have much impact on the development of his own inner world.

Originally, Shen Fei planned to observe and learn from Nuwa when she created the human race, but now that the time was ripe, Shen Fei naturally wanted to take action directly.

It just means that he is thinking about the race that will be the protagonist of his inner world in the end.

He is not a big humanist either.

He needs to find a protagonist who better fits the development of his world.

Like the Great Desolation, because Pangu, the great god who opened up the Great Desolation, was in human form, so the 'human' is the Taoist body, but this is not the case for Shen Fei. The one who is more suitable for the protagonist of his inner world is the 'tortoise'.

There is also a saying about the great catastrophe.

The way of heaven is simplified into complexity. The way gives birth to one, which gives birth to two, the two gives rise to three, and the three gives rise to all things.

Humanity is about making things simple.

Originally it was the contention of hundreds of tribes, symbolizing all things.

Then the three tribes competed for hegemony, symbolizing the return of all things to three.

Then to the lich struggle for hegemony, which symbolizes "three returns to two".

In the end, the human race is the only one that carries ‘people’, symbolizing ‘two returns to one’.

This "one" will be the only way of humanity, so many saints relied on the human race to achieve enlightenment. Among the six saints of heaven, two became saints through the way of humanity.

However, in Shen Fei's inner world, since he wants to create living beings, he must first create hundreds of races, and finally all things will be transformed into three. If there are three, he can actually use the power of the three pillars of 'mystery' to create three more powerful protagonists.

As for the last two clans, Shen Fei planned to take over the human clan and the sea clan.

The former is his previous life. His inner world cannot be said to be dominated by humans. After all, his body is a turtle, and humans honestly do not have an advantage in his inner world.

But the human race is pure, and with the help of many affiliated worlds, the human race can be regarded as continuous, a bit similar to 'witches'

The latter Sea Clan is just like the Monster Clan, and all races have turned into the Sea Clan. Moreover, his inner world is different from the prehistoric world that was born out of chaos, but was born based on the concept of "Tai Sheng Shui".

Every world is born differently.

Especially the world created by ‘people’.

Just like in his previous life, God's creation still started with "light", which completely depends on the creator's understanding of Tao, and Tao has no specific divisions.

This mysterious and mysterious part can only be called Tao.

Therefore, his world is dominated by ‘water’.

The mind fell, and Shen Fei's soul entered the inner world. Today's inner world has developed at least the world has been extremely perfect. The sun, moon, stars, and the four seasons have caused the alternation of hot and cold, plus the changes in wind, rain, thunder and lightning.


Shen Fei entered a mysterious and mysterious realm. The two realms of heaven and earth had already appeared when heaven and earth were created, and 'human beings' emerged in the middle of heaven and earth.

‘Humanity’ is dominated by the laws of the soul and the laws of creation.

The laws of creation and the laws of the soul in the soul alternately transformed, and the gourd vine that had been staying in the water fell into the hands of Shen Fei in the inner world.

The collected Sanguang Divine Water and Jiutian Breathing Soil were also mobilized by Shen Fei.

Although the hundreds of races in the prehistoric era were not created by the Three Lights Divine Water and the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil, but considering that the hundreds of races in the prehistoric era were transformed from Pangu's physical body, it is impossible for Shen Fei to say that his own body died and all things were born.

So I just used the Three Light Divine Water and the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil to create it.

He also did not say that the creation of all things just created can be comparable to the hundreds of ancient tribes. The upper limit of the ancient tribes is directly as high as the Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

What he can do is to create a Taiyi, or even a Ten Thousand Races with the upper limit of the Golden Immortal, which is already the limit.

"First, hundreds of tribes compete for hegemony. To see which three tribes are stronger, they will focus on cultivating them with the system of the three pillars of mystery. Then the two tribes of the human sea, the sea tribe develops with bone inscriptions as the initial system, and the human race can use martial arts as the starting point to take another path. …”

The consciousness of heaven from the attached worlds is constantly blessing him, and the origins of each of the attached worlds in the past and the birth process of living beings are constantly emerging in Shen Fei.

The laws of creation alternate with the laws of the soul.

In front of Shen Fei, the Jiutianxi soil, which was originally just a ball, began to expand and expand under the indoctrination of Shen Fei's power.

"No, it needs to be mixed with the soil of this world."

Shen Fei picked it casually, and the first bit of soil from which the world was born emerged from the deepest part of the earth.

The combination of Taiyi and Heaven gave birth to the earth, and the earth itself has the breath of Heaven and Taiyi.

The Nine Heavens Breathing Soil and the 'Primary Soil' combine to form a new kind of soil.

And the water that first appeared as the 'Tai Sheng Shui' emerged from the depths of the ocean. It looked like a group of spiritual light flowing in the water, and the breath of origin flowed in the water.

The three-light divine water began to blend with this water.

Otherwise, the proportion of prehistoric aura will be weakened.

Shen Fei stretched out his hands like squeezing a doll, blending the water and soil, and strange mud dolls appeared in front of him.

The looks are different and there is no duplication.

And all the while these mud dolls keep appearing.

Shen Fei also felt that his mana was being consumed crazily, and the liquid star power that was still in his body was constantly being transformed into mana to support Shen Fei in creating creatures.

There are more and more mud dolls.

Shen Fei saw that it was almost done. The Law of Creation and the Law of Soul appeared in his hands, turning into chains of laws that continuously penetrated these mud dolls. After being penetrated, the mud dolls seemed to suddenly turn from dead objects into living things.

And at the same time.

Shen Fei's understanding of the laws of creation and the law of the soul was improving crazily, and the green and white light kept flashing in his soul.

[You are trying to create creatures and start to continuously adjust the physique of the creatures you create...]

[Combining the birth of living beings you have seen, as well as your own laws of creation and soul...]

[You have comprehended the magical power - mediating creation! 】

The laws of creation and the laws of soul in Shen Fei's Yuan Shen began to interact and combine, turning into an extremely complex mark in his Dao Fruit with countless mysteries, which is mysterious and mysterious at a glance.

Mediate good fortune.

The carrier of magical powers formed by the combination of the Law of Creation and the Law of Soul. If he had magical powers, Shen Fei would save a lot of effort.

In fact, the difference between magical powers and laws is.

Law is the essence, the raw material.

Supernatural power is the condensed creation of laws.

The magical power is to solidify the use of the law, and then you can directly use the law in the same way. Both the speed and power of using the law will be greatly improved.

After Shen Fei finished squeezing the mud doll, the half-dead gourd vine fell onto his hand, stained by the mud that blended water and soil.

Use good offices to mediate good fortune.

Countless mud dots mixed with the breath of creation fell onto the earth and into the ocean, and the previous mud seemed to have spirituality, each taking away some of the mud dots.

When there was only a lump left of the mixture of mud and water, Shen Fei placed it in the origin of the inner world for warming and nourishing.

This is what the only protagonist in the inner world will use later.

It's not time to be born yet.

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