Shen Fei followed this hint of inspiration and finally stopped at a desert place. There was nothing strange about it. It was even more deserted than other places, with not a single blade of grass growing.

There is not even a little bit of "human" breath.

"The law of evil? Or the law of inner magic..."

Shen Fei raised his eyebrows, and the negative laws such as the law of killing, the law of evil, etc. that he obtained from the Douluo God Realm in his soul were constantly being aroused.

Moreover, the purifying white lotus in the soul was slightly revealed.

‘Heaven and earth are always quiet! ’

When Shen Fei saw this, he began to use the laws of purification that he had understood to cover the place that looked and was not strange at all.

But as ‘Heaven and Earth are always quiet’ emerges.

Like a sponge that originally looked like it had no water, squeeze it hard.

Traces of turbid aura, murderous aura, evil aura, etc., and even extremely pure demonic aura emerged.


Shen Fei felt such pure demonic energy and used the Five Elements Law to escape under the desert. He continued to go deeper and deeper. The pressure of the underground did not put any pressure on him at all.

Soon, his soul finally detected a large formation.

"The one left behind by Luo Hu?"

Shen Fei looked at the large formation, which was full of negative power, killing aura, and golden ao particles flowing. Shen Fei punched out, destroying the large formation in an instant.

Get into it.

What came into view was a pool. The water in the pool looked extremely dirty.

The first thing people feel when they look at it is the word "dirty", and there is an extremely large amount of negative power mixed in this pool.

In other words, it is condensed by negative power.

But Shen Fei just glanced at the pool and shifted his gaze to the center of the pool.

Moving to the pond, black lotuses were floating on the pond. Counting them carefully, there were seven of them of the third grade, two of the sixth grade, and even one of the ninth grade.

The ninth-grade black lotus is swaying slightly, and the aura of destruction and chaos is wandering on the lotus.

"Ninth-grade black lotus?"

Shen Fei was slightly surprised. No wonder the Pure World White Lotus reacted. It turned out to be the World-Destroying Black Lotus.

Although they have not reached the twelfth level and do not come from the same source, they can still be related if they continue to trace their origins.

Shen Fei walked up to Chizi and waved his hand. The ninth-grade world-destroying black lotus did not resist Shen Fei, but fell into his hand easily.


Shen Fei pinched it casually and deduced what the origin of this pool was.

Soon, he deduced some information.

"The one left behind by Luo Hu?"

This pond is actually the lotus pond left by Luohu. When Luohu was in charge of the World-Destroying Black Lotus, he used lotus seeds to cultivate six ninth-grade lotus flowers, five of which were already mature and used to feed the twelfth-grade World-Destroying Black Lotus in his hand.

He wanted it to grow into an innate treasure, the twenty-fourth grade world-destroying black lotus, but the last one was not yet mature, so the battle between Tao and Demon broke out.

Rahu himself and the World-Destroying Black Lotus self-destructed, destroying the earth and spiritual veins of the West, causing endless desolation. In addition, he transformed into a free demon and pursued the act of destroying the world.

Heavenly demons corrode the way of heaven, earthly demons corrode the earth's veins, and inner demons occupy human souls.

And this ninth-grade world-destroying black lotus stayed here. After it matured, lotus seeds were constantly born, turning into six-grade and third-grade black lotuses.

Because of Luo Hu's self-destruction, endless evil energy, karma, and turbid energy were continuously born in the West. Luo Hu originally set up a formation under the pond to draw the West, but he didn't expect that it would be allowed to stay.

With a wave of his hand, Shen Fei collected all the demon liquid in the entire pool, as well as the formations and lotus flowers underneath. He did not expect to gain such a big harvest.

"It's a good thing that Zhunti and the others went to Zixiao Palace, otherwise, they might have come to visit us."

Shen Fei controlled the ninth-grade world-destroying black lotus to sink into his soul, but did not start refining it.

This is what Rahu left behind.

This Demon Ancestor was able to fight against Hongjun in the first place. Who knows if he had any tricks inside.

Not in a hurry.

And he transformed into the Five Elements Principle and left this place, returning to the western land. He used his mind and body on the one hand to continue repairing the earth's veins, and walked towards the south in a roundabout way.

On the one hand, he used various laws to wash the ninth-grade world-destroying black lotus. Soon he found that there were no hands or feet, not even a trace of soul left.

This world-destroying black lotus is clean.

And among the souls.

The power of the soul crazily poured into the ninth-grade world-destroying black lotus, refining the restrictions inside it. It happened that his incarnation was in the mysterious world, a world where chaos and order blended.

Moreover, having watched the birth and death of the world with the vision of heaven, I naturally have some understanding of the law of world destruction.

When the Black Lotus of Destruction is about to be refined.

Countless information flooded into Shen Fei's mind, and Shen Fei, who was walking, suddenly stopped.

Because this information condenses into one figure.

A figure covered in black robes. When this person appeared, the first thing he saw was the dense demonic energy. It seemed that the laws of killing, evil, destruction and other laws in the world were naturally pouring into his body.

The feet are on the twelve-grade black lotus, and the hand is holding the God-killing Spear.

"Junior, I am Rahu, have you ever heard of me?"

This figure of Luo Hu stared at Shen Fei's soul. Shen Fei was not nervous. He could beat the real Luo Hu even if he stood in front of him, let alone this was just a trace of his soul.


"Then why don't you worship?" Luo Hu said coldly.

"What do you think?"

Shen Fei's soul suddenly manifested and turned into a boundless giant turtle hiding in the ocean. Luo Hu couldn't help but flashed a hint of shock, "Are you the turtle in the North Sea? Aren't you unable to transform?"

"What does it have to do with you? Logically speaking, Hongjun should not leave such hands and feet. You are in a Taoist struggle. The consequences of failure to intervene in a Taoist struggle are much greater than a normal death.

You don't have even a shred of strength, you can't even seize the body, why do you want to keep this soul? "

Luo Hu didn't expect that such an ancient being would get the things he left behind, which was a bit embarrassing. His identity as the Demon Ancestor couldn't scare Shen Fei.

Because the giant turtle itself is not weaker than him.

"I didn't expect that you actually got my things. I also made it clear that there is my inheritance in this ninth-grade world-destroying black lotus, as well as the origin of the remaining twelfth-grade world-destroying black lotus..."

"Originally, I planned for people to accept my inheritance and become the master of the demon clan. But with your footsteps, you should have already blazed your own path.

You have received my gift, I just ask you to help me pass it on! "

"Why? You have already merged with the way of heaven and turned into a demon. These things of yours have become ownerless. Why should I help you?"

Shen Fei hugged his chest and said, what kind of gift?

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