Just like Dongwang Gong, he became Lu Dongbin after reincarnation and reconstruction. He was still only one of the Eight Immortals in Heaven. He was indeed reincarnated and reconstructed, but this was not true for the ancient innate gods of these ages.

This level of reincarnation and reconstruction is worse than death.

Even if Luo Hu comes back, he wants to come back in full glory, otherwise it would be better not to come back at all.

Not all fallen Daluo or quasi-sages are like Fuxi, with a saintly sister supporting them behind them.

After reincarnation, you can also become the protagonist who joins the destiny and becomes the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.

The key is that Luo Hu's enemy is still Hongjun.

"The reason for the Dao Zheng is that my skills are inferior to others, and leaving the means of recovery is just a bit of obsession. If it works, it will be done. If it doesn't, it won't be done.

If you break his destiny and influence the general trend, you will eventually face off against Hongjun.

For the sake of the existence of prehistoric development and for the sake of his "Journey to Heaven", this old boy Hongjun will not let go of any existence that affects the general trend of the world. "

Before Luo Hu disappeared, he was somewhat heroic.

After saying that, he disappeared without a trace, leaving only the last thing behind, which was the God-killing Spear and the location of the remaining sources of the twelve-level World-Destroying Black Lotus.

To be honest, this information should also exist in that inheritance, but it was originally meant to be left to the inheritors.

If Shen Fei wanted to get this position by force, he could still destroy it with the methods Luo Hu left behind.

But now he has destroyed all the means of destruction.

The entire inheritance fell completely before Shen Fei's eyes.

Shen Fei was thinking about what Luo Hu said. In fact, with his current strength, he could just wipe it out, and he could also prevent Gonggong from breaking Buzhou Mountain.

But from what Luo Hu said, I'm afraid things won't be as simple as he imagined.

"Forget it, I'll go my own way."

Shen Fei's mind returned and landed on the ground in the west again. This time he used his soul to start refining the ninth-grade black lotus and the demonic inheritance existing in it.

This time, he changed the direction of walking, because he wanted to take back the origin of the God-killing Spear and the 12th-grade World-Destroying Black Lotus first.

[You are refining the ninth-grade world-destroying black lotus, combining your own insights into the mysterious world, and you are deducing the 'growth and failure' of the world, and the way to destroy the world. 】

[You combine the path of disaster in the mysterious world and the law of destruction, and you begin to understand the path to the end of the world. 】

[You observe the inheritance of the demon ancestors, the demons are inherent, the demons are divided into three demons, heaven, earth and humans, the heavenly demons destroy the gods, the earth demons destroy the energy, the human demons destroy the essence...]

Shen Fei walked on the Western Continent, constantly absorbing the inheritance of Luo Hu. Naturally, he would not talk about cultivating Luo Hu's demonic way. He had his own way, but the way of the world was broad, so he could naturally absorb this demon.

Demon is not a derogatory meaning.

It’s just that the path he took was named ‘Demon’ by Rahu.

The reason why everyone hates demons in the ancient world is that Hongjun won the Tao-demons war. In addition, Hongjun became the ancestor of Taoism, so the demons that opposed him were naturally not mainstream Taoists.

If Luo Hu had won back then, then the prehistoric era of cultivating demons would have become the mainstream, and Taoism would have become the non-mainstream.

Moreover, what Hongjun cultivated should actually be called an immortal.

Hongjun should be the Immortal Ancestor, but he was afraid that he wanted to capture his luck and righteousness, so he was called the Dao Ancestor.

Secondly, of course, the demon transformed by Rahu caused some of the monks whose Taoism was not strong to have their cultivation greatly reduced, or their Taoism to perish, and their bodies to die and their Taoism to disappear, which was naturally hated.

But Shen Fei doesn't care about immortals and demons, he will absorb whatever is good for him.

[You try to combine the law of world destruction and the way of disaster with the three demons of heaven, earth, man, and you realize the magical power - three disasters and nine disasters]

Three disasters and nine disasters are thunder disaster, fire disaster, wind disaster, land disaster, human disaster, inner demon disaster, samadhi disaster, nature disaster, karma disaster, mind disaster, soul disaster, and calamity disaster.

Shen Fei's mind kept flashing with light, and he combined his own insights with the law of thunder, the law of wind, the law of fire, the law of inner magic, the law of killing, etc. with the devil.

The way to combine disaster.

Three disasters and nine disasters are natural disasters and man-made disasters.

It is an extremely powerful and terrifying offensive magical power. It collects the calamity energy of the heaven and earth and turns it into disaster. However, it only requires more mana and more calamity energy to cause a greater calamity.

Moreover, with the emergence of supernatural powers, Shen Fei gained a deeper understanding of the 'demon' and the law of annihilation.

While realizing the magical power, Shen Fei also followed the message left by Luo Hu.

Using the inherited method, he stopped at the place indicated by the message.

The soul sensed a special space, and Shen Fei opened the space casually. This was a method left in the inheritance. If this method was not used to open the space inside, it would be destroyed instantly.

Unless you use more terrifying magical powers to enter it.

After Shen Fei entered, he found that the place was already empty, and there was no origin of the twelfth-grade world-destroying black lotus mentioned by Luo Hu.

Shen Fei turned around and left, heading to the next place.

Needless to say, Hongjun must have been here.

Luo Hu said that the last twelfth-grade World-Destroying Black Lotus exploded and left three origins. He would see how much Hongjun took away, and Shen Fei continued to walk in the west.

While on the road, he was comprehending the western world and sorting out the earth's veins at the same time. He would not give up his original purpose because of this adventure.

He just needs to change the route he takes.

He saw all kinds of amazing visions, including an upside-down golden sea, a mountain of gems, a canyon of ten thousand beasts, and so on.

See the heaven and the earth and observe all things.

Until the end, he watched the ninth-grade world-destroying black lotus origin swallow up the two twelfth-grade world-destroying black lotus origins he had obtained, and began to cultivate himself. It seemed that Hongjun did not do too much.

I just took one and didn't know what to do with it.

The remaining two copies are still in place.

"Could it be that it was passed on to Tongtian?"

Shen Fei thought that Shangqing, one of the Three Pure Ones, and Tongtian finally took the path to the end. Could it be that Hongjun left the origin of the World-Destroying Black Lotus in the Four Swords of Killing Immortals?

Push that thought out of your mind, it has nothing to do with him.

Next comes the main event, the God-killing Spear.

This weapon is said to be the most offensive among the innate spiritual treasures and can kill saints. Its attack power can be called an innate treasure.

The God-killing Spear is transformed from the lotus stem of the Chaos Green Lotus. It is born by absorbing the boundless evil energy and violent aura in the chaos and combining it with the killing power and other avenues that specialize in killing. Therefore, it has boundless killing power.

Of course, being able to kill a saint can only be a bit of a boast, but hurting a saint is definitely possible.

But in the future, many saints actually had defensive treasures, such as Taiqing's Xuanhuang Exquisite Pagoda, Li Flame Flag and Yin-Yang Diagram, Yuqing's Qingyun and Wuji Xinghuang Flags, and Nuwa's Mountains and Rivers Sheji Diagram and Qiankun Ding.

Among the two sages of the West, the green lotus treasure-colored flag receives the twelve-grade golden lotus that guides the Taoist.

On the other hand, the Shangqing didn't have any good defensive treasures, but the Immortal Killing Sword Formation was outrageous. If it could be commendable in terms of defense, it would be even more terrifying.

However, Shangqing's way of cultivation does not require defense. It may be that Hongjun saw this, so he did not give Shangqing a defensive spirit treasure.

Whether it can be hurt is another matter.

But Shen Fei was not targeting saints at first, but Taiyi.

With this item in hand, Shen Fei has the five-square flag and two sets of armor, which are innate treasures, for defense, the God-killing Spear for attack, and the Xuanzhong Monument and the Twelve Dinghai Divine Pearls for suppression.

There are two lotus flowers protecting the mind.

The Chaos Clock is indeed an innate treasure, but my quality cannot match it. I can only keep up with the quantity.

Each type only attacks one aspect, so when combined, it consumes more and is less flexible.

But taken together, it is not weaker than the Chaos Clock.

"Zhao Mao Bird, I can settle my accounts then."

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