The south is mostly volcanic, and the climate is relatively hot, with less water and more deserts, but there are also many creatures, flowers, plants and trees surviving.

And the race is a bit strange.

There is a tribe of fire crows that seem to be related to the Great Sun Golden Crow. When they fly, they are like thousands of flames flying across the sky. There are also a tribe of fire monkeys whose hair is like fire, etc.

Shen Fei's movements naturally make these creatures admire him. The main reason is that Shen Fei is one step ahead. Although the earth line in the south is perfect, it does not hinder Shen Fei from cultivating the earth line, so that he can better pursue the 'Tao' of the southern earth line.

Suddenly, Shen Fei raised her head and looked towards the sky. A flash of fire fell in front of her. The light dissipated and revealed a graceful figure inside. She was wearing fire feathers and had a beautiful appearance. The energy behind her was vaguely transformed into a fire that looked up to the sky and screamed. phoenix.


Shihuang looked at Shen Fei, and then saw the entanglement of Qi behind him, like a boundless giant turtle suppressing chaos, surrounded by countless stars, as if guarding a supreme being.

Just looking at the qi machine, Shihuang felt his heart shake.


As Fengzu's younger sister, Shihuang naturally recognized who this person was.

During the Dragon, Phoenix and Han Tribulation, Zulong was still going to Beihai to invite him to join the Dragon Clan, but he was ignored. At that time, Zulong fought with him and left.

Because this giant North Sea turtle just retracted its head into its shell, no one could hit him at that time.

Later, people with great supernatural powers calculated that this guy had destiny and could not transform.

Although I don’t know what my destiny is, it’s difficult to attain the Tao if I can’t transform into a physical form and get close to the Tao body.

Who would have known that this giant turtle would actually transform later, claiming to have returned to the Yuan Dynasty and still walking in the wilderness.

Although she couldn't go out to the south, there were others who brought her news that the once giant turtle was so violent.

Kill the quasi-sage and offend the Immortal Court.

Fight with the ancestral witch and offend the witch court.

Just a while ago, he fought with Taiyi and offended the Demon Court.

The three major forces in the prehistoric era have offended many people. This is analogous to the Dragon, Phoenix and Han Tribulation, when they offended the three tribes of Dragon, Phoenix and Qilin at the same time.

Most people would be dead if they offend one person. If they offend two, they are considered fierce. If they offend three, they are considered fierce.

It can only be said that the entire prehistoric era is his enemy.

Of course, there are people who have done it, and that is the former beast king of the ferocious beast clan, Shen Ni.

And the demon ancestor Luohu who instigated the fight between the three clans.

As long as this kind of person does not perish, he will only become famous.

Why did this giant turtle appear in the south? He was born in the north. He almost traveled through the entire prehistoric period to the south. It certainly didn't mean that he just walked around.

"Walking to enlightenment, come and pick up something."

Shen Fei said softly, and Shihuang said, "Whatever Fellow Taoist Guiyuan needs, I'll have someone go get it."

"You can't get it."

Shen Fei walked past Shihuang step by step. Shihuang turned around and heard Shen Fei say: "It won't affect you, and it's for your own good."

“The South hasn’t said anything we can’t get!”

Shihuang landed next to Shen Fei and said coldly.

Shen Fei glanced at it and continued walking forward.

"Do you dare to take the things Luo Hu left behind?"

Shihuang was stunned by Shen Fei's words.

"The things Luo Hu left behind?" Shihuang was a little panicked when he heard the name.

Shihuang was silent and just followed Shen Fei. Even if Luo Hu left any spiritual treasures, she would not dare to touch them. This Luo Hu was a more ruthless character than any of the other three clans.

Destroying the entire West, the kind of karma made even Shihuang feel numb.

By then, let alone maintain Daluo Jinxian.

With that kind of karma, I'm afraid she will fall into a catastrophe and turn into ashes in the next moment.


Shen Fei walked step by step towards the ancestral land of the Feng Clan.

Unconsciously, the soles of Shen Fei's feet became hotter and hotter, and a huge valley appeared in front of him. It looked like a lying giant bird, and the entrance of the valley was its mouth.

Shi Huang stopped Shen Fei and said coldly.

"This is the ancestral land of my Phoenix Clan! It is absolutely impossible for Luo Hu to leave anything here!"

"I'm not going to lie to you! And Da Luo's strength is not enough to stop me." Shen Fei said quietly and walked over.

This Shihuang has been in charge of the Phoenix clan for so many years, and she is still the Great Luo Jinxian. According to her footsteps, it is naturally impossible to stay here. After all, she is from the same origin as Zu Feng.

You can also touch the level of Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

The problem is, the terrifying karma that fell on the Phoenix clan. You can see how terrifying the karma in it is by how many creatures were killed in the war between the three clans. They were the three dominant clans.

Even if the karma fire red lotus is used to burn this karma, I am afraid it will not be finished until the next great tribulation.

These karma, grievances, etc. have become shackles to lock their realm.

Karma is the opposite of merit.

Merits can make monks close to heaven and earth, with a clear mind, making it easier to understand the laws of heaven and earth, and close to all avenues.

That karma will naturally make the monks stay away from heaven and earth, make it more difficult for them to sense the laws of heaven and earth, and become disgusted by heaven and earth.

It is even extremely easy to be involved in a catastrophe, and even overcoming the tribulation will be much more difficult than others.

Only luck and merit can wear it away.

Or rare treasures like Karma Fire Red Lotus can burn karma, but when it burns karma, it will also burn the owner of the karma. If the karma of the Phoenix Clan is to be burned cleanly.

Maybe several Hunyuan Golden Immortals are not enough to burn.

Shihuang gritted his teeth, Shen Fei was right, and the current Feng Clan couldn't afford to offend Shen Fei. If Shen Fei really wanted to take action, the Feng Clan combined wouldn't be enough for Shen Fei to fight.

Countless spiritual fires flickered around the valley, and Shen Fei raised his eyebrows, "Is this the true form of Zu Feng?"


Zulong suppressed Sihaihaiyan. He seemed to be still alive, but in fact he had fallen. He seemed to have fallen, but it made sense to say he was alive.

The same is true for Zu Feng.

This valley is the true form of Zu Feng who originally swore to suppress the immortal volcano in the south.

The surrounding spiritual fires are the natal spiritual fires of the Phoenix clan. The Phoenix True Fire is different from the Golden Crow Divine Fire in terms of power.

The Golden Crow Divine Fire is derived from the True Fire of the Sun. The flames explode to the extreme and are extremely powerful.

The true fire of the Phoenix is ​​immortal and difficult to extinguish once it is contaminated. It is also the key to the Phoenix clan's nirvana.

"Nirvana? It's a good idea, but I don't know how long it will take to reach Nirvana."

Shen Fei shook his head. There was actually a little bit of Zu Feng's true spirit left in his true body.

Shihuang's face was solemn, staring at Shen Fei and fearing what he would do. This was her brother's hope for recovery.

"There are still two auras gestating here, they should be the two princes of the Phoenix clan."

Kong Xuan and Dapeng.

Kong Xuan was born with the Five Elements, and Dapeng was born with Yin and Yang.

In fact, the heel and foot of the two are not weaker than many second-generation innate saints today, but they are completely dragged down by the Phoenix Clan, and they have not been born until now.

However, in later generations, Kong Xuan still became the first person among saints.

This number one among saints cannot be called random, but it is still recognized by many people.

You know how talented Kong Xuan is.

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