The world of Zhuxian.

He listened to the advice of his group of friends and quickly called for his father, Zeng Shuchang. Zeng Shuchang did not immediately say that his son had a mental problem, but listened carefully.

He knew his son well and would not make any mistakes without aim.

When he heard his son say that Master Cangsong had a problem, he became more convinced, "I also discovered that Senior Brother Cangsong had a problem."

"Father has long discovered that Uncle Cangsong has a problem, why didn't he tell the head uncle?"

"Because there is no evidence."

Zeng Shuchang did not say how he discovered it.

Just saying there is no evidence for it.

Zeng Shushu continued to talk about the Brahma Prajna possessed by Zhang Xiaofan, who had just started, and the purpose of universal wisdom.

Zeng Shuchang's face became more and more solemn.

Although Qingyun Sect and Tianyin Temple are both righteous, they will never allow their disciples to practice two techniques at the same time.

Later, Zhang Xiaofan used the soul-eating beads and the blood-eating beads left to him by Pu Zhi to refine his blood into a soul-eating rod.

Later, with this weapon, his cultivation level continued to improve, but by chance, he was forced into the devil's path, and his life was full of frustrations.

Uncle Zeng looked at Zeng Shushu and asked, "Will you and Xiaofan have a good relationship in the future?"

"Very good. Brothers of life and death!"

"But now it's all your family's words. Is there any concrete evidence?"

No wonder Uncle Zeng is always cautious.

After all, a lot of the information Zeng Shushu said involves the war between good and evil. If it can be proven that what Zeng Shushu said is indeed true...

"We can go to the water pool in the back mountain of Dazhu Peak. Zhang Xiaofan probably hasn't obtained Soul Capture yet.

As long as my father finds the soul-obsessed person, he can prove what I said is correct. "

Zeng Shushu originally planned to go to Dazhu Peak to get it by himself, but considering the power of soul-stirring in the original book, if it weren't for the blood-devouring beads on Zhang Xiaofan's body, he would have died a long time ago.

It's better not to be reckless yourself.



Two figures appeared on the back mountain of Dazhu Peak. Uncle Zeng often came to Dazhu Peak and knew how to enter the back mountain of Dazhu Peak without disturbing Tian Buyi and others at Dazhu Peak.

Zeng Shushu was a little embarrassed by the behavior of a gentleman like Liang Shang, "Father, haven't you and Master Tian always been on good terms? We can just go directly to the back mountain of Dazhu Peak during the day."

"Didn't you say you need that thing? This is your fairy fate, if you negotiate with Tian Buyi.

Then when the time comes to take it out, it is a magic sect thing after all. Senior Brother Huanxuan will definitely be notified and it will not fall into our hands. "

Uncle Zeng often preached.

"And we are also solving problems for Qingyun Sect."

Two figures kept shuttling through the large bamboo forest, and soon there was a rustling sound in the bamboo forest where there was only the sound of wind.


A gray figure appeared in the bamboo forest. Uncle Zeng waved his hand, and his magic power suddenly emerged, turning into a big hand and grabbing the monkey in an instant.

Zeng Shushu said quickly: "Father, please be merciful. This should be the three-eyed monkey, Xiao Hui!"

Uncle Zeng often flew the caught gray figure over.

It is a gray monkey.

But at this moment, Uncle Zeng seemed to have been frightened and fainted, "Take it with you first."

After Uncle Zeng saw the gray monkey, he felt that what Zeng Shushu said was indeed correct.

Zeng Shushu hugged the three-eyed monkey and followed Zeng Shuchang.


Uncle Zeng often felt as if his head was being hit by a strange force.

"found it."

With his state, he was naturally not afraid, and Zeng Shushu had already prepared, keeping his mind steady and at least preventing himself from falling.

The two finally came to an open space. The ground was covered with gravel. There was a small pool in the middle. The source was unknown. It was probably formed by an underground spring.

The water in the pool is green, and you can't tell the depth from here. There is a gap on the west side of the pool, and the water flows out from there, forming a small stream that winds away.

The strange thing is that with the pool of clear water as the center, within three feet there is no grass growing, but three feet away, there are lush trees.

"Father, this is it."

Zeng Shushu whispered that the nauseating feeling in his mind was the power released unconsciously by the soul-obsessed, which could affect people's souls.

Zeng Shuchang already believed 99% of Zeng Shushu this time. His cultivation level was higher, so the nauseating feeling naturally had no effect.

His vision was like a torch at night, and he saw a short black stick stuck diagonally among the rocks in the center of the pool, one foot above the water, and the rest was submerged in the water.

"Is there really a soul-catcher?"

Zeng Shuchang was jumping around, and Zeng Shushu said quickly: "Father, be careful. This evil weapon is not restricted by the blood-devouring bead, and we don't know what will happen."

"Don't worry. It's only for a while."

After Uncle Zeng finished speaking, he landed on the surface of the water and grasped the exposed part of the black stick. In an instant, black energy emerged from the black stick.

And Uncle Zeng's green light appeared on his body, and the green light and black energy were constantly mixing, as if good and evil were eroding each other.

"It really is a most evil weapon!"

Zeng Shuchang was a little surprised. He didn't expect that even his cultivation in the Shangqing realm would be difficult to resist.

He jumped up, landed next to Zeng Shushu, and said solemnly: "Are you sure you can master it?"

This thing felt a little uncomfortable even for him to grasp, and it continued to resist his magic power.

At least it is impossible to master it by practicing the righteous method.

Zhang Xiaofan probably relied on the blood-devouring beads left by Puzhi and the 'Great Brahma Prajna' he cultivated to activate the power in the blood-devouring beads to successfully refine the blood.

But this method is too risky.

Fortunately, Zeng Shushu said that Zhang Xiaofan was a destined person. Otherwise, if someone else had been there, he would have lost his mind and died in the confrontation between the two.

"It's not about mastering it. I'm using it to exchange it with the group leader. This soul-capturing power must contain the most evil and evil power, and even I can't control it.

But the power exchanged with the group leader can be absorbed. "

"Let's go back first, so as not to cause any strange phenomena."


Ancient times.

Shen Fei left the ancestral land of the Phoenix clan with the Dapeng egg. While measuring the southern continent, his mind was thinking about the 'method of nirvana' he had just received from Zu Feng.

Why does he want the 'method of nirvana'.

This is obviously a combination of the law of reincarnation and the law of fire.

What he needs is the law of reincarnation within.

[You have observed the method of 'Nirvana Phoenix, Reborn from the Fire', and realized that the law of reincarnation inside it has begun to integrate into yourself, and the law of reincarnation is shining in your soul. 】

[You try to combine the law of reincarnation and create reincarnation in your own world...]

Shen Fei just started and then stopped because he found that he couldn't do it at all.

The prehistoric era was able to establish reincarnation because of the legacy left by Pangu. Otherwise, how could the soil itself in the future be able to incarnate into a reincarnation that could accommodate the reincarnation of the entire prehistoric era.

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