The world of divine sculptures.

Cheng Ying touched the pistol that Brother Thor had given him. There were also fingerprint recognition and aiming assist functions in it. This was specially created by Brother Thor thinking that ordinary people could deal with martial arts masters.

In addition to being unable to use it, there are also assistive shooting tools to prevent her from missing the target.

After Cheng Ying saw the image that Brother Thor had posted to the group chat, her originally panicked mind calmed down a lot. The power of the shot that shot through a boulder was something that not even Li Mochou could withstand.

"Tomorrow comes, the ten-year mark."

Cheng Ying took a deep breath, and after finishing Li Mochou tomorrow, she would go find the origin of the world and exchange with the group leader.

As for what the group of friends said, if she gets rid of Li Mochou, she probably won't be able to join Peach Blossom Island.

Because her fate started when the Lu family was exterminated, including her being rescued by Wu Santong, and being rescued and accepted as a disciple by Huang Yaoshi, all of which had to be the Lu family being exterminated.

But she didn't hesitate. Rather than becoming a martial arts master, she wanted her uncle's family to survive.

I also don’t want my cousin to practice martial arts with that female devil.

She will figure out a solution later, and she already knows what will happen in the future. When the time comes, she can save Xiao Longnu from being insulted by Zhen Zhibing, and she should be able to join the Ancient Tomb Sect.

After Huang Rong knew what she was thinking, she could be considered her 'little junior sister' after all, so she helped her plan her future route.

Even if you can't join Peach Blossom Island, you can join the Tomb Sect.

Early the next morning.

Lu Wushuang said loudly outside Cheng Ying's door: "Ying, let's go to the lake. The lotus flowers are blooming in Jiaxing Lake. Let's go pick lotus pods!"


Cheng Ying put the pistol in her waist so that she could access it at any time.

Lu Wushuang looked at Cheng Ying who came out of the room with some surprise, "Why are you so reluctant to come out of your room today?"

"Aren't you going to worship Uncle Zhan Yuan today?"

"Huh? Do you even know our itinerary?"

"Didn't I just ask Uncle Lu some time ago? If I think carefully, today seems to be the death anniversary of Aunt Zhan Yuan and his wife."

"Don't worry about that, let's go pick the lotus pods first. We'll go after we finish picking the lotus pods."


"By the way, what is that on your waist?" Lu Wushuang was a little curious. Today, Cheng Ying was dressed differently than usual. Instead, she was wearing tight-fitting martial arts training clothes, looking full of heroism.

And there was something on his waist.

"hidden weapon."

Cheng Ying said with a smile.

"How can you put a hidden weapon like this? Why did you decide to practice martial arts recently?" Lu Wushuang said with a smile.

"I feel that I have to have some martial arts skills to protect myself and the people I want to protect..."


The two of them were talking while walking, and Cheng Ying put her hand on the gun at her waist.

a perfect world.

Everyone saw that two consecutive Venerable-level figures were beheaded by Shi Hao, and they were still mysterious heroic spirits.

Is this Shi Hao really a descendant of some supreme palace?

Unexpectedly, even the decree of the gods and the realm of the Venerable could not kill it.

In the void, Shen Fei just watched the situation unfold quietly, and constantly adjusted the formation patterns in his body. With the help of the entire eight realms he could see with his soul, he used himself to modify the "prehistoric world" formation and merge it with himself.

Shi Hao will be fine.

He is even stronger now than in the original work.

In addition to the immortal golden body, there is also the giant turtle treasure technique and the modified Kunpeng treasure technique.

Coupled with the foundation of breaking through the 100,000 extreme realm, reaching a strength of 150,000.

Plus the terror in the understanding.

Shi Hao was worthy of being born to practice Taoism. After his own body showed him the way to unite ten caves and heaven, now Shi Hao has also begun to try to unite ten caves and sky.

He will grow at a more terrifying speed than before.

"This guy is really the number one troublemaker."

Shen Fei just thought that Shi Hao would be fine, but more and more auras of the venerable appeared in the void.

Their auras were secretly locking the void, preventing Shi Hao from escaping in every possible way.

When Shi Hao used his essence and blood to build the foundation, his fate path had changed compared to the original work.

Because the foundation is more solid, the limit will be higher later on, and with the help of the giant turtle magic learned from the essence and blood of the giant turtle, the defense is invincible.

So the action outside is compared to the original.

Shi Hao is even more arrogant. Although he also knows how to hide his identity, he relies on his own strength to provoke a bigger cause and effect than the original work.

Originally, in the original work, there should only be two sages who came to trouble him, but now Shen Fei counted at least 20 sages lurking in the void.

But not only the original Demon Spirit Lake and Qingtian Sacred Mountain, but also other sacred mountains and Poseidon Island in the North Sea have people coming.

Your Majesty does not move lightly.

With this number now, one can imagine how ruthlessly Shi Hao killed people in Kunpeng's Nest.

The Stone Emperor naturally felt it. When the Ancient Demon Spider and the Lord Qingluan appeared, his face was still relaxed. As long as he was in the Stone Kingdom and used the power of heaven and earth as his emperor, he could repel these two. .

He just didn't expect that Shi Hao had the means to kill the Venerable.

But feeling the Venerable lurking in the void, his face became a little tense.

When Shi Hao heard what Xiaota said that there were twenty venerables lurking nearby, he couldn't help but ask, "Can you solve it?"

"It can be solved one by one, but it will be difficult if they are done together."

Xiaota trembled slightly, "With the strength I have recovered now, I can kill two in one move, defeat four, and hold down six. As long as there are more than six, I won't be able to care about you."

"But don't worry, there is someone behind you..." Xiaota's voice was somewhat relaxed.

Even if they are both in the Venerable Realm, the existence of that deity is beyond imagination, and there is still a gap between the Venerable Realms.

Shi Hao said in his heart: "But I have already inherited the great affection of the Giant Turtle Immortal..."

"What's more important for you now is to grow up quickly and face your brother who has double pupils. Instead of caring about this, the investment in you now is nothing to existences like Liu Shen and Giant Turtle Immortal. .

They spend time on you more for your future. "

Xiaota said, if before, he would only regard Shi Hao as being favored by Liu Shen, but at the same time, two supreme beings are optimistic about Shi Hao, which means that there must be something in Shi Hao that he has not discovered yet. thing.

The sages in the void are communicating with each other.

"Do it! This man has a huge secret. Even the giant turtle's magic must be the supreme magic. Kill him and we will understand it together!"

There was a loud shout.

Auras suddenly burst out, and everyone around them who originally thought the matter was over suddenly felt countless pressure coming down, and the majestic pressure was revealed.

In an instant, the heaven and earth shook, as if the sky was about to be broken by this infinite breath, and the pressure came to the world, as if the entire school was about to be crushed.

Countless majestic divine powers and colorful clouds filled the sky, surging like the blue sea, pouring towards Shi Hao, and some of them attacked the Human Emperor of the Stone Kingdom.

Just to hold back the Emperor of the Stone Kingdom.

If it had been before, the Human Emperor of Shi Kingdom could still sit back and watch, after all, it was the cause and effect that Shi Hao himself was involved in.

But at this time, dozens of venerables came together to commemorate his birthday, and it was obvious that they did not take him seriously.

Thank you Huan Maomao for the reward of 1666 reading coins. Your names are a bit difficult to write, hahaha.

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