[Half and Half Thor: Group leader, I know it too. But now it is impossible for me to step out of the earth, and I am already the second strongest person on the earth... I have no direction. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: Points. You have mastered so many skills on earth, upload them all to the chat group, use points to strengthen yourself, or redeem the skills I uploaded! 】

Shen Fei smiled. The God of Thunder was the master of martial arts. This guy was the second strongest person on earth. If he wanted to, he could almost mobilize the martial arts of the entire earth, even if these techniques were very weak.

But it all allowed Shen Fei to settle.

And now there are methods of extreme speed and recovery, but there are no methods of refining, attack, and defense.

Devour the starry sky world.

Thor raised his eyebrows, it seemed to make sense. Now the group points can only be obtained by uploading exercises, and he took a look at the group file.

The five-star technique "Turtle Zhenhai Jin" is unique, and it seems that it was uploaded by the group owner.

If you can exchange it yourself, it should be easy to successfully practice and deal with the golden-horned giant beast.

[Half and Half Thor: By the way, can I reveal this to my elder brother Hong? 】

Lei Shen and Hong came together from the Great Nirvana period, and it can be said that they share life and death. In his view, this is an opportunity to help the earth get out of trouble, but he does not want to hide it.

He wanted to tell Hong, but he was worried that he would hit some taboos.

[Ancient Giant Turtle: No problem. 】

[Huo Wu will always be my goddess: It’s okay, I’ve already told my grandpa. 】

When Lei Shen saw Shen Fei's reply, he turned into a bolt of lightning and left his martial arts headquarters. On the way, he informed Hong that he was about to talk to him about something involving the life and death of the earth.

He also kept paying attention to the chat group on the way.

Not long after, Thor arrived at the Extreme Martial Arts Headquarters.

Thor walked to the headquarters of the Extreme Martial Arts Hall. A black-haired man wearing a black and red robe with a Chinese character on his face looked majestic. He frowned as he walked in and said, "It's always a fool's errand. Let's talk about what we plan to do this time." Where do you want me to go with you?

What kind of things endanger the safety of the earth? "

Hong knew Thor's character, he was usually idle and laughing.

But Hong saw the serious expression on Thor's face, frowned slightly, and said: "Close all communications and no one is allowed to come."


All the lights around him disappeared. As he said, he understood Thor's character. Once he showed this expression, he knew that something was serious.

Thor told Hong everything he knew, and also told all the plot of swallowing the stars that he saw. Hong held the tea cup, although his face was calm.

But the gently shaking tea cup showed that his mood was not so calm.


"From the current point of view, it is indeed true!"

"Try the so-called enhanced function first. How many points do you need?"

"Seventy thousand."

"All the exercises from the Extreme Martial Arts School have been uploaded, give it a try first!"


While everyone was chatting, a large amount of information began to flood the screen.

[Half-point Thor uploaded "World Destruction" and received 3,000 points]

[Half-point Thor uploaded "Nine Layers of Thunder Knife" and received 2,500 points]

A steady stream of exercises continued to be filled into the group file, and Thor's points began to soar. When it soared to 70,000, Thor pressed the enhancement button.


A pure power began to spread through his body and poured into his limbs and bones.

And in the genetic core of Thor.

The central core, which was originally surrounded by only seven miniature planets, began to condense a new star under this pure power.


The thunder god's body flashed with the power of thunder and lightning. Even calm Ruhong's eyes were filled with shock at this moment, "Planet 8th level?!"

The God of Thunder exhaled, with the power of bright thunder in his breath, "Yes. This chat group is real!"

"That is to say, what the mysterious group leader uploaded is true! The earth will soon face a huge disaster!" Hong took a deep breath.

"Before the golden-horned giant beast wakes up, I must help you rise to stellar level strength! You can take all the techniques!"

Hong was not jealous of Thor for having such an adventure, he would only be happy that they could give their lives to each other!

"We also have to be prepared and keep an eye on that kid Luo Feng. There are some disasters that he doesn't need to experience at all, and we have to do our best to train him!"


"Build a good relationship with that mysterious group leader. Not only on Earth, but also when we go to the universe in the future, we may not be able to see such a powerful person! Although he is a magical turtle.

But he doesn't seem to have any ill intentions towards the human race. "

"My friends have said that he is a time traveler!"

"What is a time traveler?"

"It seems like a person in the novel who has traveled from human soul to another world..." Thor scratched his head.

"Forget it, let's focus on the more important things now. We have uploaded all the skills. You can choose some to strengthen and save some later."


[Peach Blossom Island Little Chef: Wow, there are so many techniques to destroy the world? What a powerful name, gun skills? 】

[Huo Wu will always be my goddess: I’m envious, it’s another world of cultivation. Why don't my soul skills count as exercises? 】

[Burn, burn it for me: That skill of yours that can only be used in conjunction with martial arts is considered a skin skill. I'm miserable, I don't have any skills at all. 】

[Huo Wu will always be my goddess: It’s okay, neither do I. At present, it seems that there is no double-faced turtle world, hahaha, they are indeed good brothers.

By the way, can someone help me get the Vast Sea Universe Cover? I'm ready to go to sea. 】

[I am Spider-Man: Are you moving too fast? 】

[Huo Wu will always be my goddess: If I don’t watch the group, time will still pass pretty quickly. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: Study it for me. 】

[Huo Wu will always be my goddess: Come on! My adoptive father told me earlier! If you want to study it, I will send it to you without stopping. 】

[Huo Wu will always be my goddess and send an exclusive red envelope to the ancient giant turtle! 】

[Peach Blossom Island Little Chef: Your licking method is okay. Is this the strength of six years of licking the dog? 】

[Meimei will always be my goddess: ancestor, ancestor! So what should I do now? Meimei actually likes Aku...]

[Burn, burn for me: One is called foster father, the other is called ancestor, good fellow. Could it be that the only way to become stronger is to become a licking dog? 】

[My fiancée likes someone else’s upload of "Six-grade Elixir Essentials" and gets 2,000 points]

Shen Fei glanced at it and did not rush to redeem the skills they uploaded. Instead, he received the red envelope sent to him by Feng Xiaotian. A crystal clear blue three-dimensional triangle appeared in front of him.

The next second.

‘Kacha kacha~’

An overwhelmed voice sounded on the thing, and a force spread out of Shen Fei's hands, "Garbage!

Is this the Poseidon’s Heart? Just that little bit of water law..."

Shen Fei shook his head, thinking that things like the Hydrogen Continent were a bit special. This Poseidon's Heart only contained a little bit of the Law of Water, which was so cool.

However, the Shura Demon Sword contains the laws of killing and judgment, and the Rakshasa Demon Scythe contains the laws of resentment and evil.

The amount is small, but it can give Shen Fei an introduction to understand these laws. As for the trident, he should just use it to pick his teeth.

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