But Shen Fei was fascinated by it, and his mind was constantly gaining insights from the collision between the two.

He didn't worry about falling into Chaos at all. Falling into Chaos with his heels was like going home.

[You have observed the light of the Sky-Opening Axe, and you have integrated it into your own Chaos Axe, in order to draw away the chaos and transform Infinity into yin and yang...]

[You have observed the combination of the stars in the sky and the ancient mountains and rivers, touched their spirituality, and merged into the eternal tranquility of the heaven and earth. You can borrow the power of the current heaven and earth...]

Both are magical powers that Shen Fei has mastered himself. He is constantly observing, absorbing, and imitating the charm of the two. The "Heaven and Earth are always quiet" and the light of the chaotic ax that he has realized can enable him to do evil in Daluo and face the quasi-sage. You can also compete.

But it is a bit difficult to face these two Hunyuan formations.

His current understanding allows him to take further steps in both.

Moreover, he also has many spiritual treasures to help him, so he can fight back even if he faces these two large formations.

Shen Fei realized the great formation of the ‘primordial world’ and the power of the world provided to him by the many developing worlds.

In the earth flower, the power of the world is surging like ocean waves. It seems that countless worlds are arising and dying here, turning into an illusory Tao seed shining in the earth flower.

‘It’s almost possible to try to unite the three talents of heaven, earth and man into one, and activate a trace of Hunyuan power to achieve Taoism. ’

Shen Fei was indeed a little happy, because he saw not only the two formations, but also the four Hunyuan formations one after another, and he also gained insights into the power of Hunyuan.

When the time comes, when the Earth Flower blooms, he can try to use the power of the other two flowers to unite heaven, earth and man to activate a Dao Fruit to be born, and step into the path of Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

At this time.

A figure appeared in front of this endless light, and he brushed it away, and the ancient world that seemed to be about to be destroyed returned to peace.

Two jade-like hands smashed the star formation around the sky with one hand, and countless monsters flew upside down into the East China Sea. Hetu Luoshu fell into the hands of Emperor Jun again.

With one hand, the twelve ancestral witches flew away, and the twelve ancestral witches fell on the shore of the East China Sea, creating huge craters.

Then I heard a faint voice saying:

"From now on, the demon controls the sky and the witch controls the earth. The formation of both sides must not be touched again for ten thousand years!!!

Those who do not comply will be responsible for the consequences! "

After saying that, the figure that appeared disappeared.

Shen Fei, who was in the distance, narrowed his huge turtle eyes slightly because this figure glanced at him after leaving.

"Does this old man think that I provoked the war between the Witch Clan and the Demon Clan, which led to the early use of large formations to break out the battle?"

What just appeared was Hongjun, or Tiandao.

Otherwise, in the ancient world, no one could instantly eliminate the power of these three Hunyuan formations.

Shen Fei secretly smiled in his heart. According to what he knew, the Lich should not fight so quickly, but what he said stirred Di Jun's heartstrings and made him take action in an instant.

They didn't know that Hongjun would take action the first time they used the formation.

However, it was strange for the Wu Clan to take action. They didn't take action when the Immortal and Witch Courts did something, but they did it when he appeared, and they still shot towards him.

The biggest possibility is that Hongjun did not let the Wu clan intervene in the battlefield as a third party and reap the benefits.

When the immortals and demons were deciding the winner, the witch clan appeared, and probably came to kill him. Shen Fei didn't stop him, but the witch clan did.

"It seems that this time Hedao Hongjun failed to test the human way and tunnel of the ancient world. He wanted to control the human way with the Immortal Court he supported, but was finally defeated by the Demon Court formed by all the spirits..."

Immortal Court was Hongjun's first test, and he failed as expected. He gave Dong Wanggong a dragon-headed crutch before joining the Tao, and the first saint in the world appointed Dong Wanggong as the head of the male immortals.

Both face and lizi were given away.

In the end, Duke Dongwang was defeated.

Shen Fei thought about it, and it seemed that he had to stir up the birth of the second world of people in these ten thousand years.

These ten thousand years must be Hongjun's delay. He has not yet fully reconciled himself to the way of heaven.

Because just now, he realized something.

[As you watch the saint use the art of the Great Universe, you try to integrate into your own body of water, and you try to deduce the laws of space and time contained in it...]

In other words, Hongjun did not directly eliminate the mixed attack of the two, but used the technique of the Great Universe to move it into chaos with great magic power.

"But let's find our place first!"

And at this time.

Shen Fei fell to the shore of the East China Sea in an instant, and his claws that covered the sky and the sun blasted towards the Dijiang River on the shore of the East China Sea. Damn it, his revenge never lasts overnight. This guy clearly did something wrong with his witch clan last time.

Don’t talk about cause and effect, just talk about likes and dislikes, right?

This time I’ll let you taste the consequences! !

The twelve ancestral witches were forcibly broken out of the formation, and their hearts were shaken. At this moment, they saw claws that covered the sky and the sun.

Terrible pressure suddenly emerged.

The Xuanzhong Monument, the Twelve Dinghai Divine Pearls, the Golden Aojia, the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag, and the Star Mirror have evolved into the ninth-grade Pure World White Lotus. Each of the five phoenix feathers is shining with divine light. The mana is strong and the soul is powerful. capricious.

This is the benefit of taking the path of great magic power and supernatural power.

He uses more spiritual treasures than others.

Countless forces blocked the void, overlapping layers. Even if Hongjun appeared at this moment, it would be impossible to break through his defense instantly.

as expected.

next moment.

A supreme force emerged here like threads, trying to lock Shen Fei forcefully, and a cold snort bloomed in the world, even looking a little angry.

But the power of the spiritual treasures continuously counteracts the mighty power of heaven and earth.

"Damn it!"

The long staff of time in Zhu Jiuyin's hand suddenly shot out, and the remaining ten ancestral witches also sacrificed their witchcraft, including Zhurong Pearl, Gonggong Basin, Tianwu Hook, Lingshou Sword, Spring God Staff, Houtu Seal, and Tianlei. Drum, electric fork, weather guide, three thousand mysterious beings.

The power of the eleven witch weapons exploded together.


Di Jiang roared, and the space rolled up and the other ancestral wizards wanted to escape, but Shen Fei was no longer the same as when he first met Di Jiang. Now the magical powers and spiritual treasures he has mastered are much more powerful than before.

Even though many of his spiritual treasures were entangled by Tiandao Hongjun.

But he still has magical powers.

"Heaven and earth are always quiet!"

The world suddenly froze, and Di Jiang and others who had just entered the void appeared again. Shen Fei struck out with another palm, knocking away all the eleven magic weapons that had gathered their power.

"Damn it!"

Zhu Jiuyin roared, and the time cane instantly burst out with extremely terrifying power. All the time laws hidden in it emerged, and the extremely terrifying time laws shook the surrounding time.

In an instant, Shen Fei's time went backwards for a moment.

This moment was exactly the moment when their ten witchcraft resisted Shen Fei.

But Di Jiang had already escaped into the void, and the twelve ancestral witches disappeared in an instant.

Shen Fei fished it out casually, and directly pocketed the remaining half-time cane and other witchcraft weapons. Now these ancestral witches suffered a big loss.

All the natal witchcraft weapons of the twelve ancestral witches were collected by him.

Shen Fei then looked towards the demon tribe, but there was no one in the direction of the demon tribe.

The moment Shen Fei took action, Di Jun and Tai Yi used their magic power to move all the monsters away from this place.

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