The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 182 Divide the abyss world and test group chat

‘A map of mountains and rivers and the country’s land? ’

Guiyuan looked at what Nuwa took out and said, "This is a Taoist treasure. How can I make it?"

"If fellow Taoist don't take it, I don't know how to return the karma, and even a top-quality innate spiritual treasure cannot repay fellow Taoist karma.

If this cause is not returned, my Dao mind will be impure.

It’s better not to let our swords face each other and negate each other’s cause and effect. If humanity is born in the future, it will be due to the contribution of fellow Taoists. "

Nuwa did not let Guiyuan refuse, and put it directly into Guiyuan's hands.

Guiyuan listened to Nuwa and had no choice but to accept it.

This is why Guiyuan mentions Zhen Yuanzi and Nuwa.

If it were the two from the West, they would probably be thinking about how to offset cause and effect with killing.

Problems of mind.

"Then I'll take my leave first and wait for my fellow Taoist to become a saint and tell the truth."


After Guiyuan finished speaking, he turned into a spiritual light and disappeared in front of Nuwa.

"In the map of mountains and rivers and the country, Nuwa is quite generous."

Guiyuan looked at the map of mountains, rivers, and the country in his soul. This treasure is an innate spiritual treasure of the highest quality. There is heaven and earth in this map, which can nourish heaven and man and can transform all things.

In later generations, it was an extremely famous magic weapon in the hands of Saint Nuwa, second only to the red hydrangea that was often used to hit people.

Moreover, the Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map contains the charm of the entire prehistoric mountains and rivers, birds, beasts, insects, fish, and the charm of all spirits. There are even many prehistoric creatures living in it without the slightest awareness that they are living in a spiritual treasure.

This will be of great benefit to Guiyuan in perfecting the ‘Earth Fetal Membrane Formation’.

"If this thing is integrated into the Guiyuan Realm, I'm afraid it will speed up the birth of the tunnel and humanity in the Guiyuan Realm..."

Guiyuan was thinking about this matter, but after thinking about it, he decided not to entertain such thoughts for the time being. After all, this thing was given to him by Nuwa.

You say destroying it right away is a bit much.

Moreover, this map of mountains and rivers contains the laws of time, space and creation, which can be said to be one of the most powerful spiritual treasures second only to the innate treasure.

It can be used to unfold and turn into ancient mountains and rivers, lay traps to suppress powerful enemies, and can also be used to smash people. It can use the power of ancient mountains and rivers and thousands of creatures. It is also a treasure to smash people.

It can also be used for body protection through refining.

It can also cooperate with the Twelve Dinghai Divine Pearls, and can even restrain the Hunyuan Heluo Formation of the demon clan.

Guiyuan was originally thinking about how to restrain Di Jun's Hunyuan Heluo Formation. Before, he only thought about the book from the ground, but he never thought about the map of mountains and rivers.

But Di Jun probably didn't expect that this magic weapon would fall into his hands.

There are many ways to use it, and destroying it to nourish the Guiyuan Realm is a bit like killing the goose that lays the egg.

"Huh? It's quite fast."

When Guiyuan was on his way, he looked at the group chat and found that they were all chatting about their achievements in the Abyss World, especially Feng Xiaotian, who had killed the Abyss Saint Lord with his whole body, bragging along the way.

[Feng Xiaotian (the lackey of the group leader): Let me just say that the Holy Lord of the Abyss is indeed the number one person in the Abyss World. He is really powerful. Although I have perfected martial arts, he can mobilize the power of the Abyss.

And the halberd in his hand was really powerful. We both fought until the avenue was gone. 】

[Peter: Are you bragging again? The Great Dao has been wiped out. Do you think you are Emperor Huangtian, God Liu and the leader of the group? Aren't you just a first-level god? For you. 】

[Deidara: Cool, cool, I let those abyss creatures see what real art is. 】

[Deidara uploaded his memory of ‘a moment of glory’! 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: This trip went relatively smoothly, there shouldn’t be too many deaths. 】

[Feng Xiaotian (the lackey of the group leader): It’s okay, but in this kind of world-level war, there is no way for people to die. It’s better if there are less people killed. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: Except for the abyss, I will keep it, and I will use the origin of the world in it to enhance your world based on the contributions of each world. 】

[Thor God: Fuck, fuck, I want to go too. The group leader will think of a way to get us to participate in these activities. 】

[Pluto: Alas, if I had known better, I would have taken action earlier. 】

[Ning Zhongze: Group leader, do we in the mixed martial arts world calculate together? 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: Yeah. There are also your trophies from the Abyss World, such as the Abyss Hearts, weapons, etc. left by various Abyss Emperors, which may also contain the origin of the Abyss World.

You don’t need to give it to me, just use it to upload it to the group chat to get points. 】

[Alger: I’m really envious now! You guys made too much money this time. 】

[Feng Xiaotian (group leader’s lackey): King Juan is here? We are still making money, but aren’t you making a lot of money in your world? How many sequences are there now? Not reached sequence three. 】

[Alger: It’s not that fast. Although the group leader is around, these high-level materials are difficult to find, and the group leader’s real body and the mysterious corpse entered the City of Disaster to try to control the City of Disaster inside.

So we acted much more cautiously. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: @Thor God, I am thinking of a way. When I further figure out how the group chat enters your world to attract people, I should be able to use other methods to establish a new channel.

Or use group chat as an intermediary to create group chat tasks so that people who are not affiliated with the world can participate. 】

Return to Yuanjie.

The returned Yuan Shen looked at the abyss world that was involved. The Yuan Shen instantly banned the heavenly law of the abyss world, and the birth history of the abyss world was all in his sight.

"It turns out there is another Crimson World, but in the end there is only one person left in this Crimson World..."

Guiyuan discovered that the abyss world was originally a world called the Crimson World, which was formed by extracting 40% of its own power.

In this case, he can use the Gate of Taiyi to capture another world.

"Let the abyss be used as nourishment for reincarnation."

After Guiyuan divided the origin of the world, he threw it into the reincarnation based on the "Hokage Huangquan".

It's not that the way back to Yuan is to devour and capture, but it depends on what kind of world it is.

Like some worlds that can survive peacefully, Guiyuan cares more about sustainable development.

As for worlds like the Abyss World and the Crimson World, which originally made a living by capturing other worlds, it would be better not to eat the world that eats the world.

What Guiyuan wants more is to keep the world centered on Guiyuan World in a state of contention and unbreakable.

"And after reincarnation is established, people in the attached world can also try to use the sustenance of reincarnation to join the Guiyuan Realm and become all spirits..."

Guiyuan thought in his heart.

In the Guiyuan world, thousands of races now compete for hegemony, and countless creatures are killing all over the place in order to devour the bone inscriptions on other races and find better promotion routes.

Yin energy, resentment, and death energy spread in the heaven and earth, and were then attracted by an invisible force into the 'unformed reincarnation'.

Bred by such a degree of negative power, the 'reincarnation' of Guiyuan Realm will appear after a while, and at that time the human race of Guiyuan Realm will also be born.

"It's up to you next, chat group."

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