The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 196: Trying to figure out the martial arts of immortals

"In my room, Xiong Ba will not come. And the gang members almost don't dare to come to my room."

Bu Jingyun said.


Qin Shuang nodded.

In the sight of the three people, a door suddenly appeared in the entire room.

Qin Shuang had seen it in the group chat, which was the door that appeared after Guiyuan opened the world passage. At this time, Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun completely believed in Qin Shuang's theory of immortals and gods.

After all, it is not easy for a door to appear out of thin air.

In other words, it is impossible to appear at all.

A figure walked out of the door, naturally it was Gui Yuan.

This was transformed into a black turtle particle. As soon as he came here, he converted all the power of the black turtle particle in his body into essence.

At the same time, he combined the realm of physical cultivation in various worlds with his understanding of the way of human immortality, and also referred to the systems of some other worlds he had seen in his previous life.

For example, national martial arts, Yang Shen martial arts, Yishi Zun martial arts, etc.

The improved and optimized ‘Way of Immortality’.

No matter what kind of physical training method, almost all of them start from refining one's own physical body to the limit, that is, pushing the essence to the limit. The so-called 'skin refining, meat refining, tendon refining, marrow refining, blood refining...'

Anyway, push it to the extreme and then open up the acupoints.

Acupoints are indeed a concept that is rarely touched upon by the Immortal Way, and is something different from the Immortal Way.

Then the mind power is combined with the acupoints to construct the inner scene.

'From the inside to the outside, cultivate yourself from within and then seek outside...'

'The physical body, acupoints, use mental energy to construct the inner scene of oneself, and then the inner scene communicates with the outer scene...'

In the blink of an eye after returning to the Yuan Dynasty, some advanced routes focusing on martial arts were deduced. This is the three realms of "tempering the body, opening the mind, and constructing the inner scene."

For example, Zhang Sanfeng, who once practiced martial arts, reached the state of constructing interior scenes, and many martial arts masters have reached this state.

However, what Zhang Sanfeng deduced in the future was to condense the golden elixir of martial arts, which is a method of combining immortality and martial arts. Moreover, Zhang Sanfeng is a successor of Taoism. Although he practices martial arts, his essence is Taoism.

It is normal to refine the immortal elixir.

But this is not the martial arts that Guiyuan envisioned.

The martial arts envisioned by Guiyuan uses essence and mind to communicate with heaven and earth. Humanity is ever-changing and requires concentration.

And mind power is the product of concentration, which is exactly in line with the state of mind power he deduced before.

At this moment, the two things of mental strength and martial arts just fit together.

While deducing, Guiyuan's essence turned into streams of power in an instant, tempering every inch of his body, skin, muscles, tendons, etc., internally and externally to a certain level.

Guiyuan's physical body was so strong that the energy and blood smoke spread out.

The body quenching state was completed in an instant.

And then enlightenment.

When opening an orifice, the acupoints at the beginning must not be opened casually. If you want to communicate with the inside and outside, you must open the channel between the human body and the outside world. In fact, it is the Great Nine Apertures.

A stream of essence instantly opens up the nine orifices that connect the human body to the heaven and earth, allowing all kinds of energy to flow through.

‘Then, open the ancestral orifice between the eyebrows! ’

The mind and spirit of Guiyuan are unified, straight to the center of the eyebrows.

The ancestral aperture between the eyebrows is instantly opened, and when the ancestral aperture is opened, one feels connected to the heaven and earth.

The enlightenment state is achieved!

But Guiyuan didn't stop.

Immediately he began to look within his body, his mind was as strong as a brick, and he began to build his own inner world.

He had already deduced the most suitable interior scene for Guiyuan, the Divine Turtle Zhenhai!

The endless ocean of chaos is surging with countless waves, and a wave is a world. At the same time, the mind is like ink, constructing an infinite giant turtle to suppress the surging ocean of chaos.

The boundless giant turtle opened its mouth and swallowed, as if it was swallowing some kind of substance.

‘The interior scene communicates with the exterior scene and can move the power of heaven and earth. ’

"The inner scene communicates with heaven and earth to form the outer scene. The power of heaven and earth is controlled externally. The inner power of the heart is penetrated through the acupoints of the whole body. There are 129,600 acupoints in the human body, and the number of one yuan..."

"The higher the qualification, the more acupoints are opened, the more mental power is penetrated, the stronger the inner scene is, and the stronger the power of heaven and earth is mastered..."

"On the outside, you can control the power of heaven and earth, ride on the void to control the wind, and on the inside, you can penetrate the whole body with your mind's power, and try your physical body's magical powers. The stronger your mind's power, the harder it is to destroy..."

"Tempering the body, opening the mind, interior scene, exterior scene..."

When Guiyuan reached this point, he had many doubts in his mind and did not continue the deduction because he synthesized martial arts concepts from many worlds.

This is the most comprehensive martial art he can currently perform.

He needs more martial arts knowledge to continuously optimize the martial arts he masters now. The martial arts in Fengyun World mostly use skill to stimulate changes in the physical body and achieve many miracles.

It allows Guiyuan to try to integrate it into the realm of opening up acupoints. What number of acupoints can be mastered and what magical powers can be achieved in the physical body to reach the realm of infinity.

And to reach this level, it only takes seven steps to return to Yuan.

Exterior view: Dharma's power to control heaven and earth has reached the pinnacle of the two stars in all realms and the small thousand worlds.

"Qin Shuang."

Guiyuan casually threw the sword in his hand back to Qin Shuang.

"Group leader!" Qin Shuang quickly raised his hands in salute, and Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun beside him also raised their hands.

The two men, Feng Yun, who are powerful in the martial arts world, are as reserved as children at the moment.

"The world responded."

Guiyuan raised his eyebrows, looked at Qin Shuang and said, "I'm going to deal with some things first."

The world of Fengyun is not comparable to the world of Devouring Starry Sky. Even if the world suffers a catastrophe, it is compared to the world of Devouring Starry Sky where powerful people who can reverse time and space abound, and even involve higher powers.

It is still easy to withstand the catastrophe of Fengyun World.


Qin Shuang was stunned. Didn't the group leader just arrive?

Is there anything else the world has to deal with?

At this time, there was a knock on Bu Jingyun's door, and shouts from the gang came from outside: "Hall Master, the sky that was originally clear has suddenly become dark!"

Hearing this, Qin Shuang and the others looked at Guiyuan. Is this what the immortal said he wanted to deal with?

Just appearing causes the world to darken?

"I traveled from other worlds, not with the help of the world's native origin, but with my own breath, which will definitely cause resistance from the world's consciousness.

However, the consciousness of heaven in your world has not awakened. You only need to use the heavenly tribulation to cleanse the breath on your body, and you will be fine after that. "

The main reason is that he did not come through the origin of the world this time.

He could clearly feel the gap between himself and this world, if he had come through the origin of the world before.

Although he can also feel whether a world is strong or not, it is because the source of his arrival is the origin of this world.

Regarding the existence of the world, he is actually a bit similar to a limit breaker. He can feel that the world is weak, but he does not have that exclusive feeling.

But now he is an outsider.

Therefore, he will definitely be rejected by heaven and earth, and he himself will also 'feel' that he is an outsider.

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