
It was a ferocious beast covered in fire, with a pair of red eyes full of violent,

The moment the fire unicorn appeared, Guiyuan flashed quickly.

The Divine Turtle's Dharma Appeared instantly, passed through the layers of flames, and punched the Fire Qilin's body!

Under Guiyuan's punch, even the Fire Qilin flew backwards, roaring, and the flames on his body dissipated a lot.

Although the fire unicorn is powerful, its current state is not right and it does not have much intelligence at all. While roaring, it once again pounced on Guiyuan, spraying out rolling flames.


"The evil energy disrupts the soul, and the calamity energy enters the brain. No wonder it happens like this."

Guiyuan knew why Huo Qilin was like this as soon as he came into contact with it.

The Divine Turtle Dharma immediately filled the surrounding world, strangling the terrifying flames emitted by the Fire Qilin, and crushing towards the Fire Qilin with extremely terrifying suppressive power.

Fire Qilin seemed to sense danger, and the flames spread overwhelmingly.

"This is an auspicious beast, please wake up quickly!" Guiyuan shouted, and the power of the soul surged out instantly, impacting Huo Qilin's mind, but there was too much evil energy in his mind.

Even after Guiyuan used his soul to attack, Huo Qilin was still crazy when he clashed with Fa Xiang.

This guy is harder to deal with than the perfect tyrant, mainly because the evil aura is too terrifying.

To be honest, I haven't gone out to cause harm to the world. I'm afraid it's also due to the innermost dragon's energy.

Guiyuan frowned, turned over his hand and took out a drop of blood. There seemed to be endless earth energy flowing in it. The blood turned into a thread and instantly hit the center of Huo Qilin's eyebrows.

next moment.

Fire Qilin, who was still fighting fiercely with the Divine Turtle Law, seemed to have been hit hard in an instant. He took two steps back, bent his knees in front and knelt down, allowing the Divine Turtle Law to suppress him.

"Calm down your mind, I'll help you absorb all the evil spirit of mind and the evil energy of fire from your body..."

Guiyuan's palm fell on Fire Qilin's scales, and with a hot touch, Guiyuan began to use the 'Black Lotus Pond Formation' to extract the terrifying and boundless evil spirit and fire evil energy from Qilin's body at an extremely fast speed.

Qilin kept roaring and looked extremely painful, but it did not resist Guiyuan like before. Instead, it endured the severe pain in its body, and the light between its brows flickered.

Countless strands of black and red air flow spread out from Qilin's body and fell on Guiyuan's hand, becoming thicker and thicker as these air flows came out of Qilin's body.

Kirin's originally violent eyes began to show intelligence, and the hot scales on his body seemed to have faded away from the high temperature, turning from fiery red scales into crystal clear light ink color.


Qilin let out a roar, no longer as violent as before, but full of joy, but Guiyuan looked at the black and red ball in his hand.

"There is too much fire evil and turbid energy in your body. I can only extract some of it to allow you to recover temporarily, but it will take some time for you to fully recover.

That's what I taught you, using martial arts methods to build a Qilin world-suppressing map, kill the fire evil and then refine it. "

Guiyuan opened his mouth and swallowed the black and red ball into his stomach.

Seeing this, Qilin seemed a little anxious and tugged on Guiyuan's sleeve with the corner of his mouth.

Guiyuan said with a smile: "I can still erase these."

"Thanks a lot."

Guiyuan touched Qilin's head. Compared to how hot it was before, it was now as gentle as jade.

He said, unless it is a different species, if it is a water unicorn like Zhu Xian, then let's talk about it differently.

Kirin is mostly an earth sign.

But the Qilin in the storm, sitting in the center of the sky and the earth, is obviously the earth beast. This is the purest Mo Qilin or Earth Qilin among the Qilin.

Why is it called Fire Qilin?

It seems that this Leshan Giant Buddha is not a good place. The evil energy of heaven and earth condenses from here, and there is also a place where the fire and evil energy of China's earth are intertwined.

The Leshan Giant Buddha was probably built because of this, taking advantage of the water vapor gathered by the three rivers to dispel the evil spirit of fire in this place.

But then Emperor Xuanyuan found that even the water vapor of heaven and earth could not do it, so he directly mobilized the divine beast Qilin of heaven and earth to sit here to suppress the evil spirit of fire, the turbid air of the ground and protect the dragon veins of Shenzhou.

Huangdi Xuanyuan probably originally thought that Qilin belongs to earth, and the turbid air in the ground here is harmless to it, while fire generates earth, and fire Qilin can also nourish Qilin. This is indeed correct.

But the problem is, everything has a limit.

The amount of these thousands of years has long exceeded the limit of Qilin.

As a result, the evil spirit of fire impacted Qilin's mind, turning earth into fire, and the turbid underground air mixed with evil energy obscured Qilin's intelligence, turning him into a Qilin Demon.

As for why ‘the water covered the knees of the Buddha and the fire burned the Lingyun Cave. ’

This was the fire unicorn's spontaneous act of self-rescue. It used the water vapor when the water covered the Buddha's knees to kill its own anger, so it rushed out, but was mistaken for being crazy.

Just now, Guiyuan separated a drop of the Qilin blood obtained from the 'Rainbow Cat World' and dropped it into the center of Huo Qilin's eyebrows. With the help of the power of the blood in it, Qilin's mind was stabilized, and he used the formation of Luohu's inheritance to absorb the evil energy of heaven and earth. The law works on Qilin.

Unfortunately, it has been too long, and the evil spirit of fire has been deeply rooted in Qilin's body. Qilin must practice if he wants to recover.

It can be said that there has not been a volcanic eruption in Leshan that caused countless tragedies. Qilin suppressed it here and absorbed thousands of fire demons into its body.

You must know that it is an auspicious beast of heaven and earth, and it is not that the three tribes of dragon, phoenix and unicorn in the ancient times suppressed this place because they were harmful to heaven and earth. It just cares about all the people, so it ended up with the title of 'Qilin Demon'.


Qilin stuck out his tongue and licked Guiyuan's palm. Guiyuan said with a smile: "Do you remember the big man who once injured you? He should have left something on your property, and there was a knife more than ten years ago. , there should be white dew on it.”


Kirin was created by Nuwa and can understand human nature. Moreover, it once followed the Yellow Emperor, so it can naturally understand human speech.

Qilin led the way, and Guiyuan followed. Soon Qilin brought him to a knife. The knife exuded a cold air. Guiyuan then picked it up and looked at the knife in the middle of the handle. That blue crystal.

"The most yin energy..."

Guiyuan put away the knife. Now that he has arrived, there is no need to use the origin of the world to descend.

After the processing is completed, directly analyze the laws inside and the existing imprint of Nuwa.

After seeing this, Qilin continued to lead Guiyuan forward, and soon a stone wall appeared in front of Guiyuan.

It was engraved with various moves. It looked very messy, but it was mixed with changes and seemed to be connected. In Guiyuan's eyes, it was a complete set of skills.

"The top ten martial arts, this Wu Wudi is indeed a genius."

Guiyuan nodded after reading it. Wu Wudi should be regarded as a martial arts wizard who emerged from the bottom of the Wu family and inherited the martial arts fortune of the Wu family for hundreds of years.

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