"This is Nuwa who once was a goddess. She didn't agree with my point of view. We fought over this for a long time, from Taoist disputes to legal battles..."

"Who won in the end?"

"I don't know, because the winner will accept everything from the loser. In fact, this is another kind of fusion.

But for now it looks like I'm winning. Regardless of whether I really lost to her or won against her, in the final analysis, by integrating him and me, I finally occupied the mainstream of Nuwa.

Even though I lost to her in the legal battle, my Tao won. Then I win. "

Guiyuan understood that since he could meet this Nuwa, it means that the Nuwa way of the "Nuwa collective" has surpassed the other Nuwa ways, and the current winner may not be the current Nuwa. .

It was Nuwa who first proposed this path.

"Your path has a very high probability of success. You can achieve enlightenment through crowds." This kind of crowd consciousness completely gives up individual existence.

Just asking the Tao to continue to the end is not an individual thought.

Harmonize with light and dust, and achieve enlightenment through all.

"To achieve enlightenment through others is Nuwa's way, which is the core of humanity. No matter what your way is, you will eventually return to humanity."

"Then why do you want to form an alliance? When countless Nuwa are fused, their strength will definitely exceed those of those who compete with you for status."

"Because this will reduce the trouble I have to fuse with Nuwa's speed. One step will be faster and the other will be faster."

Guiyuan hesitated for a moment and nodded to indicate that they had formed an alliance.

Nuwa smiled.

After asking and answering questions, Guiyuan also learned a lot of information, and he accepted the idea of ​​Nuwa's alliance.

Moreover, his understanding of the law of creation instantly reached the perfection of Hunyuan Golden Immortal. The law of creation in the Tao Fruit traveled in the long river of the avenue, and the realm was already equivalent to the law of defense.

It is enough to know Nuwa's understanding of the Great Way of Creation.

The main reason is that this Nuwa has experienced too many worlds. Her path of creation is no longer limited to the creation of human beings, but thousands of creations are in her path.

Kaitian is just a kind of creation.

After the two of them concluded the alliance by default, Guiyuan left Wahuangtian.

As for the saint's sermons that followed, they were of little use to him.

What he listened to was the complete version. Nuwa's subsequent sermons to sentient beings in the wild were definitely not about these essential parts.

It should be more about the way of creation that can be understood based on this prehistoric foundation.

Guiyuan walked in the chaos, and the Jingyuan Dao Fruit floated around him, swallowing up the chaotic energy around him and refining it. The energy of chaos that even Da Luo was afraid of was something that Guiyuan could swallow at will.

Nowadays, because of Nuwa's sanctification, almost all sentient beings are rushing to Emperor Wa's heaven.

Honghuang once again fell into calm.

Therefore, Guiyuan was not in a hurry to return to the prehistoric world, but just thought about things while taking the form of his true body and sucking out the energy of chaos near the fetal membrane of the prehistoric world.

"I hope Nuwa won't cause any big trouble."

Only then did he think of why Nuwa gave him the world of wind and cloud before. It was just to complete the cause and effect, and to use himself as an anchor to confirm her character.

If she wants to mark herself in this ancient legend and consolidate her status.

Therefore, there is a high probability that she will gradually create some big things, and may even try to guide some beings to become similar to hers and form an alliance with her.

Enhance her status in this ancient world.

After Nuwa came to this ancient world, I am afraid that the ancient world would not develop as he imagined.

If he was the only variable, Guiyuan would still be able to predict, but now there is an additional Nuwa.

"But I'm at this level and have so many opportunities. It's too weak for me to rely on my little knowledge of the plot to play chess."

Knowing the plot is still his asset, but it is no longer his biggest reliance.

His own strength is his greatest reliance.

While swallowing the energy of chaos, he was also digesting the insights he heard from Nuwa.

"It seems that among high martial arts, there are emperors of heaven and emperors of men. Maybe high martial arts can become a world where I try to condense personalities.

The Holy Father, with the power of enlightenment... If I try to use the person of the Holy Father to enlighten others and me in that world, who will I become? "

Guiyuan's eyes fell on the illusory Heavenly Immortal Dao Fruit, and a little spiritual light began to gather on it.

The combination of the Heavenly Immortal Dao Fruit and the "Holy Father" persona that will be condensed soon, and I don't know what kind of person I will be enlightened in the whole high world.

"After the Holy Father's personality is condensed, he will directly enlighten others and me in the whole world."

Guiyuan pondered that the chat group was still one of his helpers. His greater advantage over Nuwa was that the chat group could directly capture various worlds and use the channels opened by the chat group to enlighten them with the Immortal Dao Fruit.

"It's time to recruit new group members."

Guiyuan glanced at the group chat and the cooldown for recruiting group members had ended.

He had already thought about the choice of group friends.

As he said before, he plans to make the world of comprehensive martial arts bigger, because the world of comprehensive martial arts will be one of the helpers for him to return to the human race in the Yuan Realm, and it will also be the world where he can deduce human immortal martial arts.

For example, if Jin Yong's world is pushed forward from the Shooting Condor, then only Tianlong will be left.

It's easy to get the aura of Tianlong, just get it from the Shooting Condor, and use the skills and power connections that also exist in Tianlong, as well as the relationship between the characters, to obtain and deduce it.

Guiyuan deduced an extremely weak breath from the aura of the mixed martial arts world, and put it into the chat group's recruitment function.

【Attracting new group members...】

[Select the designated world and randomly select people...]

[Select a random world, randomly select people...]

[Prehistoric Giant Turtle: I am recruiting new group members. 】

[Feng Xiaotian (group leader’s lackey): Okay, okay, there are new group members coming. The last new member changed his name to ‘Shao Siming’, and he hasn’t spoken yet. He really can dive! 】

[Zhang Sanfeng: Shao Siming is a mythical figure in the Chu land. He should also be a god. In addition, he is silent and silent, so he looks quite mysterious. 】

[Huang Rong: Don’t worry about him for now. Welcome the newcomers first. Newcomers can first read the newcomer prompts in the group chat file. 】

[Peter: I don’t know if there are any Westerners this time. It’s not about Westernism. I’m just saying that sometimes I complain a little and you don’t quite understand! Alas, it’s uncomfortable. 】

[Ace: @Peter, the group leader is from the East, so you should do as the Romans do. Didn’t you see that I’m talking about “thief” in Chinese now? 】

[Welcome ‘Hanging Man in the Sky’ to join the chat group! 】

[Welcome the ‘long-haired handsome half-blood prince’ to join the chat group! 】

[Welcome ‘Slave’s Wife’ to join the chat group! 】

[Welcome ‘Refined Magical Weapon’ to join the chat group! 】

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