Guiyuan saw Taiqing's gaze and said with a smile: "If Taoist Taoist Taiqing wants to be recognized by the human race by swearing to the ways of heaven and humanity, it will be a waste of time."

"I have personally mastered the power of education, even if Emperor Wa nods, but without my approval, it is impossible for the human race to recognize the human religion."

"Of course, if fellow Taoist disciples don't become Taoists from the human race, I will naturally have nothing to say." Guiyuan said nonchalantly.

Taiqing is stuck now, after hearing Guiyuan's words.

Even his inaction state of mind was shattered, and he said with a trace of helplessness: "Please give me some advice from fellow Taoist Guiyuan."

The implication is that you state the conditions.

As for what, find another clan, now the arrow is on the string and it has to be fired.

This oath has been sworn, how can it be changed?

Guiyuan casually moved, and a ray of spiritual light disappeared from his hand into Taiqing's hand. Taiqing saw that what was recorded in it was actually a method of enlightenment, and this method had been seen before when Guiyuan fought against Taiyi.

"I don't trust anyone and want humanity and saintliness. OK, let's make an IOU."

Guiyuan to Taiqing is the first of the three magical powers.

Also known as the ‘method of great aspirations’.

The abbreviation is ‘loan’.

After Tai Qingming realized the effectiveness of this method, he could only smile bitterly and said: "Fellow Taoist Guiyuan, it is indeed possible to achieve the supreme path to enlightenment. If this method is used by some people, it will indeed be much easier to become a saint."

"Just see Taoist friend Taiqing. Of course, this is also an opportunity, you should be aware of it."

Taiqing's eyes were complicated, and he had already understood it when the virtues of heaven fell just now.

He has become a pawn.

A pawn in the battle between humanity and heaven.

Even sanctification is just a larger chess piece, with some freedom of choice.

But now, as Guiyuan said, this is also an opportunity.

If he completely falls into the law of heaven, he may no longer be free in the future.


In the ancient world, Taiqing used the law of the soul to lead out the vast humanity, and watched the destiny of the human race, and the sound shook the ancient world.

"When I become a saint, I will protect the human race, protect all spirits, spread the supreme way, and achieve enlightenment..."

"When I become a saint, the human race's blessed land, Cave Heaven, will be able to give birth to its spirit, and all human races will be able to practice..."

"When I become a saint, the wisdom of the human race will be enlightened, and they will be able to travel through the three thousand avenues of the prehistoric times, and all roads will be able to lead to Daluo..."

As Taiqing spoke every word, the human race's holy virtue, which was still hovering in the sky, began to decline step by step. Finally, Taiqing said, "When I become a saint, the human race can establish the heaven and earth and obtain my orthodoxy!"

The endless holy golden light emerged and fell suddenly.

The barriers between the three corpses of Taiqing merged together in an instant, turning into a figure that merged with Taiqing. Taiqing did not know when he fell into the sky and sat cross-legged, and said: "I will teach Taiyi to the human race. The way, the way of Da Luo.

To repay humanity! "

After all, the sky is full of flowers and golden lotuses are blooming on the ground. It is not only the ancestral land of the human race, but wherever there are traces of the human race, the voice of Taiqing's Taoism can be heard.

Countless birds and beasts lie down on the ground, listening to the saint's voice.

Kunlun Mountain.

Inside the Sanqing Palace.

At the moment Taiqing became a saint, he immediately sent a message to

Taiqing gave instructions and said: "If you don't establish a religion, you won't become a saint! But remember, you must involve the human race, and use this method to become a saint with the help of humane virtues.

This is the only chance to escape! ! "

Taiqing's words instantly hit his ears like the sound of heaven, deafening and deafening.

Yuqing and Shangqing looked at each other, and what Taiqing said just now made them feel something. They each had their own thoughts and sat down cross-legged.

Soon, Yuqing opened his eyes, and he already understood why Taiqing taught them this magical power.

I want them, the Three Pure Ones, to gain a chance of transcendence in the battle between heaven and man.

But he didn't want to do this.

Heavenly principles, the way of heaven is constant.

Only with the way of heaven can the prehistoric era be so vigorous, and everything should flow in an orderly manner.

The teacher's teachings are not necessarily wrong. If there are mistakes or selfish motives, then I will correct them!

Soon, his Taoist heart became strong.

Suddenly, in the eastern land, a majestic voice spread throughout the three realms: "The way of heaven is above, I am one of the three pure beings transformed by Pangu Yuanshen, Yuqing Yuanshi Tianzun, and a direct disciple of Taoist ancestors. Now I obey the heavens and make an announcement. teach.

Expounder, explain the way of heaven, comply with the will of heaven, use the innate treasure Pangu Banner to suppress the spirit of my great teaching, explain the teaching, and establish!

Those who are cultivators from ancient times and have deep roots can come to my sect of interpretation. "

As soon as Yuanshi Tianzun finished speaking, another huge majesty rose from the Kunlun Mountains in the east throughout the ancient world. The heavenly merits were vast and boundless, and the purple energy came from the east.

"This is because Taiqing has just become a saint and Yuqing has also attained enlightenment. It's impossible. How could this happen? Could it be that the Taoists from Sanqing are going to be together today?"

Yuqing's sermon made people all over the world tremble and worship him. They were all in awe and were horrified by his supernatural power.

But both Shangqing and Taiqing were stunned.

Taiqing's voice when he was preaching stopped for a moment, because Yuqing did not follow Taiqing's words to educate the human race, or even teach humanity.

Rather, he became a saint through boundless heavenly merits.

Shangqing couldn't help but ask: "Second brother?"

"Heavenly Principle, I explain the Heavenly Principle. I have my own way. If the teacher's Heavenly Principle is incorrect, I will correct it." Yuqing digested the origin of the Heavenly Dao and said calmly.

The firmness of his tone made Shangqing stunned.

Shangqing took a deep look at Yuqing.

This road is even harder than Taiqing’s instructions for them to walk!

After all, compared to fighting between heaven and man, it is definitely more difficult to practice one's own path and even possibly go against one's own teacher.

Naturally, Shangqing also knew what to do. He used his status as the Three Pure Ones to activate the origin of the avenue, and his voice was loud and spread throughout the entire prehistoric world.

A voice full of perseverance spread to the common people: "The way of heaven is above, and the way of humanity is above. I am one of the three pure beings transformed by Pangu Yuanshen, the Supreme Purity Spiritual Treasure Taoist, with the name Tongtian, and the nine heavens are clear.

Now I have established the teaching of interception. Those who intercept will borrow a glimmer of vitality from the way of heaven.

Qingping Sword suppresses the great religious spirit!

From today on, I am the leader of Jie Jiao Tongtian, teaching and transforming the common people. There is no distinction between teachings and all sentient beings in the wild can come and listen to the teachings. "

The voice of Master Tongtian was so loud that when it spread throughout the world, a surge of momentum exploded.

The vast heavenly merits and human virtues suddenly fell.

Tongtian continued to shout: "When I become a saint, all people in the world will be able to attain enlightenment, regardless of religion!"

"When I became a saint, I held the sword to intercept one of them as he escaped, and sought an opportunity for all sentient beings!"

"When I became a saint, all the disciples of Jiejiao joined the world, and followed the human way and changed endlessly, in order to seek for a glimmer of heaven!"

One after another, big wishes are made.

This time, the human saintly virtues fell instantly, while the heavenly virtues were not as refreshing as Yuanshi, but they still fell suddenly after hesitation.

Bathed in merit and holiness, Tongtian becomes holy immediately.

Thanks to book friend 20230301825 for the 3332 reading coins

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