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Chapter 256 There is no more witches in Houtu, but there is one more ancestral witch

The nine eyes on the future lord.

"Heaven Eye", "Earth Eye", "Wisdom Eye", "Wisdom Eye", "Baffled Eye", "Dharma Eye", "True Eye", "Virtual Eye" and "Xuan Eye".

These nine eyes can see all the changes in the past and the future.

The most suitable one is deduction.

Sanqing each fell into a thought, and so did Nuwa and Pingxin. At this time, a thought flew from the sky and fell into the future master.

Needless to say, it was Hongjun who had just been choked away by Nuwa.

Guiyuan waved his hand and handed the Qianqiu pen, the book of life and death, and the human lamp into the hands of the future owner.

Nuwa said: "This time I give you a name, Si Ming! From now on, I will rely on humanity and be in charge of the life span of all souls!"

Siming opened his nine eyes, and infinite divine light bloomed here. He nodded and said, "Good!"

After that, Si Ming, who was recognized by heaven, earth and people, quietly disappeared into the world.

At the same time, the Tao seed in the Guiyuan Earth Flower had quietly shattered, and a round Tao Fruit emerged on the Earth Flower.

But at this moment, the entire underworld is shrouded in tunnels, and even if Heaven wants to send down thunder and calamity to stop Guiyuan, it can't.

Pingxin glanced at Guiyuan.

With a wave of his hand, he suppressed Guiyuan's aura.

Unexpectedly, the sentient beings also made a command, and these successive events ended like this.

Just when I was about to go back and digest these big news.

After all, there are three saints in one day, reincarnation appears, the underworld appears, and the underworld is established. This is a lot of things.

Ping Xin didn't stop yet, she waved her hand, and the newly awakened tunnel power fell on her hand.

The entire underworld began to roar, and billions of netherworld laws began to vibrate.

I saw Ping Xin harnessing the power of the immeasurable earth, speaking the laws of the earth, and said: "There is a god in the ancient world, named Styx, who was born to wield Yuantu, and the two swords of Abi.

Take punishment as the law and enforce the punishment in the right way.

Then there is the karma fire red lotus accompanying it.

People with heavy karma can be punished by using karma fire. "

"That's it! In the name of Ping Xin, the Lord of the Underworld, I make Ming He the Lord of the Underworld, the Great Emperor of Fengdu, take charge of Fengdu, and take charge of thousands of souls.

Punish the sins of the creatures in the underworld and clear the karma of the creatures.

Give Hongmeng Qingqi to control the origin of the earth! "

After saying that, a piece of green energy that seemed to be there or not, fell on the head of Styx and submerged into his soul.

When the sentient beings who just thought the matter was over heard this, the eyes of all those with great supernatural powers fell on Styx.

Even Sanqing was stunned. Is this Styx actually related to the tunnel?

But they listened to Ping Xin.

After careful calculation, it was found that the Styx River was indeed in line with the theory of the tunnel, and the name of the Styx River and the place of its birth were also related to the tunnel.

Moreover, the creatures he created, the Asura clan, are war-loving and have no fear of resentful spirits and karma.

It is indeed in line with what Pingxin said.

Not only all living beings, but also many great supernatural beings and quasi-sages looked at the Styx with envy.

This was appointed by Empress Pingxin, who is the master of the tunnel.

There are saints in each of the three realms of heaven, earth and man, who are in charge of the balance and circulation of each realm and perform their respective duties.

This is obviously Empress Pingxin appointing an authentic saint.

The River Styx is actually going to be sanctified!

"The River Styx actually has such luck and is going to become a saint?"

"Why can the River Styx be sanctified? Is there an inside story behind it?"

"You can question Empress Pingxin if you have the ability!"

Many great supernatural beings kept transmitting messages, and their eyes turned red when they looked at Styx.

When they came here, they found the Styx standing here.

You said there was no inside story.

Everyone definitely doesn’t believe it.

The race created by Styx is actually responsible for punishing the spirits that enter the underworld.

Still in the three virtuous paths of reincarnation.

When Styx was touched by Empress Pingxin, he didn't show any surprise.

Will you give people a royal feeling?

No wonder they are jealous.

You must know that this is an opportunity for sanctification.

The saint is such a supreme existence. He has no expression at all. It can only be said that Styx must have known about this for a long time.

Why can the Three Pure Ones become saints? Isn’t it because when the Taoist ancestors preached, they appointed six heavenly saints?

Today, Empress Pingxin's status is just like that of Tao Ancestor back then.

Originally, when Emperor Wa was giving his sermon, many quasi-sages went there because they were wondering whether Emperor Wa would appoint a humane saint like the Taoist Patriarch.

But Emperor Wa only preached in an ordinary way, and he didn't even talk much about humanity. Many Daluo and quasi-sages were extremely disappointed.

I think that humanity does not require saints, or that saints of humanity need to be born among the two Lich races, or the newly born human race, so there is no force.

But now that Empress Pingxin has appointed her, it means that the Taoists need saints.

What if they have a chance too.

Many Da Luo and quasi-sages all cast their gazes on Ping Xin, their eyes filled with anticipation.

"However... the River Styx is protected by the red lotus of karma. It is immune to the changes of good and evil in sentient beings and does not know the karma of all living beings. You need to go to reincarnation and understand karma before you can judge your sins carefully!"

"First I will be in charge of judging the sins of living beings. When Fengdu comes back with enlightenment, he can return to his position!"

All living beings were still envious of Styx, but when they heard this, they were a little confused. Why is reincarnation happening again?

But doesn’t reincarnation occur only after death?

Nuwa raised her eyebrows.

She didn't say this to Hou Tu. It was like summoning Pangu's physical body when Yu Sanqing was sanctified.

In other words, this is what Guiyuan teaches.

‘But this is fine. ’

Although it will make Styx's training a lot more, once the way of the three corpses is eradicated with the help of reincarnation.

When he returns to his throne and becomes an authentic saint, he will not be suppressed by Hongjun.

And Ping Xin directly brought it up on this occasion, which meant that she had already appointed Ming He as the emperor of Fengdu.

Anyone who dares to prevent Styx from returning to his position is going against Pingxin.

"This will make Western religion uncomfortable. In many worlds, those two guys are constantly competing for the power of reincarnation. Now the greatest power in the underworld has been divided and taken away! They haven't even become saints yet."

Nuwa said to herself.

In this way, reincarnation becomes a completely private place.

She recalled what Hou Tu said, 'The way of the Earth Immortal, but she didn't expect that Guiyuan actually understood the way of the Earth Immortal. The two Tao fruits of Heavenly Immortal and Earth Immortal come together.

This talent is higher than I imagined! ’

"Follow your Majesty's will!"

Minghe had no expression on his face. In an instant, he manifested his two corpses and handed over Yuantu, Abi and Ye Huohonglian to the four great Asuras of the Asura clan.

This is his chance to become enlightened. Now that the opportunity has arrived, if he cannot achieve enlightenment, it can only be said that his own ability is insufficient.

Then it turned into a spiritual light and disappeared into the boundless reincarnation disk.

"From now on, there will be no more shamans in the land, only peace with the master of the tunnel!"

Ping Xin said softly, and everyone was shocked when these words came out. You must know that the two Lich clans are still fighting for hegemony of the world, and the biggest trump card of the Lich clan is the Twelve Heavenly Gods Formation.

If there is no Hou Tu, how can the Witch Clan fight the Demon Clan?

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