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Chapter 258 The Age of All Saints (Happy New Year Everyone)

"Hahahaha, the method of great ambition is passed down from Guiyuan.

They are not the creators of the Tao. We can still become saints with the help of God Pangu’s heaven-opening merits. These two people may still owe a little! "

Tongtian couldn't help but laugh.

Yuanshi's whole body was filled with the energy of Yuanshi, and the laws of heaven were constantly evolving around him. He said lightly: "These two people have talent and perseverance.

But some things cannot be achieved with talent and perseverance. "

Lao Tzu shook his head and said: "Although the two of you in the West were once members of Xuanmen, they have already found a different path.

Moreover, since we have seen our enlightenment not long ago, we should have mastered the method of great aspirations.

With their status as heavenly saints, as long as they make enough great aspirations.

You can still become a saint. "

The west.

Zhunti and Jie Yin saw the heavenly and humane merits that were still hovering in the sky.

Now they suddenly feel a little bit the same as Taiqing at the beginning.

It's really embarrassing to be neither up nor down.

Moreover, their situation is even more worrying than that of Taiqing, because they have made the forty-eight great aspirations, but their heavenly merits and human virtues have not yet fallen.

For this reason, the two of them looked even more sad.

They have been perfecting the method of great ambition for countless years.

Who knew that during the battle in heaven, they would discover a great ambition that they had never revealed.

It was actually used extremely skillfully by Guiyuan.

And when Lao Tzu preached, it made them numb.

Laozi, Tongtian owes great ambitions one after another. Can heaven and humanity still be owed by them?

Sometimes there is too much debt, and Heaven is not willing to be owed too much merit.

Moreover, the golden name of Sanqing itself as "Pangu Zhengzong" is enough to mortgage the owed holy virtues.

But they can't.

What should we do?

"We don't have the merits to open heaven. Even the saintly virtues and merits summoned by our great aspirations cannot make us saints, so both heaven and humanity are waiting.

If there is nothing we can do, it means that the great ambition cannot be fulfilled, all these merits and virtues will be dispersed, and sanctification will fail. "

Zhunti looked extremely ugly when he heard this. He didn't expect that this would be the case.

It seems that Heavenly Dao does not want to waste merit.

Because this merit cannot make them saints, and if this problem cannot be solved, the merit will dissipate soon.

Not only that, the Hongmeng Purple Qi, which had already begun to merge into the soul, was only halfway integrated and then stopped.

This also made Zhunti's heart suddenly sink.

The holy way will be cut off!

Zhunti sighed and said in a loud voice that spread throughout the world: "When I become a saint, everyone in the West will have eternal life, and thousands of spirits will be transcended..."

"When I become a saint, the wisdom of all sentient beings in the ancient world will be as great as the heavens, and their cultivation of Tao will be long..."

"When I become a saint, the karma of all living beings in the earth will be eliminated, cause and effect will be destroyed, and all spirits will be pure..."

One after another, great ambitions continued to fall, and together with the previous forty-eight great ambitions, fifty-one were added later, making a total of ninety-nine great ambitions.

All the sentient beings were stunned when they heard this. This quasi-imposition was too harsh. I am afraid that such a large number of ambitions will have to run errands in this life.

Sanqing, Nuwa and others were also stunned.

What’s the point of being a saint like you?

Guiyuan watched quietly. Now the Second Sage of the West not only made great wishes for the way of heaven and humanity, but also the way of earth.

Because these two people also promised to maintain the operation of reincarnation and eliminate thousands of karma.

This guy is completely overdrawing his future.

And it's not just them.

Even their orthodoxy will be regarded as a big debtor.

Under the great ambitions of each sentence, the merits of heaven, the Yin virtues of earth, and the holy virtues of humanity were mixed and fell on the two people in the West, and the barrier was finally broken.

But everyone was silent.

This almost completely treats oneself as a slave of the ancient world.

But still has the power of a saint?

next moment.

Then the vast pressure of the saint enveloped the ancient world, the rays of light were endless, the purple energy came from the east, the spiritual energy was vast, and countless creatures either transformed into forms or received benefits.

But this time, the Holy Power has no pressure at all. Jie Yin and Zhunti have completely placed themselves below all living beings.

Because they are big debtors.

Even if they are saints.

As long as the debt is not paid off, they can't even do anything to sentient beings.

Once many of their great ambitions are violated, the holy throne will be unstable instantly.

Because their holy throne is built on many bubbles.

Guiyuan touched his chin. The two Westerners really had perseverance. These ninety-nine aspirations covered almost all aspects of the three realms of heaven, earth, and people.

Not to mention that the original Forty-eight Great Visions originally included all aspects of the Western world, so the two of them spent almost their entire lives working hard to revitalize the West.

But now, the north, south, east, and west are also added, as well as the combing of heavenly laws, the elimination of earthly evil spirits and karma, and the enlightenment of human beings.

He directly became a slave of the ancient world.

If in the original timeline, these two people also used some tricky methods, relying on the power of Western religion gathered in reincarnation, they even reached the point where they became Western religions for one day and forever.

That's because the human realm and the earth realm were already completely controlled by heaven. After becoming saints, even the great ambitions they owed were owed to heaven.

Hongjun might think that the two of them are capable.

Don't even care how they do it.

But now the tunnel is controlled by Pingxin, and the human realm is controlled by Nuwa. They can't interfere with reincarnation, and it's impossible to let them preach in various ways.

They can only repay the debt obediently themselves.

Now they are in trouble.

Jie Yin opened his mouth and said: "This sage will preach at Lingshan Mountain in the west until I pass away and enter Nirvana. Anyone who wants to come can come and listen to the sermon!"

This opening is called Wang Zha, and he really preaches the truth to all living beings, preaching until death and nirvana.

You are completely treating the way of saints as cabbage.

The preaching of saints does not mean that more is better.

Preaching will produce cause and effect, and it will collude with the sentient beings who listen to the sermon. If the cultivation gained from listening to the sermon is used to do evil, part of the karma and cause and effect will be settled on your head.

Of course, this is indeed a good thing for many creatures in the wild.

For many living beings, there is no way to practice cultivation. Sometimes when they grow up and settle in a certain state, that is the state they are in.

The teachings of sages will greatly promote the spiritual practice of living beings.

The Bodhi tree in the west quietly disappeared.

Many of the great supernatural powers in the reincarnation had already left. Some of them glanced at Zhen Yuanzi curiously before leaving. Zhen Yuanzi was also in the sea of ​​blood.

After seeing that Styx was sanctified by Hou Tuqin, they thought that Zhen Yuanzi was the same. Who would have thought that Zhen Yuanzi would act like nothing happened.

Everyone has to go back and ponder and calculate, but they all know one fact.

From this moment on, all sentient beings know that a new era is coming.

One, the age of saints.

Thanks to Starry Sky Story 42 for the reward of 1666 currency coins, and thanks to Boundless Sea of ​​Blood and Demon Ancestor for the reward of 588 currency coins.

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