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Chapter 267 Destiny God and Demon? The red cloud moves!

At least according to Guiyuan's idea.

Hongyun has no basis for sanctification at all.

Sanqing was able to become a saint because of the merits of opening heaven, the use of the Dafa of Loan, and the permission of Nuwa and Guiyuan to use the holy virtues of humanity.

The Second Saint of the West even owed ninety-nine great aspirations, and may spend the rest of his life repaying the debts owed to his great aspirations.

Even if Hongyun wants to become a saint, or Hongjun wants to promote him to become a saint and take charge of the avenue of fortune.

It also depends on Hongyun’s own capital.

It doesn’t mean that your name is Hongyun and you can control good luck.

Otherwise, if I just name him Pangu, then would that mean I am Pangu?

“Luck…is closely related to destiny.

But now the long river of destiny has been integrated into the ancient world by the Great God Pangu. No one dares to shake it.

Only an ax can fly at the end of the long river of time and destiny. "

"If we don't start from the river of destiny, there is only one possibility.

Destiny God and Demon, although this guy has turned into a river of destiny. But who knows if there are any dead species left..."

Guiyuan's mind fell on 'Si Ming' in the dark space. Si Ming is now constantly calculating the karma, merits, and cultivation of endless living beings.

Because of Heaven’s perverse actions, Heaven’s endless karma is still increasing.

But Heavenly Court's total cultivation level is also constantly increasing, so Heavenly Court can still suppress it.

After all, what can be done is to suppress the prehistoric continent for one's own selfishness, which is detrimental to the development of the prehistoric continent.

Except for those Daluo Jinxian, the lifespan of those Taiyi and below demon clans who are in charge of the Star Flag are constantly being eliminated and deprived of them.

Even after reaching the age of Golden Immortal, the lifespan of the physical body is no longer limited. Through the immortal gold nature of the Golden Immortal Dao Fruit, one can constantly reshape the physical body through mana.

But once you have the Book of Life and Death, it contains the grand power of humanity.

As long as you are a living being, you are controlled by humanity.

Therefore, as long as you have not reached Daluo, your life span will be continuously stripped away due to your deep karma, until your Yang life span cannot be repaid, and you will die.

This is why Nuwa originally wanted to give Guiyuan the book of life and death.

The other saints have such great opinions.

Guiyuan just glanced at it.

[You have observed Si Ming’s judgment of life and death, using karma and merit to cancel each other out, depriving them of the ability to live a long life. You have combined with the Great Way of Creation, the red lotus of karma, and understood the magical power - using your life to counter karma, and using your merits to increase your lifespan! 】

Guiyuan's eyes flashed with countless magical powers, but he didn't expect such a gain.

But that was not the purpose of his visit this time.

Instead, he planned to use the computing power of ‘Si Ming’ to deduce Hongyun’s purpose.

And deduce how he can master the avenue of fortune and find the location of the gods and demons of destiny.

Fire Cloud Cave is located in a vast plain thousands of miles away.

The endless clouds are floating in the sky, as if they were inspired by someone.

"If you want an opportunity, you must accept the disaster it brings. If you want to kill me, you must be prepared to be killed!"

Hongyun said calmly, he knew that no matter whether he realized the Great Fortune Road or not, this disaster would pass.

And now that he has received the blessing from Hongmeng Purple Qi, he is more confident.

That's why he said he was going to be robbed.

If you don't enter the disaster, you can't escape it!

His eyes slowly swept over this place, and then he moved his hands, and countless materials came out of his hands.

Then he penetrated into the underground here and merged into the void, then formed seals in his hands and continued to penetrate into it.

What Hongyun arranged this time was a formation of his own creation, with the Nine-Nine Sanpo Gourd as the core and the power of the endless clouds in the sky.

With the best innate spiritual treasure as the core, and with the help of the power of heaven and earth, its power is naturally extraordinary.

Soon, Hong Yun's formations were all ready. At this time, the range of the formations had been expanded by him to a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

Such a range is enough to kill many beings.

Hongyun looked at the formation points arranged here.

He nodded with satisfaction, and then turned his gaze to Jiutian.

With a flip of his hand, a gourd with a crystal clear surface like ruby ​​appeared. It was his most precious treasure, the Nine-Nine Soul Gourd.

Hongyun flipped his hand and threw it, a red light flashed by, and then he formed hand seals continuously.


The next moment, an invisible formation began to form, with formation patterns corresponding to the clouds above the nine heavens.

There is an invisible force gathering here.

And among the surroundings, dozens of red lights flashed past.

Then he escaped into the void and disappeared.

After doing all this.

Hongyun put away the handprint in his hand.

A smile finally appeared on the indifferent face.

Then he sat down cross-legged and began to adjust his breath to recover from this consumption.

At the same time, his aura slowly spread out at this time, filling the vicinity of the Fire Cloud Cave.

After all, the trap is now set, and with him as bait, he naturally wants to fish.

Then Hongyun no longer waits.

It's time to do what you need to do when you start to show your body.

After these things are resolved, he can end his ties.

You can be more in tune with the Hongmeng Purple Qi, and you can move towards a higher world.

Now that everything is ready, it is natural to strike with one strike.

The formation at this time is already enough to accommodate a lot of people, so it is natural to attract more powerful monks to come.

Otherwise, wouldn’t it be in vain?

At this time, as Hongyun's Taoist temple is located, it can be said that there are casual cultivators here waiting for Hongyun.

Because they believe that as Hongyun's dojo, it is impossible for Hongyun to never return to the dojo.

No, wait till now!

Of course, most of these casual cultivators are Da Luo Jinxian level casual cultivators.

A very small part are monks below Da Luo.

With such strength, naturally he would not dare to go up and trouble Hong Yun at this time.

Although he covets the Hongmeng Purple Qi, he still has this bit of self-awareness.

Hongyun is a quasi-sage master, and he has a spiritual treasure in his hand. Even those who are higher than him as a monk have to think twice, let alone himself.

In the absence of powerful people coming here, they would naturally not rush over to look for trouble in Hongyun.

At the same time, these casual cultivators sent messages to many powerful people.

There is also Heavenly Court's spy here. At this time, a message was sent to Heavenly Court to inform them of the situation here, and then they were observing the progress of the matter.

After the summons was completed, these monks at Da Luo and below waited to let the powerful take action first and see what benefits they could get.

Maybe, I am still the one I am destined for?

Since the Five Saints in One Day, all living beings have become more and more eager to become holy.

Hongyun's appearance plunged Honghuang into turmoil again, after Pingxin was about to give a sermon. Countless powerful people began to pay attention to Hongyun's movements.

Originally, they were still scolding many existences in heaven.

Now they are all attracted by the news that Hongyun left Wuzhuang Temple and appeared.

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