next moment.

Just like a huge monument on an island crashing down, the explosion provided by the giant turtle particles, a giant turtle even when it was just born can compete with Daluo, and now there are four giant turtle particles.

Even if these Taiyi Golden Immortals continue to use their magic, they are under the terrifying power carried by the Xuanzhong Monument.

In an instant, the immortal bodies of the Taiyi Golden Immortals were shattered, and their souls were destroyed.

There was no hair left.


With a trace of karma wrapped around him, Shen Fei shook his head and continued to look at the strange place he had just sensed.

As for forming a karmic relationship with the Eastern Prince?

After this short-lived ghost became the Lord of Penglai and the Lord of Sanxian, these messy Sanxian cultivators continued to add karma and cause and effect to him.

It is normal for him to die in a catastrophe.

No wonder Jiejiao also declined after that, there were too many messy things.

This was just a small episode. Shen Fei looked at the innate formation that had some traces of it due to the vibration of his boundless power. He didn't expect a coincidence.

If it weren't for those Taiyi Golden Immortals, it would really be difficult for this island to manifest. Their deaths can be regarded as meritorious deeds.

"It's a pity that I don't understand the formation..."

"In that case."

The Xuanzhong Monument appeared in Shen Fei's hand. The heavy hand felt very good, "Eat a brick from me!"

Under the infusion of mana, the Xuanzhong Monument swelled in the wind. The boundless and terrifying weight coupled with Shen Fei's strength instantly hit the revealed innate formation.

'boom! ’

A huge roar sounded, and the innate formation began to vibrate under this terrifying force. The formation patterns flickered and teetered, and Shen Fei frowned.

There are two ways to break the formation. One is to master the formation, gradually break through the understanding of the formation, and finally master the movement of the formation. The other is to break through with brute force like Shen Fei!

Simple, direct and brutal!

And most of them are cracked in this way. After all, not everyone practices the formation. Unless you are lucky and lucky, you can walk into the formation at will.

However, brute force cracking requires strength. If you master the formation, you don't need to be that high to crack it.

"Not yet?"

The next second.

The real body emerged, the boundless giant turtle carrying a huge monument, "Eat me and hit me!"

In an instant, it was as if a continent was slamming into the innate formation, making a muffled sound that was even more terrifying than before, and the innate formation began to shake crazily.

This innate formation protects against ordinary people quite well.

But Shen Fei.

This collision directly made the innate formation unable to withstand it, and huge waves surged in the originally calm sea around it.


With a slight cracking sound, countless cracks began to appear in the huge innate formation. In an instant, the place where Shen Fei hit turned into countless fragments, and the heaven and earth Daoyun completely exploded.

A huge gap appeared in front of Shen Fei.

The Taoist body appeared, and Shen Fei immediately turned into a spiritual light and rushed in. In an instant, the Taoist rhyme of heaven and earth began to interweave and re-formed into formations to make up for the huge gap that Shen Fei had knocked out.

In an instant.

An island suddenly appeared in front of Shen Fei's eyes. From the appearance, it looked like a floating turtle shell, which was a little smaller than Shen Fei's small body. The vast chaotic spiritual energy continued to wander from the sky above the island like clouds. .

The moment I saw this island.

A real name emerged in Shen Fei's mind.

‘Jin’ao Island? ’

"Fuck! We came to the wrong place! Is this Jin'ao Island, the future Holy Land of Jiejiao?"

Shen Fei couldn't help but curse out loud.

Good guy, he was destined to be with Jiejiao even though he was reincarnated, right? He finally got the chance to come to Donghai, and now he is here.

Coming to Jin'ao Island...

Since it can be the place where Master Tongtian establishes his sect after the separation of the Three Purities in the future, it must be the top cave heaven paradise in the world, and it must be much better than the Shankara that Shen Fei built casually at the beginning.

Shen Fei's soul swept through the entire Jin'ao Island in an instant. Except for the center, there was a large closed formation that he needed to go to in person. All kinds of spiritual roots were already in short supply in the ancient times.

There was also the chaotic aura that filled the entire island and was blocked by the innate formation.

Moreover, the Cave Heaven Paradise also has the benefit of nourishing luck.

If you spread your Tao charm across the island, the two will be connected and can complement each other.

Otherwise, why would those big forces have to find a base?

Shen Fei's expression was gloomy and uncertain. To be honest, Jin'ao Island was also destined to him. First of all, calling him this name showed that he was destined to him.

"This place is destined for me!"

Shen Fei's eyes flickered. To be honest, if he read the novel, he still liked Tongtian, but in the novel, his limbs were chopped off by Tongtian.

Even if he is accepted as a disciple after reincarnation, he will repay the cause and effect.

That’s no use!

Fate has its own depth. Since you, Tongtian, are now going to Zixiao Palace to get the holy throne, then I shouldn't go too far in taking this Jin'ao Island.

Shen Fei landed on the island and felt the chaotic aura flowing out all the time.

He wants to decide on this place.

But what about Beihai?

Shen Fei suddenly thought about this problem again. He was born from the North Sea, and he was considered to be the innate sacredness of the North Sea. He had the luck of the North Sea. Originally, he planned to come to the East China Sea to plunder and then leave.

Who knew that I would encounter Jin'ao Island.

But if you stay in the East China Sea, it will become a place of right and wrong again in the future.

"No... I can't move Jin'ao Island?" As soon as the idea came up, Shen Fei couldn't stop it. He didn't say that Lingdao couldn't be moved.

Shen Fei thought for a while, if it was before, he might not be able to move, but now with the power of five ancient giant turtles, he can still move Jin'ao Island.

But you need to cut off the connection between the island and the earth first.

Otherwise, it will involve other earth veins and cause the earth veins to break, and the karma will be huge.

And he wants to solve it as soon as possible. He only has three thousand years. At this time, Tongtian, who is destined to Jin'ao Island, is in the Zixiao Palace and cannot calculate the secret of heaven.

While Shen Fei was thinking about how to complete his big plan, he came to the center of Jin'ao Island.

It just blocked the center of his soul's power.

It is also the core place of Jin'ao Island.

There was a large lake in the center. Shen Fei looked at the large lake enveloped by the innate formation and smiled slightly.

He took out the Xuanzhong Monument in his hand. This thing was really handy.

In an instant, he slammed into the formation.

This great formation was not as powerful as the great formation outside. In an instant, the great formation shattered and turned into a rhyme of heaven and earth that dissipated around.

When Shen Fei entered the bottom of the lake, he saw that the core spiritual vein of Jin'ao Island was connected to a huge carapace.

On the carapace, there are three words engraved with the innate Taoist script.

Golden Aojia.

"Another A?"

After Shen Fei appeared, the golden turtle armor shone slightly and spontaneously fell into his hand, "Sure enough, this thing is indeed destined for me."

at the moment of contact.

All kinds of information kept popping up in his mind. After digesting it in an instant, even Shen Fei was full of surprise at the moment.

"I've been told that this place is destined for me!"

Most overseas fairy islands are formed by the intertwining of chaos fragments and heavenly aura, so there is chaotic aura.

And this Jin Ao Island is no exception, but when the chaos fragments fell, they were actually mixed with the tortoise shell of the Chaos God Demon Jin Ao.

Under its remaining Taoist rhyme, Jin'ao Island was formed.

"The ultimate innate spiritual treasure, Golden Aojia..."

Two top-quality innate spiritual treasures of defensive type.

It's the thickest armor in the world. It feels good to put it on for a while, and it feels good to keep it on!

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