The world of Yangshen.

Daqian Dynasty.

Guiyuan knocked on the armrest, and the surrounding spiritual objects containing the secrets of heaven and earth were continuously swallowed into his body. In his mind, a supreme Dharma statue sat cross-legged, and the vast power suppressed it.

A towering amount of Qi and blood like thick slurry condensed in his body, and in the deepest part of his soul, there was a tower and a clock condensing. The laws of time and space kept emerging, as if to suppress an endless side of time and space.

The qi behind him also condensed into the future master, deducing countless inspirations.

The Book of Creation.

Tower of Taiyu and Divine Bell of Zhouji.

There is no life in the future.

Practicing the three major scriptures at the same time can help him enter the other side of this world faster.

"The way of Yang Shen is indeed extremely mysterious, and it can be practiced to the five stars of all realms, but unfortunately there is still one step missing, which must be made up for by great ambition. It is a pity that in the end, it cannot be as unified as one, and enter the other shore!

Because there is no saint in this world, we can only wait for Hong Yi to push the world forward before Hunyuan can appear! "

During this period of time in Guiyuan, I have been practicing these three techniques. With the help of my high position, I have been able to practice these three techniques extremely quickly.

The realm of martial arts has reached the level of human immortality, and the soul has survived four thunder tribulations.

He also already knows a lot about Yangshen Martial Arts.

Originally, the three aspects of Jing, Qi and Shen were like three horses pulling a carriage forward, but in the world of Yang Shen, there are only two: Jing and Shen.

On the contrary, there is no 'qi' that plays a role in carrying it out.

Soon, the energy and blood condensed in the body began to reach the upper limit, and Guiyuan could not open the acupoint even though he already knew where it was.

"The talent of this body is still too low. It has swallowed so many spiritual objects and is still stuck here. I remember that there are innate spiritual fetuses in this world.

Find the spiritual fetus and absorb the innate energy contained in the sacred stone spiritual fetus, and try to use the innate to make up for the acquired. You should be able to quickly enter the other side.

If we can reach the other side and cooperate internally and externally to suppress this world, even the lowest level world can still help me improve myself. "

Guiyuan remembered that there was a sacred stone spiritual fetus on Tianzhu Mountain. This sacred stone spiritual fetus absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon. It was an innate creature. As soon as it was born, it would become a powerful human immortal.

Without practicing any techniques, you can reach the level of the four stars in all realms with just your physical body.

However, if the spiritual creatures of heaven and earth are to be successfully conceived, they will go through disasters.

In the original timeline, the divine stone spiritual fetus fell into the hands of Champion Hou and Hong Yi, and finally became Hong Yi's body.

Guiyuan left a trace of his thoughts to handle government affairs here.

Because Yang Pan was still in court, he, the prince, did not have much to do.

So there is no need to leave too many thoughts here.

He himself left the East Palace. With his current strength, if he wanted to travel, only a few people could find him.

Wu Wenhou Mansion.

In the reception hall.

Hong Xuanji is pondering the human-immortal martial arts he learned from the group chat.

The current upper limit of this human immortal martial arts has reached the four stars of all realms, which means that this human immortal martial arts has been able to practice to his level.

He had previously challenged the group leader because of a fever in his mind. He had no redeemed points before, so he could only go to the arsenal to find the Taoist techniques that the imperial court had wiped out in the past, and uploaded them all to the group chat.

Used to exchange for skills.

In addition to chatting in the group chat, asking Liu Shen to fight in the ring, and pondering his own martial arts.

He @checked with the group leader from time to time to know his fate, but the group leader still didn't see it, which made him regret from time to time.

It would be better if I didn't have such a twitchy mind before.

"Dharmakaya Realm..."

Human Immortal Martial Arts also talks about spirit, energy, and spirit. Previously, Hong Xuanji was very talented in Human Immortal Martial Arts, so he did not take the path of the soul.

He just practiced a little on the side. After all, life is short. If it is all put above cultivation, how can his principles be verified? What he wants to be is like the ancient sages, convincing others with his own principles.

And not force.

Now it seems that he thought wrongly. Spirit, energy and spirit are equally important, so during this period after he switched to cultivating human immortal martial arts, he also began to focus on the practice of the other two.

Naturally, the speed of practice is also much slower.

"Qi, if I can swallow up the vitality god, will it allow me to go further in terms of qi..."

Hong Xuanji also realized that his world lacked the cultivation method of "Qi" in Jingqi Shen.

In their world, it seems that only the ‘Yuanqi God’ is on this path.

groping farther.

If he can devour it, it should allow him to take a step forward in his 'qi'.


Hong Xuanji thought for a while and planned to get up to report Yang Pan. He felt that he could tell Yang Pan about the existence of the chat group. Only by working together could they reach the other side.

They have shared many opportunities and don't care about group chats anymore.

And he learned that, like Thor, Ace actually told the people around him about the existence of group chat, and there would be no punishment for group chat.

At that time, with Yang Pan's support, he would use the power of the imperial court to conquer the other orthodox traditions and bring all their orthodox traditions under his name.

Even if it is used to upload to the group chat and gain points, he can even try to use the points to push his power to the level of shattering the vacuum.

"That's it, isn't it?"

Guiyuan, who set off from Yujing City, turned into a spiritual light and ran towards the north.

All the maps of the Daqian territory are in his mind.

During the flight, mountains and rivers were crisscrossed below, but as he continued to escape north, the land gradually became vast, and the large grasslands were like green blankets, exuding strong vitality.

This world of Yangshen is indeed a vast world with extremely strict rules. Even if the power inside the body is strong, the power that can be expressed outside is not strong.

Maybe it's because this world is special.

Just entering the world, the upper limit of the powerful has been increased, but the laws of heaven and earth have not yet been perfected to that extent.

It will take many epochs of destruction and rebirth before we can step by step reach a world similar to swallowing the stars, immortality, perfection, etc.

Otherwise, not even a Hunyuan would be able to be born in this world.

The standard configuration of the world is often the existence of strong men with Hunyuan level.

But the lowest level of the universe is also the universe.

If you want to fly, you must either transform into a ghost and fairy and control spiritual objects, or you must become a human fairy.

According to the memory, he soon arrived at Tianzhu Mountain. Yang An should still be a child now, but he must have extraordinary talent, and he has also awakened the 'forged' memory.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to become a Martial Saint at the age of fifteen.

Of course, I definitely haven’t gotten the Tianzhu Divine Stone yet.

Guiyuan stepped into the void and looked at a mountain peak that looked like a pillar of heaven standing on the earth. This mountain peak was two thousand feet high. The mountainside was shrouded in clouds and mist, making it look like a fairyland.

On the top of Tianzhu Mountain, a stone as tall as a person looks like jade, with nine holes on it.

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