Step into the ever-changing world, this is the reward of returning to the origin.

It can be said that in the world of Yangshen, apart from entering the place of origin, this Tianzhu Divine Stone is the biggest opportunity.

The energy in this stone fetus is really boundless, and it contains the world origin of the Yangshen world, although it has little effect on enlightening him and me.

But it can also help Guiyuan analyze the world of Yangshen.

In an instant, Guiyuan transformed into a golden-winged roc and flew toward Yujing City, even faster than when he came. In an instant, he stepped on the void and transformed into Yang Yuan's body again.

When he landed outside Yujing City, he entered Yujing City without hesitation and walked towards Marquis Wu Wen. Now his appearance has returned to his youthful appearance and he is considered to be extremely handsome.

Along the way, many people looked back, but soon turned their heads nervously.

When he arrived at the Marquis Wuwen's Mansion, Hong Xuanji was already waiting in front of the Marquis' Mansion. He saluted Guiyuan and said, "Your Majesty...that's not right. Who are you and why are you pretending to be Your Majesty!"

After saying that, monstrous energy and blood rose into the sky.

But the next moment, Qi and blood that was even more terrifying than his current one emanated from Guiyuan's body and directly suppressed him. Hong Xuanji's power was too far behind Guiyuan's current level.

"Hong Xuanji. I came to your world, why don't you invite me in to sit there?"

Guiyuan did not hide his identity at all, or in other words, he no longer needed to hide his identity.

Hong Xuanji's originally angry expression froze for an instant. He suddenly remembered that someone in the group chat had said that the group leader had extremely powerful means to enter the world of group members.

But didn't they say that when the group leader travels through the world, especially the higher world, he needs the origin of the world, so it will have a huge impact?


Hong Xuanji was a little stiff, Guiyuan said with a smile: "My slap hasn't woken you up yet?"

When he heard this, Hong Xuanji had already confirmed that the person in front of him was the group leader.

Thinking of that slap, the pain hidden in the deepest part of his memory hit him again. It was really the most painful time in his life, from birth to now.

He had never suffered pain like this.

"Group leader, please come in..."

Hong Xuanji swallowed his saliva. After entering Wu Wenhou's mansion, Hong Xuanji asked someone to quickly bring him the best tea. He waited until Guiyuan took two sips of tea.

Hong Xuanji asked cautiously: "I wonder what the group leader is doing when he comes here? Inform me earlier so that I can make preparations."

"Notify you? Will you let me come if I inform you? I have already come after you gave me the Shilong Armor. I just said that during this period, my name is not Guiyuan, but Yang Yuan!"

"Yang Yuan?"

Hong Xuanji heard this familiar name. Isn't this the prince of Daqian?

The group leader came to seize Yang Yuan's body?

"It's not to seize the body, it's just a means. You can also imagine that Yang Yuan is me in this world."

Guiyuan knew what Hong Xuanji was thinking. Hong Xuanji was a little silent. Guiyuan continued: "As for what I am doing in this world... By the way, don't you really want to know your fate?

Now is the time to let you know. "

Guiyuan pointed casually. He did not post it in the group, but dropped "Yang Shen" into Hong Xuanji's mind.

With the strength of Hong Xuanji's soul, he naturally finished reading it quickly.

‘Hong Yi? ’

Soon, he opened his eyes and couldn't help but look at the most remote area of ​​his Wu Wenhou Mansion, where his son, Hong Yi, was.

He is his son with Meng Bingyun, the saint of Taishangdao. Unfortunately, he and Meng Shenji only had a cooperative relationship at the beginning, and even Meng Bingyun was just his pawn to restrict Meng Shenji.

After inducing Taishangdao's skills from her mouth, this woman was of no use to him.

Unexpectedly, she left her son behind and ended up killing him with her own hands.

Even refined into the Great Liberation Wheel!

"The traitor, the traitor!"

Hong Xuanji roared, to him, he was a king and his ministers, a father and a son, and Hong Yi actually wanted to kill him, and even went so far as to retaliate and refine it into a magic weapon!

His breath was boiling, but Guiyuan said calmly: "You can't kill him."

These words made Hong Xuanji's breath freeze. If anyone else had said this, Hong Xuanji would have ignored them.

But it was the group leader who said this.

But now Hong Yi is just a young man, and he has not even been exposed to any principles of cultivation.

"Group leader, what does this mean?"

"Hong Yi is the son of destiny in this entire era. Let's not talk about whether you can kill him. If you kill him, who can guarantee that the son of the next era will appear.

If there is no other shore, or the existence of something close to the other shore, he cannot protect its existence, and the end result will be the destruction of the era.

Start another life. "

Hong Xuanji couldn't help but said: "Even I can't reach the other side? Not even with the help of group chat?"

In his opinion, group chat is such a powerful existence that even group chat cannot solve this problem?

"The other side of your world is the Seven Stars of the Realms. Even I haven't stepped into the Seven Stars of the Realms yet. What do you think?" Guiyuan said lightly.

He actually figured it out on the way back.

Hong Yi is the Taoist ancestor who launched the world consciousness at the same time and wants to use the power of human changes to launch a Yang Shen world.

And with Yang Shen's system, this great ambition allows Hong Yi to continue to help the world of Yang Shen evolve in the coming eras.

It seemed that Hong Yi had reached the sky in one step, and within a few decades he had reached a state that no one could reach.

Infinitely close to the other side.

But the problem is.

His final result is to become a worker in Yangshen World!

"How could this kid finally grow to this point? It's only been twenty years..."

Hong Xuanji murmured among the seven stars in all realms.

Now he has not even reached the five stars in all realms.

"Every time comes, heaven and earth are all working together, and the hero is not free. He is the designated worker of your world, and you may not be able to actually kill him.

Even if you think Hong Yi is dead.

But it is very likely that he will be resurrected somewhere, and when the time comes to suddenly appear, you will no longer be able to resist it. "

Guiyuan said calmly.

Now that I have understood the laws of destiny and the art of great destiny, I have indeed learned a lot about the so-called Son of Destiny.

Especially Hong Yi, who carries the destiny of this era of the world.

It is equivalent to the entire world pinning all its hopes for this era on Hong Yi.

Even Hong Xuanji, a son of Daqian, has great luck.

The protagonist in the soft rice genre.

There are three wives in his house, four concubines, as well as Meng Bingyun, the saint of Taishangdao, Zhao Feier, the leader of the Daluo sect, Yao Qinghui, the leader of the Yaochi sect, and others.

They all willingly gave birth to children for him, even stole secrets of the sect for him, or helped his career...

With a lot of help, it became the white jade pillar that topped the sky of the Daqian Dynasty and the purple gold bridge that built the sea.

But when facing Hong Yi, he still broke into pieces.

It was also refined into a magic weapon.

This is where the difference lies!

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