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Chapter 294 Why is this similar to prehistoric times?

A few days later.

Emperor Qian suddenly informed all the officials that he was not feeling well and that he would be supervised by Crown Prince Yang Yuan and assisted by Grand Master Hong Xuanji.

After hearing the news, all the officials were stunned.

They all know Yang Pan's ambition, he wants to become a holy emperor like 'Pan' and 'Hong', and even wants to be above them.

Nowadays, Daqian is already prospering. Although there are many wars, there are also many chances of great victory. There are complaints about people's livelihood, but they can accept it.

How could he suddenly say that he was feeling unwell and then hand over the supervision of the country to the crown prince Yang Yuan.

In any case, even if ministers such as Li Shenguang reported it, Yang Pan repeatedly said that this was indeed the case.

After so many months.

Inside the East Palace.

Guiyuan's thoughts are so good at handling government affairs that it's not too difficult for him to handle. He is playing with the boat of creation, the mythical king in the Yangshen world.

There are countless Dao patterns inside, "The best acquired spiritual treasure..."

Guiyuan thought about it for a while and realized that Taoist Creation could do it.

He actually refined such an item and was willing to throw it out as a chess piece.

It's just that the methods of refining weapons in this world are still too rough.

Many of the Dao patterns on this boat of creation are redundant, but they may also be related to their rules of heaven and earth.

Whether it is refining weapons, refining elixirs, or setting up formations, it is actually a means of imitating the rules of heaven and earth.

So this is why Sanqing's Dan Dao, Weapon Dao and Formation Dao are so strong.

Because they were transformed by Pangu Yuanshen, and the world was created by Pangu.

You said that following the rules of heaven and earth, I created both heaven and earth.

The rules of heaven and earth in this world are rough, so their refining techniques for artifacts are also rough.

"Let the Immortal Dao and the Human Immortal Martial Dao be promulgated, and eliminate the place of the Martial Arts and Taoist Scriptures. These two are the real avenues."

Two spiritual lights emerged from Guiyuan's palm and threw them to Hong Xuanji.

Yang Pan had already gone to practice. When he learned about the group chat from Hong Xuanji, he was still very excited.

The possibility of them getting through to the other side was much greater. Who knew that not long after, Hong Xuanji came to the door, and the extremely mysterious leader of the group arrived.

He also became his son Yang Yuan, and Hong Xuanji also told him about the development of Yangshen World and what Gui Yuan said.

No matter what ideological struggle he made, the final result was that he chose to abdicate peacefully, not only giving power to Guiyuan, but also the boat of creation.

A Yangshen version of the Xuanwumen Incident was avoided.

Therefore, although Gui Yuan is now said to be the prince overseeing the country, it is only to avoid causing too much sensation by abdicating the throne all at once that he is said to be the prince overseeing the country.

But in fact Yang Pan is no longer in charge.


Hong Xuanji nodded.

After Hong Xuanji left, Guiyuan was mainly thinking about how to compete for the merit of enlightenment, which needed to be recognized by the world of Yang Shen and all things.

Guiyuan looked at it and thought, then wrote a big word "heart" on the paper in front of him.

Mind learning.

It is the study of the mind.

Xinxue is a theory that Guiyuan took from the earth in the previous life.

And Saint Wang, who pioneered the study of mind, is also known as the last saint!

In the world of Yangshen, in the late Hongyi period, he wrote the "Yijing", the first of all the classics, and became the Yizi, the first of all the scholars.

Na Guiyuan wrote a "Heart Sutra" in this world based on the "Xin Xue" of the previous lives and the three teachings.

Hong Yi's "Book of Changes" is also the first of all scriptures on earth, so it overshadows all others because it is the origin of all scriptures.

The Book of Changes completely tells the evolution of all the rules of heaven and earth.

The sixty-four hexagrams came out, and from then on there were no secrets in the world.

However, although the Book of Changes perfectly explains the operation of all rules between heaven and earth, it is still limited to the scope of "understanding heaven and earth".

The power of the mind that was mastered before returning to the Yuan Dynasty was to create the heaven, earth and world by oneself, and "Xin Xue" is a theory that is completely consistent with the practice of mind power.

This is a doctrine that encompasses the three teachings.

My heart is one with the heaven, earth, people and things.

Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism are all within my heart. This is called the Great Way.

Xinxue advocates that "there is nothing outside the heart" and "the heart is heaven and earth".

The idea of ​​​​the Three Teachings and Hundreds of Schools is to "explain the rules of heaven and earth", and the idea of ​​​​Xinxue is "my heart is heaven and earth".

From the perspective of mind science, the three religions and hundreds of schools of thought explain heaven and earth, and heaven and earth are me, so what you explain is just "my heart."

The state of mind is high and profound.

Therefore, it is said that the study of mind encompasses the three teachings, with the Book of Changes as the source and the study of mind as the end.

The Book of Changes can explain all doctrines, right? Then I can open a new path and create my own world.

"Mind power. Mind learning..."

Immediately, Guiyuan looked at him and thought.

Spreading mind science in this world can also promote the practice of mind power. Mind power is definitely the supreme avenue. Even Nuwa nodded. This avenue is suitable for many worlds.

Even if there is no cultivation system in that world, you can still cultivate your mental power.

Once the rules of heaven and earth begin to change, those with extremely high mental power can instantly become extraordinary and become saints.

Everything he knew about the mind in his previous life was deduced by himself. Soon he wrote down a sentence, "Existing in one mind!"

Afterwards, he wrote furiously, and he already knew the method of mental cultivation in his heart. But this time, with the help of this opportunity, he could perfect the extremely detailed method of mental cultivation, which is the study of mind!


Guiyuan wrote at the end, "Madam, I am the heart of heaven and earth, and the one who is one with all things in heaven and earth..."

The moment this last chapter appeared.

The chapter written by Guiyuan resonates with the hundreds of volumes of classics of various scholars in the ancestral hall of various scholars.

Boom! !

Thunder rang across the entire land of China, ninety-nine thunders in a row!

The sound resounded in everyone's ears. At this moment, all the people and creatures in China looked up to the sky.

All the Wenzong families in the ninety-nine states in the world were excited and horrified at the same time:

"Ninety-nine thunders, this is..."

Ninety-nine thunder warnings.

Not only for the creatures in the land of China, but also for the creatures in the entire Yangshen world.

All classics reveal the secrets of heaven and earth, which will shock the world and make ghosts and gods weep.

Hong Xuanji, who had just walked out of the East Palace, turned around with a shocked expression on his face, "Did the group leader write the "Classic"?"

Because Hong Xuanji saw an extremely terrifying Wen Zong aura rising up above the East Palace in an instant, and saw all the classics placed in the ancestral halls of various scholars flying out.

The sound of "clatter" is the sound of pages turning. In the ancestral hall of the disciples, the hundreds of classics of various scholars are turning and dancing one by one at this moment.

Suddenly, all the words in the hundreds of classics of various scholars flew out from their respective classics and flew towards the East Palace.

It didn't take long.

The news spread throughout Daqian, and now the prince who oversees the country is a saint who has come to the world, far superior to all the disciples. It is a great blessing for Daqian to have such a prince!

But at the moment, Guiyuan, who is in the East Palace, is swimming in the long river of humanity in the world of Yangshen. Yes, with the help of the "Xin Xue" he wrote.

He was instantly recognized by the ancient scholars, allowing his spiritual realm to instantly break through to the level of a Nine Tribulations Ghost Immortal.

He even directly used the ninety-nine tribulation thunders to refine his thoughts to the nine tribulations of ghosts and immortals.

Martial arts have become ever-changing, and Taoism has reached the level of ghosts and immortals in the Nine Tribulations.

It's just the last two steps before you can think about the other side.

Just these two steps were a bit difficult. Guiyuan was wondering which step was still missing. After observing the long river of humanity for a while, he soon came up with an idea.

"The step is too big..."

Guiyuan looked at the development of humanity from a distance. First, gods and demons once treated humans as blood food and playthings, then Pan established the Holy Dynasty to promote the development of humanity, and then successive generations of holy emperors continued to improve it.

The establishment of a dynasty system based on bloodline has reached its peak by Daqian's generation.

Because it’s not just Daqian, there’s another dynasty, the Central World.

But the consciousness of the world and the three realms of heaven, earth and man discovered that the dynastic system could not solve the world's problems, so the medieval philosophers appeared.

The medieval scholars symbolized change, and the missionary system would overthrow the dynastic system.

Not with blood, but with Tao and Dharma as the link. You only need your own doctrine to be recognized. In this way, you can easily gather boundless energy and fortune!

Compared with the dynastic system, although the Holy Emperor can also be recognized by all people, compared with ideological recognition, this dynastic identity is too weak.

Moreover, there has never been a unified dynasty that unified the entire Yangshen world from beginning to end.

"Why does this look a bit like prehistoric times..."

Guiyuan suddenly murmured.

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