[Peter: Four stars in all realms? God's shit! Why do four-star enemies from all realms suddenly appear? 】

[Peter: Great leader, please save me, please save me! 】

[Prehistoric Giant Turtle: This group mission is more dangerous, so I won’t ask for opinions and just decided on the candidate. I, Liu Shen, Hong Xuanji and Linglong Immortal Lord! 】

[Prehistoric Giant Turtle: @Liu Shen, your strength should have returned to the four stars of all realms now, right? 】

[Liu Shen: Yeah! I recovered quickly with the help of the group leader. 】

[Ancient Giant Turtle: It just so happens that the Burning Legion can restore you even if there are endless numbers! 】

[Peter: Thank you all, you are my reborn parents! 】

Sun God.

Hong Xuanji was pondering the Xinxue written by Gui Yuan. When he saw the message in the group chat, he couldn't help but nod and said: "This time can be regarded as making up for the mistakes made in the past."

Seeing that he was chosen by Guiyuan, he knew that by choosing to cooperate with Guiyuan in the end, he had wiped out the past.

Soon, a message appeared in his group chat.

Just as he was about to choose and confirm, a spiritual light flew in front of him. It was the boat of creation, and the voice of Guiyuan came from the void.

"This thing is used to devour those Burning Legions. It can be regarded as supplies."


Hong Xuanji took over the boat of creation and clicked Confirm. A huge force instantly covered Hong Xuanji...

The eternal world.

Linglong Immortal, who was sitting on the throne, saw excitement in her eyes when she saw the group chat message. She had long wanted to see other worlds.

But she found that if she wanted to go to other worlds, the only way for the group members to encounter a crisis was for the group leader to open up a passage to their world.

She was too embarrassed to ask Guiyuan when the passage to their world would be opened.

Moreover, their world is a vast world, and the group leaders seem to be more cautious in how they deal with the vast world.

Although the enemy is strong this time, she is not weak either. She has mastered various Taoist techniques. Sometimes her realm does not mean her combat effectiveness.

"Somebody come!"

Linglong Immortal Lord has never been to other worlds, and he doesn't know how long he will go there. He summons a woman, who is Qiu Xiaoyu.

"I'm going to other worlds. If I haven't come back yet, I will take charge of the affairs in the blessed land first."


When Qiu Xiaoyu heard that Immortal Linglong went to other worlds, she thought it was just other big worlds. This was normal. Immortal Linglong nodded.

Instantly disappeared in front of Qiu Xiaoyu.

Qiu Xiaoyu couldn't feel any spatial fluctuations, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "The strength of the Immortal has increased again, I am afraid that he will become an immortal soon.

But do you need to survive the final love crisis? "

a perfect world.

Liu Shen saw that Shi Hao's practice was on the right track since the Battle of Two Stones, so she went to the upper world to practice. In an ancient ruins, a figure was walking, feeling the atmosphere around her.

It is Liu Shen.

She is actually recalling herself. For her, energy is one aspect, and another aspect is retrieving her own memory.

Although she has learned some things from the trajectory of fate, some things still need to be found by herself.

This is naturally also a kind of enlightenment.

"It's a good experience to see other worlds."

Liu Shen gave permission and disappeared.

Marvel Universe, E-199999.

Peter kept leaping among the buildings, and behind him there was endless energy, like a demon that was covering the sky and was hunting crazily.

"Boom boom boom!"


Countless buildings continued to collapse under the attack of demons, and the ferocious demons kept laughing. What the Burning Legion liked was destruction.

Destruction delights them.

At the same time, endless green energy continued to emerge from the dead people and was swallowed by these demons.

These demons looked even more enjoying themselves.

When Peter saw that the group leader in the group chat had made his choice, he couldn't help but smile under his mask, "Finally we are saved!"

"Peter, what can be saved?"

Suddenly, Peter found that the world seemed to be still, and those extremely ferocious demons were like mosquitoes solidified in amber at this moment.

Peter looked at the visitor and couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Master Ancient One?"

From the golden sparks that suddenly appeared just now, and the dark yellow robe he was wearing, it went without saying that he knew who it was.

"You actually know me, but you probably haven't seen me!"

The dark yellow hood was casually taken off, revealing the true face of the person under the hood, with a neutral face that looked both male and female, extremely handsome.

Without hair, one can’t help but think that the legendary angel might look like this.

"This is not important. What is important is that you seem to know the origin of these enemies, and that you have also found a solution?"

Before Peter even started to speak, Ancient One couldn't help but raise his eyebrows and said: "A group chat that connects other worlds?"

"Master Gu Yi, you actually peeked into my thoughts!"

Peter said, "You have so much free time, you might as well deal with the enemy!"

"Odin and I are fighting this big demon fiercely, otherwise, the universe would have been destroyed long ago.

This is just a magical projection of mine. "

"Why not use infinite gems? After the infinite gems are aggregated, can't they reach the level of a single universe?"

Peter couldn't help but said, wouldn't it be easy to collect the infinite stones with the methods of Ancient One and Odin?

"Do you know where the other gems are? Even Odin doesn't know." Ancient One said with a frown.

Peter nodded: "I know."

Peter quickly told the most likely location of the current stone, but heard that the Mind Stone was probably in the hands of Thanos.

Gu Yi shook his head and said, "Then there's nothing we can do. We can't leave the earth now."

"But Master Gu Yi, don't you have the time gem? Why don't you just use the power of the time gem to go back to the past before these enemies invaded.

Just go find Thanos and get the Mind Stone..."

"When these enemies appear, the flow of time has been frozen, and time cannot be reversed..."

"But haven't you fixed the time now?"

"This is because I am talking to you using star spirit magic. The conversation is very fast, so it seems that time has stopped, but I can't hold on for too long."

Peter took a deep breath and said helplessly: "Then we can only wait for the group leaders to come. I don't know when they will come."

"we are coming."

At this time, four figures appeared. As soon as these four figures appeared, the entire universe suddenly made an overwhelming sound.

It is constantly breaking like glass.

Ancient Yi's originally calm expression suddenly became extremely shocked, because in her magical vision, she seemed to see four extremely huge universes. In addition to the universe in one person's body, Ancient Yi could also see the limit.

But a piece of gravel in the other three-party universe is also one-party universe.

There are countless gravels in the universe. The gravels are endless and the universe is endless.

The first time he saw it, Gu Yi felt trembling all over.

How one universe can bear the weight of four infinite universes will naturally give rise to a sense of fragmentation.

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