Countless beings in the Marvel world at that time saw that one being that they all found troublesome was actually wiped out. This was a multi-dimensional level.

Diversity, even if it is diversity, is extremely difficult to eliminate.


Wells, Carmarthen.

In a small house, an extremely ordinary-looking old man was sitting on a chair.

But in his eyes, the image of the infinite universe appeared. He was leisurely looking at the many universes being ravaged by the infinite, and with the help of this accident.

His chess pieces were reshuffled, just in time to place another chess piece, affecting the development of the universe.

After seeing four more extremely powerful auras, he saw Guiyuan's final fist, and then another fist that opened up the world.

"Oh, it's really an extremely powerful force."

Merlin also looked surprised.

This power of creation does not control everything, even if he has endless magic, he is one of the omnipotent regulators of the universe, interfering in the development of the destiny of many existences.

But the power of creation can only be mastered by the supreme being, the complex of concepts, the pioneer of the infinite world, OAA.

"Existences from other did they come?"

Merlin touched his chin. It would be quite interesting to see another world.

Soon, Merlin's eyes fell on the little spider in the MCU, "Is that him? We can touch him."

"But that guy will come out soon." Merlin said with a smile.


Mephisto and many other great lords of hell saw Archimonde, a great lord who looked similar to them and was also in charge of demons, die like this.

Mephisto shook his head and said: "Unfortunately, these two lords are too stupid. Even I cannot devour the rest of the world in such a big way."

Lucifer was full of curiosity about Guiyuan, "You said the existence of that creature and how delicious the soul is. Just looking at it like this makes my soul start to tremble."

Just finished.

Mephisto disappeared beside him, leaving only one sentence, "Don't hold me back even if you want to die. If you fall into the hands of that existence, you will really die if you die.

This is not your old game. "

Captain Britain, Six-Gem Thanos, Swarm, Franklin, Sorcerer, and many other such beings were all surprised by the outcome of this battle.

Because in their perception, Archimonde should not be much different from their strength.

In their perception, the information flow emitted by Guiyuan is similar to theirs.

They thought it would be a wonderful showdown, and then the Life Tribunal came out to 'deliver justice' and put the two of them on trial. Unexpectedly, the Life Tribunal had not yet appeared.

The other one, Duanyuan, died.

"How could that person be so strong!"

They all only have this concept.

Guiyuan glanced around, and he naturally felt the gazes of those people.

It was interesting to look at the people I knew well in my previous life.

But even in this incarnation of his, he can easily kill those seemingly extremely powerful heroes from his previous life.

"Is it similar to the existence of the saint of heaven?"

Guiyuan's eyes fell on an old man, Merlin.

Merlin also nodded slightly.

On the other side, Liu Shen also solved the problem, blasting Ajigadan directly with countless divine chains of order, swallowing up all his power.

After all, with Liu Shen's strength once half a step ahead of the Six Stars of the Realms, even if he has just returned to the Four Stars of the Realms now, it is still not comparable to the normal Four Stars of the Realms.

The biggest difference is the control and understanding of the rules.

Countless willow branches burst out from Willow God's body, and a green ocean seemed to appear in the entire void. The originally tough-looking wicker branches seemed to be extremely sharp.

The madness swept away the remaining demons and turned them into endless blood mist to swallow them up.

Guiyuan suddenly looked somewhere.

"Something is coming!"


Accompanied by an imperceptible space-time oscillation, the chaos caused by the space-time battle just now triggered a certain chain reaction!

At this moment, all life in the universe felt that an incredibly huge force was gradually reviving.

With the emergence of this force, as if in response, the universe vibrated and shook in response to it.

A golden light that was more dazzling than the sun rose far away from the end of the horizon of the universe.

Amid the shocked gazes of countless beings, three huge golden faces appeared in the upper space of the entire universe.

The Court of Life, the high-dimensional existence that judges the entire universe, issued a call that resounded throughout the universe.

"People outside the boundary..."

The Court of Life descends on this universe, with three huge faces full of divinity.

Like Hong Xuanji and Linglong Immortal Lord, they had already returned to Guiyuan. Liu Shen was also surprised by the power of the visitor. The incomparable power made her essence feel a little oppressive.

"The Court of Life."

Guiyuan stared at the Life Tribunal, but this sentence made the Life Tribunal's eyes filled with incredible shock.

"Do you know me?"


Guiyuan looked at the Court of Life, which was also an existence similar to the saint of heaven, walking in the Marvel world and maintaining the balance of the world.

It's just that his existence is often overshadowed by major events.

This perception has already reached the Hunyuan level, which means that oaa may be above the Hunyuan level.

"People outside the boundary, what is your purpose?"

The Life Court was buzzing with countless golden lights flashing all over its body, and the three faces scattered across the universe disappeared.

Buzz! ! !

Instead, there was a humanoid existence with a dazzling golden light all over his body, standing in the void of the universe.

A mighty voice rang out from His mouth.

"Isn't it obvious? Come and save your universe."

Guiyuan shook his head secretly. When the two golden immortals from World of Warcraft saw those small thousand worlds, they really thought they were a weak world.

Just the people he just saw were enough to destroy them.

I just don’t know why I didn’t take action.

"Our universe does not need the rest of the world to save it.

And with the help of the supreme power, I can restore the world to its original appearance and restart it at any time. "

The Life Tribunal said quietly.

Suddenly, the Life Tribunal spoke: "The master wants to see you."

Guiyuan frowned and went to see OAA?

Naturally, he would not go to see a being who was probably the Eight Stars of All Realms.

"Sorry, see you next time."

Gui Yuan just finished speaking.

Suddenly, an aura that was more terrifying and powerful than the one before spread overwhelmingly to countless parallel universes!

Facing the void where nothing existed, Tony Stark trembled all over, his body instinctively feeling fear.

The next moment, the four of them felt an extremely uncomfortable feeling at the same time.

The universe... no, the laws and power of the entire world are suppressing the four of them.

Time and space have stopped, and only a few people are still looking at this place.

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