Guiyuan scanned the circle and asked, "Sanqing?"

"You actually know us!"

Primal frowned.

Guiyuan shook his head, "Go away!"

After that, he took a step and left. This Sanqing was still too weak. His opponent was the existence of the six stars in all realms.

But how could the Sanqing allow Guiyuan to enter? They were loyal to the Emperor of Heaven!

The three pure auras connected together, instantly forming a large formation, and vast power spread out.

Looking at the great supernatural being here, Fuxi exclaimed: "The formation of three talents can summon the power of Daluo. This is the trump card of Sanqing!"

Everyone is paying attention to how to deal with the alien enemy.

However, he saw that the foreign enemy just slapped him casually and continued walking towards the heaven.

'boom! ’

Endless power shot down, and a large void suddenly collapsed. A huge impact of power swept around, and everything was lifeless.

Sanqing's Sancai formation was instantly broken.

Sanqing forced Yuanshen, and his magic power exploded with all his strength. A steady stream of magical powers sprayed out, and the whole world was constantly shaking, trying to eliminate the power Guiyuan blasted out.

But it backfired.

The palm of his hand swept down, and the Sanqing was instantly torn into pieces, flesh and blood spilled into the void, and the soul was destroyed at the same time.

The heaven and the earth mourn, the fall of the Three Pure Ones is the tragedy of the heaven and the earth!


The huge roar resounded throughout the prehistoric world, shaking the universe. Under the horror of countless strong men, even the Nantian Gate was shattered.

Even the power of this slap is still spreading inwards.

At this time.

"Unbridled!" A cold shout came from inside, with supreme killing power, a vast force emerged, like earth-shaking, and wiped out Guiyuan's slap in one fell swoop.

Guiyuan looked calmly at the power coming from the depths of the heaven, "Luo Hu?"

"Bold! Dare to call the Demon Ancestor by my name!" The figure shouted, his voice extremely loud. He stood up suddenly and revealed his true form.

Holding a spear in his hand, the overwhelming evil energy is on it, and the mysterious law runes are imprinted on it, and endless killing power emerges.

A scolding, filled with anger and murderous intent.

Luo Hu brandished the God-killing Spear and stabbed Gui Yuan's vitals.

"It's not bad to use countless evil spirits to sacrifice, but a high imitation is a high imitation."

Guiyuan did not dodge or dodge. In front of him, the god-killing spear carried endless killing power and earth-shaking power, roaring the world. The runes on it burst out with the brightest light, piercing through the years.

He took action.

A spear seems to destroy countless small worlds.


A single blow that could destroy the world was enough to destroy anything in the world, but it could not break Guiyuan's defense at all.

In the void in front of Guiyuan, apart from leaving a white mark, nothing else changed after receiving this heavy blow.

"How is that possible!" Luo Hu was a little horrified. In that blow just now, he had already used all his strength to cooperate with the Daluo-level God-killing Spear.

The power of that blow can be described as ground-breaking. It can destroy thousands of worlds in one party with ease. It can break everything, but it cannot break the opponent's power. What is this situation?

Seeing this, Guiyuan said calmly: "I also have a gun!"

Almost the same god-killing spear instantly appeared in his soul. When the god-killing spear in his hand appeared, he instantly suppressed the god-killing spear in Luo Hu's hand.

Guiyuan casually swung a gun.


In a hurry, Luo Hu raised the God-killing Spear and tried to resist.


But in an instant, like the collision of glass and stone, a series of shattering sounds sounded wildly, and countless cracks appeared on the God-killing Spear in Luo Hu's hand.

'boom! ’

A completely shattering sound sounded

Luo Hu found that his God-killing Spear, which symbolized the treasure of killing, was actually broken.

"Who on earth are you! Why do you also have the God-killing Spear!"

Luo Hu was shocked, didn't this person come from outside the sky?

"Yours is a pirated copy!"

Guiyuan smiled and immediately pierced Luo Hu with a shot. Not only that, the God-killing Spear in his hand sucked in both the fragments of the God-killing Spear and Luo Hu.

Heaven and earth scream.

All the demon cultivators felt their hearts empty, and the void suddenly shook. A thought came to their minds: the Demon Ancestor had fallen.

"Damn it, who are you?!"

When the person spoke, his voice rumbled, breaking through time and space, accompanied by the power of time, as if it came from hundreds of millions of years ago.

Hongjun, clad in purple aura, stood on the road constructed with the symbols of the avenue, looking down at the many worlds. When his eyes turned, the long river of time emerged.

Hongjun whispered, his eyes bursting with purple light, staring at Guiyuan.

Guiyuan found it interesting. He didn't expect that the person who got the fragment of 'All Realms' would actually become the Emperor of Heaven.

And he also brought Hongjun, Luohu, etc. of this ancient world under his command.

It's just that Luo Hu and Hongjun are both Da Luo.

Compared to his prehistoric world, it was far behind.

The majestic purple energy burst out, but unfortunately it was blocked by a layer of void at the next moment. In this void, countless tortoise shells fell down.

"Hunyuan!" Hongjun was horrified. He could vaguely see in this man the level of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal that the Emperor of Heaven felt.

In their world, there are only two people who are already in the Hunyuan Golden Fairyland.

One is the Emperor of Heaven, and the other is the Emperor of Heaven’s brother, Pangu!

"How is it possible that you have already touched the realm of Hunyuan Golden Immortal! Luo Hu's death was not unjust!"

Hongjun sighed in his heart. He and Luo Hu were in the realm of Da Luo, and were already very close to the Hunyuan Golden Immortal.

But in fact, this is an insurmountable chasm. They have tried countless methods, but after all, it is difficult to cross that level and reach that realm.

"You are a little better than Luo Hu, but that's all! This shot is the end!"

Guiyuan raised the God-killing Spear in his hand, and in just a moment, an extremely violent roar exploded. At this moment, it was like two universes suddenly colliding together.

There was great destruction and ruin, countless fragments of time were flying all over the sky, endless dazzling and brilliant fairy lights shot into the sky, and the breath of horror filled the world.

Time, cause and effect, destiny, endless time and space, all the heavens and worlds are drawn into the ruins!

This is the end!

Hongjun's Taoist body instantly shattered, and Hongjun fell.

It's that simple, it's that peaceful.

Heaven and earth screamed again.

There were three consecutive screams, and even the heaven and earth were extremely sad, and there was endless rain of blood.

Both the central prehistoric world and the other affiliated worlds under Heavenly Court were numb.

Especially the many immortals and gods who are still in heaven don't know what to do. Dao Ancestor and Demon Ancestor are already the most powerful existences among them.

Goddess Palace.

"Both the Dao Ancestor and the Demon Ancestor have fallen, who is this!"

Nuwa, Houtu, Xihe, Changxi, and the Queen Mother of the West all turned pale, Nuwa exclaimed.

"What to do, what to do, do you want to wake up His Majesty?"

Houtu murmured.

At this time, a figure stepped forward, and the blazing light filled the sky, grand and vast, illuminating the eternity. A terrifying and boundless aura emerged, and said quietly: "No need, I will just go."

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