This was the result of his insights from the previous ‘prehistoric days’.

It's like a side of reality is crushing, existence is everything, everything is existence, even if Zhong Shan is the world, he can't borrow the power of this ancient world at this moment!

In an instant.

A punch hit the Jade Seal of the Emperor of Heaven, and every moment there was a trillions of bombardments.

In the center of the collision, there was no front, back, up or down, and the terrifying bombardment quickly spread throughout the chaos.

At this moment, the whole chaos boiled, there was a huge earthquake, and the endless chaotic air roared and turned into a chaotic wave that swept around crazily.

Even the thousands of ancient worlds are rising and falling in this wave of chaos!



Boom boom boom!

Zhong Qian was able to use so much power before, and Zhong Qian Primordial World took a large part of the credit.

Now that it is broken, the Heavenly Emperor's Jade Seal instantly flies back, its spirit is shattered, and there is even a crack on it.

Guiyuan clenched his fist again and whispered like the sound of the endless avenue, "One last punch."

In his sight, countless scenes of worlds returning to ruins appeared

Boundless, chaos, destruction, end, all kinds of auras emerge around it.

The energy of the end, the Zhuxian sword energy that can open up the world with just a ray of sword energy in his soul, all emerged.

Formation, residence, and destruction are emptiness, and ‘formation and residence’ all provide power for ‘emission’.

Yuan Henry Zhen, ‘Yuan, Heng’ is also prepared for ‘profit’.

Origin and existence are all for the final end!

"Final Fist!"

When Zhong Shan saw the Heavenly Emperor's Jade Seal flying upside down again, he didn't expect that the avenue of returning to Yuan could actually suppress his borrowed power from the ancient world.

But it was too late to think about it.

Guiyuan's punch was mighty and mighty, carrying a power that would cleanse the heavens, sweep away everything, and cause endless destruction. In the end, everything would return to ruins and there would be no trace left.

Zhong Shan held the Jade Seal of the Emperor of Heaven and roared, "Block it!!"

But the previous Fist of Origin, Fist of Existence, and this last Fist of Ending instantly blended together.

The forces of the three are constantly circulating, and the endless world is being deconstructed and given new meanings. All concepts known to the day after tomorrow are re-evolved. Water is not water, fire is not fire, they are eliminated again, and they evolve again.

The rolling force crushed it, and finally turned into a power that even Zhong Shan could not understand.

Boom! !

If you can't understand it, you can't stop it.


Being hit by this force, Zhong Shan's body made countless cracks. His body, his magic power, his laws, his Dao Fruit, and his magic weapons all seemed to collide with the most terrifying power in the world.


The entire central prehistoric world is wailing, it is crying for the Emperor of Heaven, and the whole world is flooded by immeasurable rain of blood.

Guiyuan watched quietly as the power of the three fists continued to crush along the chaos, and he didn't know how far it went.

The combined power of these three punches just completes his last piece. When he returns to the prehistoric era, he should be able to break through the Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian.

Just now, a glimmer of light appeared in Zhong Shan's exploded body, turning into a spiritual light. He wanted to escape, but was instantly captured by Gui Yuan and swallowed into his soul.

This is the fragment of the world, the so-called ‘myth summoning system’.

And everything in Zhongshan also fell into Guiyuan's hands, including Taoist fruits, magic weapons, personality, etc.

Just at this time, the group chat prompt sounded.

[The fragment host is dead, the fragment has been captured, and the group leader is rewarded - Tai Su Zhi Qi! 】

[Group owner’s authority increased! 】

[Group chat enables the administrator, kicking function, and permission traversal function. 】

[The group leader has obtained all the remaining points of the fragment host, 12.65 million points! 】

A series of group chat alerts sounded.

Guiyuan didn't pay attention to Tai Su Qi or the group chat prompts. He stared closely at his soul.

If the world wants to absorb the fragments, traces will inevitably be exposed.

When Guiyuan condensed the Gate of Taiyi before, he had already felt some traces of the worlds, but his realm was not high at the time and he was escaped by it.

Now that it absorbs the fusion fragments, a trace will inevitably be revealed.

as expected.

There is a glimmer of light shining in the returned Yuan Shen. In the extremely deep place of the Yuan Shen, it has even become close to his true spirit.

But no matter how deep it is, as long as it can be sensed by Guiyuan, it can be captured.

Before, Guiyuan could not even perceive the existence of the world.

Now it happened to be his last step into Hunyuan, and he almost fell to the ground.

Plus the remaining fragments from the fusion of all realms.

The right time, right place, right people, and the right combination for him to refine this thing.

The boundless power of the soul instantly emerged towards that glimmer of light.

That ray of spiritual light seemed to sense something, but it was forced by the spiritual light that had just disappeared into Guiyuan's body.

It's still eating away, unable to leave.

In just a billionth of an instant, it was wrapped in the power of the returned soul, and the Samadhi True Fire transformed by the Essence Qi Shen began to refine this ray of spiritual light in an instant.

A steady stream of information, like a river and a sea, was falling crazily into Guiyuan's mind.

"All realms, the thing born at the end of Da Luo Tian Tai Su..."

"I once competed with... for the Dao Fruit born at the end of Taisu..."


"The group leader's authority has been increased..."

"The group leader's authority has been increased..."

Guiyuan absorbed this endless information.

If it weren't for the fact that he was about to enter Hunyuan, the amount of information at this moment would probably be enough to make Da Luo lose himself.

It didn't take long.

The spiritual light has already digested the light that submerged into Guiyuan, and Guiyuan now cannot figure out how it left.

But Guiyuan's eyes flickered, and he had already refined part of the 'worlds' with the help of this favorable time, place and people.

As long as there is no identical existence like him, his position as the group leader is already stable, or in other words, his position is already above the group leader.

The relationship between the group leader and the public is more like a collaborator or even a slightly lower status, but Guiyuan has already been partially refined.

He is above the group leaders.

"You still have to master the main body to completely master it!"

Guiyuan said to himself that only after stepping into Hunyuan can he walk in the boundless realm of chaos to find the worlds.

"And this..." Guiyuan saw a ray of power emerging from his soul.

"Tai Su Zhi Qi?"

Guiyuan naturally knows what Taisu is, and the Xiantian Wutai is the intermediate stage between the birth of Wuji and the birth of heaven and earth.

Tai Su is the previous stage of Tai Chi.

It belongs to the state of Qi, shape and quality, but it still belongs to the state where heaven and earth have not been separated and all things have not been transformed.

"Too Su..."

Guiyuan thought about it, and found out that this breath of Tai Su Qi actually seemed to have some connection with his understanding of the way to the end.

‘The end of Tai Su is the Qi of Tai Su. ’

"Is Taisu related to the way of the end?"

Guiyuan put it away first and dealt with it later. He first turned his attention to the group chat to see what had changed.

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