"The decline of mana."

Lord Lingbao said calmly and took a photo towards Honghuang as another magical power swept towards him.

Three disasters and nine disasters will evolve with the 'way of the end'.

The power of triggering the decline of magic power.

Suddenly, an irresistible force broke out in the spirits of many immortal gods.

This force is very powerful, but it does not harm the soul.

It just seemed like it came from outside, constantly wiping out the magic power of its many immortal gods.

Without the support of immortal power, the spirits of many immortal gods have also declined and dimmed a lot.

And the faces of many immortals and gods also changed into the appearance of old men because of the dimness of their souls. The vast attacks dissipated instantly because they had no support from magic power.

"The decline of the soul!"

The spirits of the immortals began to be seriously eroded.

Their thinking gradually became confused and unclear. The originally clear and clear consciousness became chaotic, unable to condense a trace of reason, and was shrouded by the power of the end, plunging them into unprecedented despair and dilemma.

"The decline of life!"

In the past, all immortals and gods were above the Golden Immortal level and lived forever.

But Lord Lingbao's final calamity energy made them like mortals at this moment, causing their lifespan to pass rapidly.

Originally, after the Golden Immortal, they could live forever, but now they actually feel that their lifespan is disappearing crazily.

"The decay of Taoist heart!"

The Taoist hearts of the immortals and gods became wavering, and their originally faith-filled hearts were gradually eroded by the energy of the final calamity.

"Great Demon!!"

"Big devil!"

Nuwa, who was already extremely old, couldn't help but roared sadly.

Fuxi fell next to him, and the Xiantian Bagua was still calculating, but the world had collapsed. The Xiantian Bagua calculated the slightest bit of life in the world.

But heaven and earth are coming to an end.

How come there is still life in heaven and earth!

They tried to resist, but found that they were unable to resist this invisible force, which plunged them into deep confusion and despair.

Many immortal gods were unable to resist at this moment and could only let these three calamities fall on them.

The path of destruction, the power of life and death, the rotation of luck, the changes in fate, there is an inexplicable power that surges into my heart.

Crazyly weakening the souls of many immortals and gods, weakening their lifespans, and destroying their Taoist hearts.

Many immortals and gods, all living things in the world, have almost lost their minds. Their eyes are as red as glass, and billowing black smoke is coming out. Some are killing each other, and some are sitting and waiting for the dead...

However, the faces of these beings aged rapidly, their skin shriveled, their bodies stinked, and their magic power failed to function properly. They turned into mummies and began to fall off.

Each of the immortals groaned and struggled in pain, with a rotten aura coming from their bodies, and then they sat down and passed away.

The end of heaven and earth cannot be reversed by any great supernatural power or magic power.

Many immortals and gods fell into the sky and turned into meteors falling into the world. It was simply a scene of world destruction, with a majestic death energy.

The prehistoric world also began to collapse. The earth, sky, oceans, mountains, and rivers all began to collapse, and strong, filthy and pungent smells emerged in the air.

ah! ah……

The whole prehistoric period is coming to an end.

Between heaven and earth, there is a raging and violent black storm, which is calamity.

This world cannot be destroyed or established.

Only after experiencing a great calamity can one be reborn.

Lord Lingbao sat cross-legged in the void, quietly watching the world fall into its end.

The earth was shrouded in darkness, the stars in the sky dimmed, and the moon lost its light, as if bound by some mysterious power.

The ancient mountains stand majestic, but they have lost their former vitality and vitality, leaving only a desolate scene.

The deep forests in the valley withered, the streams dried up, and all traces of life seemed to disappear without a trace overnight.

[You have personally taken charge of the ‘End of the World’, have your own understanding of the end, and integrated it into your own three disasters and nine disasters, the Fist of the End...]

At the end, there was only deathly silence, and behind Lingbao Lord, the energy of the final tribulation, which was born from the end of all the spirits in the world, condensed.

Swallowed into the body by Lord Lingbao, vast power was swallowed up.

"The Four Swords of Killing Immortals!"

The energy of the end gradually gathered together, like a raging tide, enveloping the breath of the end, and this force became stronger and stronger.

The void began to tremble slightly, as if responding to some kind of call, and then he raised his huge arms, as if staring at a certain target in the void.

With a squeeze of his arm.

Four sharp swords measuring hundreds of thousands of feet appeared instantly. This was the manifestation of the ‘Final Path Fruit’!

next moment.



The Four Zhuxian Swords were swung as if they were releasing endless power.

The vast and endless power fluctuations raged like a violent storm.

The prehistoric land began to crack, and the boundless Zhuxian Sword Qi storm spanned the entire world, completely tearing this dead land apart.


Finally, after a loud noise, the whole world completely collapsed.

The energy of chaos began to swarm in, but the entire prehistoric world was swallowed up by it.

The fragments of the world were covered by the energy of chaos, and in the end, only chaos was left rippling.

Lord Lingbao disappeared, and Guiyuan reappeared in the chaos.

Looking at the primitive world that had returned to chaos, he felt it.


In this chaotic world, everything becomes illusory, there are no laws, no world, and no living beings.

There is only ‘nothingness’!

But he felt a lot, the power of circulation, everything is in circulation, and only if the circulation is not broken can it spiral upward.

At this moment.

A figure walked out from the ceiling behind Guiyuan, the King of Yuanshi.

Wearing Taoist robes and a pure crown on his head, he is majestic and majestic, like a supreme god.

Behind him, a bright and pure round light hung in his mind, evolving into a chaotic image of birth and death. Billions of golden lotuses bloomed in the void. Golden lamps rose from the golden lotuses. The lights flickered, illuminating the heavens and the world, and giving insight into the darkness of the human heart.

The lamp rises in the lotus, the lotus grows in the lamp, the cycle goes back and forth, endlessly, the branches and vines sway, and the infinite chaotic air hangs down, which is sacred and solemn.

It makes him more sacred and solemn.

When heaven and earth are not separated, yin and yang are not differentiated, all things are not conceived, and all phenomena are not enlightened, the Yuanshi Heavenly King stands quietly, containing the original power of chaos, which is called nothing at this time.

The Yuanshi Heavenly King's body expanded rapidly, like a huge primitive god, stepping into the void. With every move, the energy of chaos surged, and he suddenly headed towards the 'emptiness'.

Punch down!

At this moment, the void... was broken!

"With one punch, I will definitely divide the void and recreate the world!"

The fist of origin falls, the boundless chaos collapses, the earth, water, fire and wind surge, interpreting the black and yellow, and giving birth to the pure and turbid.

Infinite evolution is born too easily. When the Qi machine is developed, the business is started, when there is an image that can be found, and there is a shape that can be traced, it is called existence. This is one.

From zero to one, one becomes ten thousand. All things in heaven and earth are born from existence, and existence is born from nothingness.

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