Guiyuan has no pride, even if he steps into Hunyuan, he is one of the seven stars in all realms, one star worse than Nuwa.

It took me so much time to go from Da Luo to Hunyuan, let alone go from Seven Stars to Eight Stars in the Realms.

And after passing by Zhongshan

Guiyuan glanced at Yuan's previous prayer in the Holy Father Temple, how to control humanity? This is indeed a method of defeating the strong with the weak.

But I happen to have one in hand, which should be quite suitable for him. "

"what way?"

Nuwa is a little curious. Controlling the power of humanity is already the best method she has at the moment. Is there a method more suitable for today's human race?

"The method of luck to the dynasty..."

"The method of fortune? I do have this in my hand, but the upper limit is Daluo. Do you have one that can reach Hunyuan Golden Immortal?"

Since Nuwa has merged with so many other worlds, she naturally knows how to move the dynasty, but what she has in her hands can only reach Daluo.

The main reason is that if you go to Hunyuan Golden Immortal, and the method of fortune is quite special, he is a bit like a mixture of human nature, heavenly law, and luck. If you want to realize Hunyuan, you need to at least become the top of a thousand. The Emperor of Heaven.

Moreover, his subordinates will need many worlds to provide them with luck. If they achieve enlightenment through this method, they will be extremely powerful both in terms of combat power and in the future.

But precisely because of this, the method of luck is very difficult. It is already very good to reach the six stars of all realms.

Hunyuan Golden Immortal is already at the peak of the Six Stars of All Realms, and is almost on the verge of reaching the Seven Stars of All Realms.

Still quite rare.

Even in today's prehistoric world, it is a method that can prove Hunyuan.

"Yeah. Accidental income."

Naturally, he wouldn't say that he found it based on Fengyun's aura. The main reason was that the world was his secret, and he couldn't tell it even if he and Nuwa were allies.

Guiyuan tapped his finger, and the statue of the Holy Father slowly glowed.

As for what it is, from the abdication system to the hereditary inheritance system, it is because humanity was controlled before, and Hongjun forcibly turned the position of a humane saint into the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.

Now Hongjun can no longer interfere in human affairs.

Then why should we continue to follow this path? It is just a matter of establishing the way of the human emperor, corresponding to the emperor of heaven.

But Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors can actually come out.

But it no longer exists to determine the fate of the human race in Dingding. It can only be said to promote its development.

The ancestral land of the human race.

Yuan Yuan was still thinking about the method of controlling the power of humanity passed down by Nuwa, when suddenly his soul trembled, and it was the Holy Father calling him.

He quickly stood up and turned into a spiritual light and rushed into the Holy Father's Temple.

"Holy Father!"

Yuan knelt on the ground, lowered his head respectfully, and put his hands on the ground to show respect. Soon, a spiritual light spread from the statue of the Holy Father and fell into Yuan's mind instantly.

It was almost as complex as the method of controlling humanity that the Holy Mother had given him, and he found that the two methods could actually cooperate with each other.

"The Humanity Dynasty... Heaven has no way. Since it can no longer represent all human beings, then a dynasty can be established to harness the power of humanity..."

"The higher the position you occupy in the dynasty, the stronger the power of humanity you can mobilize, and you can use the power of humanity to suppress any existence in the territory except for the power of humanity."

After all, Yuan is the human race created by Nuwa for the first time. One is born from Tao, and two are born from Tao.

One of them is Nuwa.

And among the "one life two", the two are Guihe Yuan.

Naturally, his understanding is superb, and he quickly matched everything that can be matched between the two methods, and it seems that the combination of the two is the most exquisite.

Moreover, not only can he borrow it, anyone with a certain status can borrow it, and as long as it is covered by the territory of the dynasty, it can be suppressed by all means...

But he needs to decide the specific positions inside.

The Yun Dynasty is just a rough idea. The Yun Dynasty system needs to be recognized by most people in order to mobilize more humanitarian power...

"The Holy Father is truly unparalleled in creation..."

Yuan was a little excited. This method of luck would allow him to better utilize the power of humanity, and it could also gather the luck of the humanity dynasty for practice.

Not only the way of fortune, but also the deduction of human immortal martial arts in the future. After the Dharmakaya realm, he began to hone his own acupoints, use his own acupoints to evolve the world, and break the gap between reality and reality.

The world is in the body, but not in the body, and it is in the void of the acupoints in the body.

"Now we have to discuss it."

Yuan said to himself.

Naturally, Nuwa must also have seen the method of transporting the dynasty. She looked at Guiyuan and said: "Originally, the three emperors corresponded to the human race, heaven and earth, and the five emperors corresponded to the five elements of the human race. They cannot be transferred, although it is true that the authority of the human saints is divided.

But it also allowed the human destiny of the witch and demon clans to be smoothly transferred to the human race.

Once the Yun Dynasty is established, subsequent changes will be uncontrollable..."

In the original timeline, the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors indeed divided the powers of the humane saints, which made it impossible for the human race to resist many heavenly saints, but also allowed them to smoothly bring all the fate of humanity to the human race.

But nowadays, among many heavenly saints, it can be said that only Yuanshi and the Two Saints of the West are pure saints of heaven, but the two saints of the West are not to be feared.

With the credit they owe, they can't wait to let humanity develop and repay their debts.

There is only one Yuanshi left.

Yuan Shi still owes Gui Yuan Karma. If he wants to intervene in the human race, he must at least repay this huge Karma.

So Nuwa also thought about this, and finally did not pass down the method of luck to the dynasty. The upper limit was only part of her consideration.

She thought Guiyuan might have the same idea as her.

"Although the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors in the past also stabilized the development of the human race, they also made the human race completely become the pawns of the saints.

If you intervene in the destiny of the dynasty in advance, if the saints want to use the human race as a pawn in the future, they will keep their chips.

Human nature is fickle.

The Yun Dynasty system cannot be stable.

As for the worry that there has been no change, people are thinking, if Yuan Neng always maintains the intention to develop for the human race, what if he becomes the eternal human emperor.

If public dissatisfaction boils over, it will be the same as how he got up in the first place.

Once it becomes a pool of stagnant water, a new source will surely appear, just like heaven. "

Guiyuan's eyes fell on the human race and he said softly.

Nuwa sighed, "Sure enough, my father is quite cruel. Originally, the Three Sovereigns and the Five Emperors were unanimous in dealing with the outside world, but once the Yun Dynasty is established, the greatest possibility of changes in humanity in the future will be within the human race."

Guiyuan glanced at Nuwa.

"Aren't you still here? As a mother, you can't bear to see all your children gone..."

Guiyuan stressed hard on the word mother.

"Hahaha. It's so interesting. After you step into Hunyuan and solve the palace of reincarnation in your mouth, we will go to the higher prehistoric world together. That may be a prehistoric place where the entire world touches the right level."

Nuwa laughed loudly and wildly. If the others knew that Emperor Wa, the Lord of Humanity, had such a posture.

I'm afraid the image of the goddess in my heart will be shattered.

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