The ancient giant turtle: his understanding is incredible, join the chat group

Chapter 314 The Development of Others and Me in All Realms

Guiyuan looked at Snape who was in deep thought and continued:

"Do you think the magical world is still superior to the secular world in terms of force?"

Guiyuan's words silenced Snape.

If only before joining the group chat, he might still.

But not anymore.

After seeing and hearing many worlds, he already knew that the destructive power that the secular world could cause was much more powerful than theirs.

Such as nuclear bombs.

Even the strongest magic can't stop that terrifying nuclear bomb.

"In fact, there is no reason for the secular world to take action against the magical world.

It's more that those in power haven't realized the weakness of the magic world and the interests of the magic world.

development over time.

One day, humans in the secular world will touch or even break the barriers of the magical world, thus bringing intense turmoil to the magical world and the secular world!

Grindelwald had foreseen it seventy years ago and launched a massive campaign for this purpose, but it failed.

Moreover, his strength is too weak and he has not yet grasped the essence.

But it also sparked a bit of a fire.

But then the leader will no longer be certain. Compared to 70 years ago, you also know how fast the secular world is developing now.

When the time comes, what awaits the magical world will be crazy plunder from the secular world!

This process must be full of blood and death.

Because it is you who separate the world into the magical world and the secular world.

It's you who have divided yourself and the so-called Muggles into two races. Naturally, they don't have to be merciful to 'races' that are different from themselves.

Instead of waiting for the war between the secular world and the magical world in the future, it would be better for me to reintegrate the two worlds into one! "

Guiyuan's words made Snape even more stunned.

Group leader, I asked you to take my world under your control, but I never said you would make such a big move.

"Group leader, but this... won't it trigger a war?"

"I am a Muggle born, but I entered the magical world. I am the best changer. It won't take long for me to suppress the entire magical world.

When the time comes, I will serve as the beginning of the change. Where do you think they can go... It is really not possible for Feng Xiaotian and the others to suppress it. "

Guiyuan said calmly, although his voice was gentle, it was full of unparalleled domineering.

Snape felt strange for a moment, after all, it was the 'Hermione' in his eyes who was saying such nonsense.

He was so small, but he said such domineering words.

"Then I can only try my best to cooperate with the group leader..." Snape knew that he could not change Guiyuan's mind, and to be honest, he felt that this was indeed the case.

Even in Peter's world.

The public on earth also knows that there are extraordinary beings in the world, but the public in the secular world of their world does not.

And he also felt that if the ideas of all mankind could be gathered to develop magic, it would definitely be better than the current magic world being complacent.

It's just that Grindelwald's idea in the past was not to fuse, but to let magicians rule Muggles.

Naturally, many people opposed it.

But the group leader's idea is to integrate the magical world with the secular world, so that magic can truly become an extraordinary power in the entire world.

The thinking is different.

The abilities are also different. At least Snape feels that if the group leader wants to do something, there is no way he can't do it, even if he is just Hermione now.

But magic sometimes doesn't depend on age.

It is very likely that the group leader will be able to suppress Dumbledore after tomorrow.

He is not opposed to the integration of the magical world and the secular world. After all, his favorite Lily also comes from the secular world.

a perfect world.

This mountain is majestic and majestic, stretching for thousands of miles, with towering peaks reaching into the sky.

Above the mountains, fairy clouds are lingering, clouds are steaming, and waterfalls and springs flow. The mountains are green, the grass and trees are green, and all kinds of fairy birds spread their wings, creating a fairy-like scene.

Under the mountains, and even on top of the mountains, there are various magnificent and tall buildings.

This is Tianxian Academy!

Tianxian Academy is famous all over the world and enjoys a high reputation.

The Three Thousand States in the Upper Realm are vast and vast, but this academy has a long heritage and extraordinary strength. It is famous in the Three Thousand States and is one of the top Taoist traditions in the world.

"This is the destination!"

Flying forward, Guiyuan quickly arrived outside the mountain gate of Tianxian Academy.

"Tianxian Academy..."

Standing at the gate of Tianxian Academy, Guiyuan said to himself that he remembered that Qi Daolin liked to squat here, waiting for the peerless genius to come and worship at Tianxian Academy.

Then take him away and become a disciple of the Supreme Hall.

As for why we came to Qi Daolin.

Naturally, it is for the Bronze Coffin of the Third Generation. In the perfect world, there are only a few people who can connect with the world of Zhetian, including Shi Hao, Little Black Boat, Cao Yusheng, the Bronze Coffin of the Third Generation, Ye Qingxian, and Huangta.

But now it really has the aura of covering the world.

The little black boat, the bronze coffin of the third generation and Ye Qingxian.

There may not even be a third-generation copper coffin, but the owner of the third-generation copper coffin is likely to be an existence of eight stars or even nine stars in all worlds. I am afraid that many worlds have been calculated by him.

The three emperors of the past, present and future.

The "present" concept of the Third World Bronze Coffin should be in the world of Zhetian.

The Third World Bronze Coffin should exist in these three worlds at the same time.

Only then can we say that there are three generations of bronze coffins.

Therefore, getting the bronze coffin of the Third World may not only get the aura of the Zhetian World, but also the aura of the Holy Ruins World.

In the upper world, apart from Shi Hao, the only one who has news about the bronze coffin of the third generation is Qi Daolin.

If you want to find Qi Daolin, you can only come to Tianxian Academy.

Even though the original work stated that Shi Hao found it in the direction of Huozhou, Huozhou was so big that I really thought he could find it if he wanted to.

In the worst case, even if Qi Daolin doesn't know anything, he can still have one more helper.

After all, he had just come to the upper world and was not familiar with it.

The best way to find Qi Daolin is to come to Tianxian Academy, because his dojo is actually nearby, but it is covered by his magical power.

next moment.

Guiyuan shouted: "The Supreme Palace has come out, where is Qi Dao coming!"

As soon as these words came out.

Vast coercion burst out from his body, and the terrifying aura of the God King spread to the surroundings. After arriving in the upper world, he manifested three flowers and condensed ten caves.

Turn the ten caves into a prehistoric world.

Because his talents transformed from these giant turtle particles are actually much more powerful than Shi Hao's.

Although Shi Hao is the Supreme Bone, he must break the shackles of the Supreme Bone if he wants to reach a higher level.

The Supreme is just the limit of humanity.

But if you want to become an immortal, it is very difficult, but Guiyuan has no such restrictions at all, so naturally you can do it as quickly as possible.

Now he is already in the realm of God King, which is also the realm of God.

This vast aura naturally alarmed the beings in Tianxian Academy.

One after another figures appeared, and the old dean of Tianxian Academy floated out, stared at Guiyuan and said coldly: "Who are you? How dare you..."

"Wait a minute! The Supreme Palace!"

Before the old dean had finished speaking, a white-haired old man wearing a brocade robe appeared and stared at Guiyuan.

"Where is the Supreme Palace!"

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