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Chapter 316 Immortal from the Immortal Palace? It’s just a dead species!


Qi Daolin heard the news Guiyuan told him.

The body and mind were in shock, and even the breath could not be maintained. The breath belonging to the world of killing myself spread out, and the surrounding void rumbled.

Today's bronze coffin of the Third Generation is located on a large plain in Huozhou, but I really don't know which plain he returned to.

"A great rift valley in the Fire State."

Guiyuan nodded, Qi Daolin frowned and said to himself: "Then I should know where it is. If there is no great religion occupying it, but there is a Great Rift Valley, there is only one place."

"Then let's go!"

Guiyuan nodded. It was indeed more convenient to find a local snake. Otherwise, it would take much more time than it does now.

Say it.

Qi Daolin took a deep breath. He did not expect that so many things could happen in one day. Not only did he recognize his ancestor and return to the sect, but also allowed him, a named disciple, to worship the Supreme Hall again.

It also gave him a chance to find the bronze coffin of the third generation where his master died.

"What about here?"

Qi Daolin naturally wanted to find the bronze coffin of the Third Generation, but he had just found the sect, so it was unlikely that the sect would be located here.

"Let's go! It will follow."

Guiyuan asked Baxia to reveal a trace of his aura. With Baxia's cultivation at the pinnacle of the Supreme Realm, if he wanted to hide it, only the remnants of the major forces in the upper world would be able to detect it.


At this time, Qi Daolin saw the underlord hiding under the ground. Even the mountain range where the Supreme Palace was located looked like a handful of small mounds on the underlord's back.

Only then did he realize that his sect was actually built on such a behemoth.

"This is Ba Xia, the ancestor of your sect. His master should be the founder of your supreme palace, or the spiritual beast of his disciple.

Your Majesty, you have the purest dragon bloodline! "

"Dragon bloodline?"

Qi Daolin swallowed, that was the existence of a true immortal or even an immortal king according to legend, and its pure bloodline...

"Is this a fairy?"

"Not yet, it will take some time to become an immortal, but it has now reached the peak of the Supreme Realm, and the spiritual consciousness he was previously blocked.

He is unable to practice cultivation, but now he has been released by me, so he can be considered as a leg up for me. "

Qi Daolin quickly knelt down and said: "Senior, you saved my sect from the fire and water. Please accept Qi Daolin's instructions. I will give you any instructions from now on, even if you die!"

Qi Daolin was now convinced that Guiyuan must be an existence whose origin he could not even imagine.

He didn't even have to think about it, this tyrant must have been sealed off by the patriarch of their supreme palace.

It is just so that the sect can survive even if something like Master happens.

The existence of the Supreme Realm came to support the mountain gate, even if the descendants of the Supreme Palace were destroyed.

As long as someone finds the Baxia Patriarch and is recognized by the sect, the sect's inheritance will still not be destroyed.

But the seal set by his ancestor was also broken by Senior Guiyuan.

"I don't need to risk my life. I just need to find the bronze coffin of the third generation!"


The two began to travel through the void, while Ba Xia was swimming underground and followed closely behind him. Suddenly Guiyuan stopped in the void and said softly: "Someone is coming. It seems that there are people from the Immortal Palace in the Tianxian Academy. .”

Guiyuan was not surprised. If he did this, he would definitely attract people from the Immortal Palace.

But he's not afraid either.

The Immortal Palace's trump card is nothing more than the Remnant Immortal.

Is Canxian awesome?

The enemy in the early stage is exaggerated to be very awesome, but to be honest, it is just like that. It is just that that guy is also bold.

He said that he had ambushed Kunpeng before.

Kunpeng is the Immortal King.

To say that it was an ambush was probably putting gold on his own face.

At most, they took the opportunity to sneak attack Kunpeng after the Immortal King War. At that time, Kunpeng was already at the end of his rope.

Fang was sneak attacked by them, but even so he was beaten to death by Kunpeng.

Survive by living on the edge, and build the so-called Bronze Immortal Palace in Sanqian Daozhou where there are no tigers in the mountains and monkeys are kings.

Like Er Mazi, Liu Shen and the others don't bother to care about this fairy palace at all.

They had their own bigger plans, so they didn't deal with him.

It seems that the Immortal Palace is suppressing countless forces in the nine heavens and ten places, but that is because Liu Shen and the big bosses are too lazy to pay attention.

Qi Daolin's eyes instantly narrowed and he growled: "Who dares to ambush us!"

"Qi Daolin."

At this moment, the entire sky was surrounded by circles of bronze light, covering the sky and the sun, sealing off the surrounding void.

A figure emerged, a middle-aged man, with various terrifying Dao symbols densely covered on his body, looking at Qi Daolin and Guiyuan coldly.

"Qi Daolin, you have escaped from the hands of the strong men of my Bronze Immortal Palace several times. Let's see where you can escape this time.

And you, you got the inheritance from the Supreme Palace? "

One after another figures appeared, the weakest were those in the God Realm, and there were even those in the Kill Me Realm. These people surrounded Qi Daolin and Guiyuan, and their power was raging in all directions.

Seal all the surrounding void to prevent Qi Daolin, Guiyuan and the others from escaping.

The middle-aged strong man looked down at Qi Daolin and Guiyuan, his eyes full of indifference.

The Bronze Immortal Palace and the Supreme Palace were both giant forces in ancient times.

Since a long time ago, they have been enemies of life and death, the kind that will never end until death.

Today, the power of the Supreme Palace has long been cut off, and only the Bronze Immortal Palace has survived.

However, the bronze lineage is still extremely afraid of the ancient inheritance of the Supreme Palace, and they always want to find it and uproot it completely.

Qi Daolin's master was killed in this way before.

Therefore, after discovering the traces of the remnants of the Supreme Palace, they, a group of strong men, took action.

"Senior, I'll deal with them!" Qi Daolin just looked at the middle-aged man with a solemn expression. He was not afraid of the others.

It's no joke that he is invincible in the Kill Me Realm.

But only this middle-aged man is close to the Supreme Realm.

Very tricky.

"If you can hand over the inheritance of the Supreme Palace, kneel on the ground and shout for mercy, admit that the Supreme Palace is not as good as our Immortal Palace.

I promise you to be my slave for ten thousand years. "

The middle-aged strong man sneered, and the mysterious bronze light flowed, exuding an extremely powerful energy aura.


Guiyuan didn't like the trick of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. He would solve it as soon as possible and said quietly.

The next moment, the expression of the middle-aged strong man from the Bronze Immortal Palace suddenly froze.

In his perception, endless coercion filled the entire world, and the vast energy was like a sky and earth. His Taoism was trembling, and his Dao was shaking.

His sight was occupied by a huge turtle that was vast and endless, like a continent. The eyes on the huge turtle head were like the sun and the moon.

The strange green light originally emitted from the Bronze Immortal Palace was like a candle caught in the strong wind under this huge turtle.


The middle-aged strong man swallowed, "Is this the Supreme?"

He had only experienced such terrifying pressure from the leader, and it even felt more terrifying than the leader.

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