
Lingxiao Palace.

Although the place where Guiyuan attained enlightenment was in Chaos, Di Jun and Tai Yi joined forces to watch.

Seeing Guiyuan resisting the attacks of the five saints on his own.

Even if you only see a fragment of the picture, you can feel the trembling destruction and pressure.

Taiyan showed overwhelming fighting spirit and looked at the Donghuang Bell in his hand.

Now with the help of the Donghuang Bell, he has realized a path different from the Three Corpses, but he doesn't know if it will work!

"I hope you can achieve enlightenment smoothly and successfully!"

For Taiyi.

Although he was beaten many times by Guiyuan, the problem is that now Guiyuan is taking a path that is completely divorced from the way of a saint.

If he gets through.

It shows that you can achieve Hunyuan without Hongmeng Purple Qi!

Buzhou Mountain.

Pangu Hall.

Di Jiang and Zhu Jiuyin were also watching the battle and saw Gui Yuan resisting the power of the five saints by himself.

Zhu Jiuyin said: "If the Great Immortal Guiyuan can survive this calamity, maybe we can join the Human Race's Heaven-Destroying Alliance... The two Hunyuan statues are behind us.

Moreover, the fighting power of the Great Immortal Guiyuan is actually so tyrannical! "

Di Jiang frowned and looked at Gui Yuan, who was standing among the Five Saints.

Taking a deep breath, "We really need to carefully consider the relationship between the Witch Clan and the Human Clan."

Guiyuan's attitude of fighting against the Five Saints alone really shocked their thinking.

Even if they are just resisting with difficulty, in the ancient times, except for Emperor Wa, Pingxin and Daozu Hongjun, who can have such terrifying strength.

Now there is one more person, Guiyuan!


Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun's expression was cold and indifferent. When he saw that Guiyuan was still fighting against the five heavenly saints, he was still able to maintain a stalemate. His eyes, which had no past, present or future, shrank slightly.


He activated the jade disc of creation and guided the majestic source of heaven to descend towards the five saints.

Even though some of Taiqing and Tongtian's Dao Fruit were born from the human Dao, they are still essentially Heavenly Dao Saints, so this Heavenly Dao origin gives them an advantage in their attacks.


When Sanqing and the Second Saint of the West attacked Guiyuan with all their strength, they suddenly felt the majestic blessing of the source of heaven, and their whole bodies couldn't help but trembled.

Pangu flag.

Yin Yang diagram.

Qingping sword.

The Seven Treasures Tree.

Blessing pestle.

The Five Saints joined forces and formed a terrifying wave of chaos that even prehistoric times began to shake, aiming directly at Guiyuan.

Countless attacks gathered together, and Guiyuan was directly locked by all the attacks.

"Origin, existence, end!"

In one billionth of an instant, Guiyuan blasted out the fist of epoch cycle.

The Fist of Era is so powerful that it has cycled trillions of times in an instant, turning into endless power and forcefully blasting towards the Five Saints' attacks.

And just then.

In the chaos, an indescribable huge hand suddenly appeared.

The palm was infinitely huge, carrying indescribable power.

The moment it rose, it was as if a dam had been erected in the chaos, stirring up the fluctuations of the chaos.

The surging waves of chaos boiled and exploded, and the divine power was as powerful as a prison.

The Five Saints who were originally besieging Guiyuan were stunned when they saw this palm.

"Whose palm is this?"

Zhunti was stunned. This was obviously not Emperor Wa and Empress Pingxin. Could it be that there was a Hunyuan Da Luo lurking in the chaos?

"This is also the power of Hunyuan. How come the power of Hunyuan Daluo suddenly appeared!"

Yuan Shi also frowned.

He originally thought that after becoming a saint, there would be no more secrets from prehistoric times and chaos to him, but he didn't expect it to look like this now.

It seems that only those who reach the Hunyuan level of power can have access to many secrets.

"finally come!"

There was a cold look on Guiyuan's face, he was waiting for enemies from outside the world.

Otherwise he would have attained enlightenment long ago.

The Fist of Epochal Cycle blocked the attack of the Five Saints, and many spiritual treasures suddenly appeared in the hand and bombarded towards the palm.

And just then.

A vast river of purple energy suddenly appeared in the chaos, sweeping away all the spiritual treasures blasted out by Guiyuan like mosquitoes.

At the same time, in a corner of the chaos, a stone that seemed to have been abandoned suddenly bloomed with vast divine light, and all the spiritual treasures that had been swept away were attracted to it.

It's like ironware encountering a very strong magnet.

Lock these spiritual treasures firmly by force.

The hands-on person is clearing the way for this palm.


Guiyuan snorted coldly, the owner of this Purple Qi Changhe was none other than Hongjun, and his eyes fell on the thing firmly adsorbing his spiritual treasure. It turned out to be Fenbao Cliff!

Hongjun had left this thing here a long time ago. He originally thought it was just a thing that could carry spiritual treasures, but it could carry so many spiritual treasures.

It is indeed not a mortal thing.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a cornucopia of innate spiritual treasures!

In an instant, a terrifying suction force erupted, absorbing all the spiritual treasures Gui Yuan had.

In an instant.

The palm that came from nowhere, with endless Dao charm, instantly grabbed towards the evolving Guiyuan Realm!

Boom! !

The terrifying force shook the endless chaos and set off a vast wave of chaos.



"This is the price you pay for hurting my subordinates! I will take away the world this time!"

The indifferent voice floated in the chaos, and all the Five Saints and Hongjun in the chaos heard this whisper.


Guiyuan snorted coldly.

The fist of the epoch cycle, condensed from the immeasurable power of Hunyuan that is undergoing crazy transformation, is like the tide of world destruction, the storm of world collapse, facing the indescribably huge palm.

Punch out.

The whole chaos seems to be turning upside down.

But at this time.

In the depths of the chaos, the eternal power of the great avenue surged in an instant, and then condensed into a Yin and Yang Bagua pattern that shrouded the boundless chaos. There were Yin and Yang Pisces flowing inside, and there were innate Bagua calculations outside.

Everything swept away returned to the land of chaos, including the earth, water, wind, fire, and the energy of chaos, which were all annihilated at this time.

It blasted towards Guiyuan with boundless power.

"This is?"

Emperor Wa, who was quietly watching Guiyuan's tribulation, saw this innate gossip and said to himself: "Is it possible that Guiyuan is also related to 'Huang Xi'?"

The Five Saints were even more confused. Why did another Hunyuan come to take action?

Hongjun in the Zixiao Palace frowned. Was it because the Chaos Gods and Demons back then were not dead?

But when Guiyuan saw this innate Yin and Yang Bagua.

It’s already clear.

I'm afraid that in the Yangshen world.

There is a certain Seven Stars of All Realms that is similar to the innate Eight Diagrams and is laying out the layout.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to say that in the end, it would be infinitely close to the other side through 'easy'.

After all, when I think of Xiantian Bagua, it can only be Fuxi.

It is very possible that Hong Yi is an alter ego of the Seven Stars of All Realms.

It's just that the opportunity of Yangshen World was cut off by him.

"Future Me!"

The third borrowed magical power appears and borrows the power of my future self!

In an instant.

The vast river of time appeared. On this extremely turbulent river, a being exuding a boundless domineering aura and stepping on the river of time appeared.

"Huang Xi! Dare you come to stop me?"

When this being saw this innate Bagua, he seemed to have already recognized who it was.

He suddenly punched towards the innate Yin Yang Bagua Diagram.



Boom! !

In an instant, above the chaos, fists and innate yin and yang gossip surged freely, covering everything!

The entire chaos trembled slightly, and where the two met, the void shattered.

Earth, water, wind, and fire evolved in chaos, as if another world was born.

But in the next moment, he was annihilated by the attacks of the two people, and the cycle started again.

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