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Chapter 340: The Zhuxian Sword Formation is broken, and the Three Pure Ones merge into one

And at this time.

Guiyuan's beads also completely broke through the Yin-Yang Diagram's defense.

Expose the Zhuxian Sword Formation in front of Guiyuan.

The Zhuxian Sword Formation attacks Wushuang, but its defense is unsatisfactory, and it may be extremely powerful against a Saint.

But for Guiyuan, who is also at the Hunyuan level.

What cannot be broken by the Four Saints is not because it requires four swords to be picked off at the same time.

But as long as the strength is enough.

It can be suppressed by force.

The vast power of Hunyuan in Guiyuan's body emerged again, and many spiritual treasures reappeared.

This is Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Controlling so many spiritual treasures at the same time, there is no sign of being unable to bear it.

Proving the Tao with force, whether it is the physical body, magical power, or understanding of the law, has reached the extreme.

Controlling so many spiritual treasures at the same time is easy.

Moreover, the spiritual treasures in Guiyuan's hands are not simple items. The Mountains and Rivers Sheji Map, the God-killing Spear, the Dragon-headed Cane, the Xuanzhong Monument, the World-Destroying Black Lotus, the World-Purifying White Lotus, etc. are all innate top-grade spiritual treasures.

Many terrifying laws of the Great Dao have suddenly appeared and crashed towards the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Many people with great supernatural powers were stunned when they saw these spiritual lights.

It turns out that Guiyuan has mastered so many innate top-grade spiritual treasures without saying a word.

This is too scary.

For them, it would be a great opportunity if they had the previous one.

The number of Lingbao today.

Perhaps only the original Fenbao Cliff can be compared.

Countless spiritual treasures are sweeping in vast power, not to mention that there is no cornucopia to absorb the spiritual treasures.

Even the Zhuxian Sword Formation was suppressed in an instant.

'boom! ’ A faint sound.

The Zhuxian Sword Formation was broken!

The sound of the Zhuxian Sword Formation's shattering echoed throughout the Kunlun Mountains.

The many supernatural beings who were watching the battle were all dumbfounded, feeling like a bolt from the blue that hit their Taoist hearts directly. .

"The Zhuxian Sword Formation is broken..." In the west, the Second Saint of the West has just been reborn with the power of heaven.

Zhunti's face was pale and he died twice in succession.

The breath has dropped to an extremely weak point.

Even if Yuan Shi died at the hands of Gui Yuan before, it was not as miserable as him.

At that time, Guiyuan had not yet reached the stage of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Even if Yuan Shi was killed, there would be almost no source of loss.

But now Guiyuan has entered the Hunyuan Daluo Golden Immortal.

The power of Hunyuan he mastered.

Every blast will destroy part of his origin.

Not to mention the avenue that Guiyuan masters.

It was so majestic that even they couldn't comprehend it, and now it was like it had taken root in him, consuming his power.

"Didn't you say that it must be the Four Saints that cannot be broken? How come the Great Immortal Guiyuan actually broke it. How is this possible?"

Even Di Jun's voice was trembling at this moment, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

"The strength of the Great Immortal Guiyuan has actually reached such an extent!" Taizhen exclaimed, his eyes shining with admiration and awe.

"The legend that is not unbreakable by the Four Saints seems to be nothing more than a passing cloud from today's perspective."

Tai sighed softly.

In the Kunlun Mountains.

Taiqing looked solemn and gave a low drink.


Yuanshi, Tongtian nodded.

In an instant.

"Fellow Daoist Guiyuan, if you still refuse to give up.

We, Sanqing, also have a trick that I would like to ask fellow Taoist Guiyuan to take a look at! "

Taiqing's voice was calm and powerful, and his words revealed an undoubted power.

A sharp light flashed in Tongtian's eyes, "Fellow Daoist Guiyuan, this is our last blow.

If you can take it, we are willing to die! "

The voice of Sanqing was like a bell and a bell, penetrating the Kunlun Mountains and spreading throughout the ancient world.

Their figures began to slowly rise into the sky, Yuanshi and Tongtian stood on the left and right of Taiqing respectively.

The three of them take the position of the three talents of heaven, earth and man.


"Lotus root!"

"Green Lotus Leaf!"

The shoulder poles, the Three Treasures and Jade Ruyi, and the Qingping Swords came one after another, lingering and intertwined in the center of the large formation formed by the Three Pure Ones.

With the breath of the three pure things merging.

The auras of these three spiritual treasures are also merging.

A crystal clear green lotus of creation appeared, exuding infinite energy of creation.

On the top of Kunlun Mountain, with the appearance of this green lotus, the long river of time and the long river of fate are rolling forward.

The green lotus instantly enveloped the three clear things that had turned into hazy light and shadow.


Lotus blooms.

A gigantic figure that was billions of miles away reappeared, so terrifying and vast that the entire prehistoric world was trembling.

That's right.

It was truly trembling.

All those with great supernatural powers saw this familiar yet unfamiliar figure, which was already a frequent visitor in the ancient world.

The twelve filial sons often brought out Pangu's physical body. Nowadays, there is no one who doesn't know about Pangu's figure.

But also extremely unfamiliar.

Unlike the physical body formed by the twelve ancestral witches, it seemed to have infinite power.

This condensed Pangu Yuanshen.

The first time we met.

All those with great supernatural powers feel that the avenues they have understood seem to be blocked.

In front of this existence, the laws I understand are like a stream, facing the river and the sea.

Like a mayfly seeing the blue sky.

"What kind of formation have they figured out? It's so terrifying!"

Among the two Western Saints, Jie Yin murmured.

Many people with great supernatural powers were also trembling.

Horror flashed through Pingxin's eyes at the edge of the fetal membrane of heaven and earth.

"The great formation of the Three Pure Ones, the three talents of heaven, earth and man, and the spirit that summoned the Father God, combined with the spiritual treasures in their hands...

Able to reproduce part of Father God’s power, they even have two of the Three Treasures of Kaitian in their hands, as well as the Qingyun of the Heavens…”

Her voice was also full of exclamation at this moment.

The understanding of the Three Purities is indeed unparalleled.

And face the condensed Pangu Yuanshen.

"Three spiritual treasures derived from the formation of the three talents of heaven, earth and man.

The green lotus appeared and Pangu was born. Yes, yes. "

Guiyuan's voice was full of admiration for the great formation combining the power of these three Hunyuan statues, plus many spiritual treasures.

The reappearance of Pangu's power in the Sanqing Dynasty will be even more terrifying.

Even the Wu Clan’s Twelve Heavenly Gods Formation is in front of this formation.

It's just pediatrics.

next moment.

The Sanqing Dynasty has not yet stopped, Pangu flags and Yin-Yang diagrams emerge one after another. In the Yin-Yang diagram, the two brothers of Yin and Yang, and the four innate images, evolve.

Among the Pangu flags, aura of chaos lingered.

The Three Treasures of Kaitian.

The Chaos Clock is printed with all things, fixes time and space, and symbolizes the "three" of all things!

In the Yin and Yang diagram, Yin and Yang are divided into two parts. Yin and Yang give rise to Tai Chi, which is the ‘two’!

The Pangu Banner is the weapon that opens the sky to cut through the chaos that represents the ‘Tao’ and becomes ‘one’!

Although the Chaos Bell is missing, the combination of the Pangu flag and the Yin-Yang diagram forms a real and not imaginary axe, which is tightly held in the hands of the Pangu Yuanshen born from this.

At the same time, a supreme cloud of happiness also fell into Pangu Yuanshen.

This is transformed by Pangu's Qi.

After the heavenly Qingyun merged into Pangu Yuanshen, the originally illusory Pangu Yuanshen fell down in the blink of an eye with hundreds of millions of great laws.

The reflection of Pangu Yuanshen is real and true.

The Yuan Shen controls the laws of heaven and earth, although it is also extremely powerful.

But if there is energy, it will exert trillions of times the power.

"Pangu Palace, come!"

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