[You absorbed the dragon-free mind method, and you deduced the dragon-raising mind method, the dragon-creating mind method, the holy dragon mind method...]

[You deduce the boxing technique—Human Dragon Fist! 】

[You try to integrate Wulong Mind Technique into your own understanding of the way of survival, and you integrate it into your own Fist of the Era...]

Guiyuan is constantly analyzing the Wulong Mind Technique, and even separates out the various essences contained in it and reabsorbs it.

[You integrate the Human-Dragon Fist into your own ‘Godly Turtle Zhenhai Jin’, breaking the limit of 840 million...]

[You deduce the fourth level of the Divine Turtle Zhenhai Power - the Infinite Divine Turtle, which develops particles. Black turtle particles can be developed from giant turtle particles, giant turtle particles can be developed from golden turtle particles, and particles produce particles. The tortoise and the tortoise are interdependent, and there are endless scarcity...]

Guiyuan is constantly absorbing the essence of it, and with the help of his heaven-defying understanding, he has broken down all the knowledge contained in the Wulong Mind Technique.

“It’s time to deal with many worlds.”

Guiyuan said to himself, especially in the eternal world, after he was promoted to Hunyuan.

He should be able to fight against the Gate of Eternal Life.

At least I won't worry about him and me being flipped off the table by Fang Han when I reach a certain height.

The most difficult thing about the eternal world should be that once the gate of eternal life wants to be destroyed, it will absorb Fang Han back and give up this transcendence.

Then he and I will probably be trapped by the door of eternal life, but now we don’t need to worry too much.

The worst thing is, I really go to the door to suppress it.

The world of Harry Potter.

Dumbledore looked at Hermione, no, it's called Guiyuan now.

His expression was complicated, "Do you really want to do this?"

What Guiyuan is going to do is too crazy.

He wants to reunite the secular world and the magical world that were separated a long time ago.

Today, Guiyuan has grown into a tall girl with blonde hair and blue eyes. She is wearing a robe and holding a staff. She said with a smile: "Dumbledore, this is the result of historical development, and I am just a promoter!"

"You are creating carnage!"

Dumbledore saw many mixed-race or 'mudblood' students behind Guiyuan.

these five years.

Guiyuan's method of practicing magic and his combination with Hagrid and Newt developed it.

A way to gain magical power by swallowing the blood of magical creatures.

These two methods are extremely mature.

Dumbledore didn't know how Guiyuan mastered these two methods, but because of this, Hermione had gained many followers.

And it's not just in the academy, it's also spread out, causing a steady increase in the number of people who follow her.

These two methods also completely overturned the previous belief that magic was a gift from God.

If magic is a gift from God, then it can give magic its return.

It's God.

Dumbledore looked at Snape, who was standing next to Hermione, "Can't we merge in a peaceful way?"

Dumbledore felt powerless for the first time.

Because some time ago, he had united with professors from many colleges to stop Guiyuan.

Then an earth-shattering battle broke out. That battle caused mountains and rivers to collapse, rivers to change their flow, plains to lakes, and the natural environment for thousands of miles around was completely changed.

In the end, Guiyuan's face was only slightly pale, and his outer robe was a little messy and burnt, but he didn't appear to have any signs of injury.

The college professors headed by Dumbledore all lost.

If Guiyuan hadn't been merciful, he would have defeated them long ago.

"Now that I have enough power, I will declare war on the many pure-blood families in the magic world as a Muggle wizard, representing the many Muggles and mixed-bloods in the magic world!

Completely condense the magic world into a piece of iron. "

Guiyuan just glanced at Dumbledore and said, "The momentum is rolling like a torrent. Anyone who stands in front of me will be like a mantis!"

With a sweep of her robes, she left Hogwarts, her followers following close behind.

Dumbledore sighed, returning to Yuan this time would definitely cause huge waves.

1996, December 25.

It can be called the beginning of a new era in the magical world.

A magician named Guiyuan will formally declare war on many families, including the Malfoy family, on behalf of Muggle wizards and mixed-race wizards.

The declaration of returning to the Yuan Dynasty was like a huge explosive detonating the magic world.

But no one thought it was a joke, because this person was the one who once publicly published in newspapers and periodicals about practicing magic and transplanting the blood of magical creatures.

He can be called the ‘gravedigger of the pure-blood family’.

Since then, the so-called 'magic selection' of pure-blood families has been completely broken.

The patriarchs of pure-blood families felt an unprecedented threat.

The Malfoys.

The atmosphere in the conference room was tense and solemn.

Lucius Malfoy, the patriarch of the Malfoy family, the patriarch of the Black family, and the leaders of other pure-blood families, their eyes flashed with determination and uneasiness.

They know that Guiyuan's power cannot be underestimated.

But her ideas were a direct challenge to their traditions and power.

"We must stop her!" Lucius Malfoy's voice echoed in the conference room. "Her ideas will lead to the decline of our pure-blood family. We must protect our bloodline and tradition."

"This damn bitch!" the Black family patriarch yelled angrily.

"Draco, how much do you know about her? I once asked you to..."

Lucius looked at his son, the rebellious Mudblood classmate.

And just then.


The door to the conference room was blasted open by a powerful arcane missile without breaking the door.

A figure walked in and said with a smile: "The Lucius family is mainly interested in me, why don't you come and ask me in person?"

Guiyuan quietly looked at these remnants of the old era, obstacles in front of the torrent of history.

"You half-blood bitch, how dare you challenge our pure-blood glory!" Lucius Malfoy roared, pointing his wand at Guiyuan, ready to cast a spell.

Guiyuan stood in the center of the conference room, her eyes as calm as water, her robe fluttering in the wind, and the wand in her hand emitting a faint light.

Lucius was the first to attack, waving his wand and rushing straight towards Guiyuan.

Guiyuan gently turned his wand to form a wall of light in front of her, blocking the attack.

"too weak."

next moment.

"Let you see, mixed-bloods can never catch up with pure-bloods. This is our innate talent." The patriarch of the Black family roared, and his wand released the 'Heart-Crushing', and the dark magic instantly moved towards Fly back to Yuan.

Even if this is black magic, facing the enemy now, there is no way to say anything.

There was no trace of fluctuation on Guiyuan's face.

The wand waved again, reflecting the spell back, and Chief Black screamed in pain.

He covered his chest and fell to the ground screaming.

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