"Deal? What deal."

"I need information about the River of Eternal Darkness." Guiyuan's words made the Night Goddess' originally indifferent expression turn cold.

"If you knew our origins, do you think I would tell you?"

The River of Eternal Darkness is what He needs to ascend to the Old One.

He planned for five eras in order to become the old days.

How could it be possible that as soon as this person spoke, He would hand it over.

"Always fighting against madness, the goddess can still be so calm. It is indeed extraordinary. The seven gods are not as good as you." Guiyuan praised the goddess of the night.

This is not just bragging.

Not counting those evil gods who have already fallen into madness or depravity, even among the seven righteous gods, the goddess of the night is the most stable.

Compared to the gods of the irascible brother Storm Lord.

The goddess of night is not like the true god of sequence 0.

"Miscellaneous praise."

The goddess of the night did not change anything after hearing Gui Yuan's praise and continued to stare at Gui Yuan.

“Then why not take a more stable path?”

Guiyuan's painting style changed, and a spiritual light appeared in his hand, falling into the hand of the goddess of the night.

When the goddess of the night heard these words, she was silent for a while, watching the aura in her hand gradually disappear into her palm.


The goddess of the night felt the knowledge emerging in her mind.

The Immortal Way, the Ancient Immortal Method, the Yang Shen Method, the Human Immortal Martial Arts Method, the Earth Immortal Method, etc., all revealed in it are the cultivation methods he knows.

Look at the existences inside that are not weaker than him in cultivation, or even stronger ones.

"How?" Guiyuan said quietly. The pillars are only at the level of Hunyuan Golden Immortal. Sequence 0 is at most the level of Da Luo, or even the path of Hedao.

Once this world is destroyed, even the old days will fall.

The Mysterious World is a world where one party has reached the level of the Hunyuan Golden Immortal by understanding the way of ‘gods’ and laws, but this is also their shortcoming.

The essence, energy, and spirit are not balanced, so they are easily contaminated and lose control easily.

They have ingested too many laws. To the Night Goddess and the others, it is pollution, but in fact, to Guiyuan, it is just that the essence cannot carry the gods.

Sometimes, taking shortcuts has a price.

If placed in the wilderness.

This is evil.

The goddess of the night looked at the things inside, feeling a little silent.

She couldn't imagine why there seemed to be no backlash against such powerful power.

"But even if there are so many other ways to enhance my strength, I have reached this point. Do you think I will give up my godhead and start... practicing again?"

The goddess of the night was a little awkward when she said 'practice'.

Because now, and in the past, He has not been exposed to this concept.

What He said makes sense. He has already come this far and is not far from the old days. How could he change the foundation?

Guiyuan said quietly: "Who said you should give up your own power? It's nothing more than transformation. What you understand is nothing more than the avenue of darkness, and even the derived avenue of annihilation..."

"Wouldn't it be better to replenish your energy and become a free-spirited fairy?

Is it that good to be the same old person? After you become the old one, the pollution and madness you face will be even greater! "

"Then what do you want? What you say is so nice. Not only have you mastered the way of disaster, but you also want to master the River of Eternal Darkness!"

The Dark Goddess sneered and said that in her opinion, it was not good for Guiyuan to become the past, but she was also pursuing this kind of power.

It feels a bit like being a bitch and building an archway.

"I feel uncomfortable watching this."

Guiyuan said quietly, "This is not my true body. My true body is not in this world. My purpose is to gather the four pillars to replace the original one and solve the problem of pollution in this world from the root!"

This world is lame compared to Yangshen.

At least among the three paths of Yang Shen, Jing, Qi and Shen, only Qi is lacking.

In this world, there are three paths of energy, energy and spirit, and there is only God.

The world of Yangshen is at least two-wheel drive, while the world of mystery is a one-wheel drive.

The goddess of the night frowned, this was indeed beyond her knowledge.

"This is the Yang Shen martial arts method you know. You can try to practice it..."

Guiyuan waved his hand casually, and the Yang Shen martial arts method fell into the hands of the goddess of the night. The skills included were Xuantian Dark Lu and many other skills.

The goddess of the night frowned, looking at the flashing spiritual light in her palm, and a steady stream of information sank into her mind.

He unexpectedly discovered that the various words and phrases described here felt unusually familiar to him and were closely related to His authority.


"Looking at it, you have actually lived in that country, so you should know that this thing, the magic potions you swallow, and the various sequences you absorb are the laws of others.

It contains the spiritual imprint of other existences. Among the spiritual imprints of other existences, there are more powerful existences at deeper levels. "

Guiyuan waved his hand, and the power in his body spread out, turned into a chair, sat down and said quietly: "Compared to the practice of these cultivation methods.

Your potion system is just because of the special nature of the world.

Because the world is special.

So you can quickly obtain various powers, but it only enhances your understanding of the law, which is what you call authority. "

“But, I didn’t teach you how to remove the spiritual imprint from this power.

That is the so-called madness and pollution. Even your acting and anchoring methods are only methods that treat the symptoms but not the root cause.

The problem is not solved from the root cause..."

After all, the goddess of the night is a being who can become a god.

The ability to comprehend is naturally very strong.

She quickly understood how the technique Guiyuan told her worked, and visualized the 'Xuantian Dao Zun' in her own mind.

In an instant.

The goddess of the night saw her own soul, a miniature version of herself.

In the divine soul, the divine power and authority that he was originally close to were constantly eroding his divine soul.

But after he visualized ‘Xuan Tian Dao Zun’.

The original authority began to be swallowed up by his soul in an extremely mysterious way.

Suddenly, a feeling of joy from the inside out burst out from the bottom of his heart.

A real power.

Indeed, after he became a god, he also felt powerful, but that kind of power was different from this kind of power.

Use the metaphor He once used.

Being powerful before meant that your weapons changed from wooden sticks to iron rods, then to guns, and finally to mastering nuclear bombs.

But you are still just an ordinary person.

But this time her strength transformed her from an ordinary person into an athlete.

"Is this cultivation?"

The goddess of the night was shocked, completely subverting her concepts for so many years, and she felt that the gradually reviving consciousness in her body weakened a little.

Even if it's just a little bit, from his perception, it's really weakened.

In other words, this method can indeed fight against madness and pollution, and it can also strengthen yourself!

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