When she got here, the face of the goddess of the night began to look ugly, and she couldn't help but said: "I may not be able to accompany you down, if I come into contact with the River of Eternal Darkness.

Chances are I'll lose control. "

Today's goddess of night has not yet reached the point where she can directly contact the source of matter, especially since she is already a true god. This river of eternal darkness is the source of his path.

It is very likely that once touched, He will be instantly invaded by the source of matter.

"I can just go down by myself."

Guiyuan nodded and walked down the stairs, and then he heard a slight, illusory clatter.

Arriving at the bottom of the stairs, a dark, unreal flow of water surged in from nowhere.

Not even light can exist on its surface.

Beyond the end is nothingness, and in the nothingness flows a straight, wide, illusory, and colorless dark river.

The river was so blurry that it was difficult to see clearly because it was surrounded by a gray-white mist like a barrier.

This part of the river keeps rolling up and falling down, like a tributary rushing through Xuhei.

One of them sometimes goes deep into the tributary, and sometimes turns back, but it can't escape the dazed figure in the river.

It was wrapped in a dark black robe, and its profile was already old. Suddenly it turned its head and looked at Guiyuan.

Its face had rotten marks one after another, and white feathers stained with light butter grew out one after another.

This is the Sequence 0 True God, "Underworld Emperor" Salinger.

The Hades Emperor seemed to feel the threat of Guiyuan. A low roar came from his rotting mouth and echoed over the river. The tributaries of the River of Eternal Darkness turned into gray torrents and beat up Guiyuan wave after wave.

But it didn't have any impact.

Let’s not talk about whether the essence of Guiyuan can be shaken by the branch of eternal darkness. The power of the City of Disaster in the incarnation alone cannot be shaken by the branch.

"The God of Death, I don't know if he can give me the power of the Eternal Sleeper." Guiyuan said to himself.

Guiyuan didn't waste time when he saw the River of Eternal Darkness. It was just a tributary. What he really wanted to master was the main stream of the River of Eternal Darkness.

No need to waste too much time here.

In an instant.

Hongmeng Guixu swarmed out, and the vastness and endlessness covered the tributaries of the River of Eternal Darkness. The originally illusory and insubstantial river was in front of Hongmeng Guixu.

It's like it has an entity.

Hongmeng Guixu combines the Hongmeng Parasitism Technique and the Guixu method, and he can devour even the power of concepts such as rules.

It is easy to swallow the tributaries of this ‘River of Eternal Darkness’.

The endless stream of river water was swallowed up by Guiyuan crazily, and he felt the strange power of the law of death, the law of annihilation, and the law of darkness that poured into his body.

Finally, it turned into an end-like power.

As soon as this power poured into Guiyuan's body, it quickly began to repel each other with the power of the City of Disaster in Guiyuan's original body.

The power of these two sources of essence are mutually exclusive, but the power of the end instantly emerged from Guiyuan's body, and the vast way of the end turned into a higher power.

Blending the two.

Why can the two be integrated together when the world is destroyed and all things come to an end? Because only the breath of the end can perfectly integrate the two sources.

All things end and wither, the breath of eternal silence begins to appear on Guiyuan, and the water level of the tributaries of the River of Eternal Darkness is falling crazily.

The giant bird suspended in the water of the originally illusory river was revealed.

The body of this giant bird is covered with pale flames and feathers woven with mysterious patterns, but it has been greatly melted by the "River of Eternal Darkness", exposing part of the dark, rotten skin with yellowish pus flowing out.

As soon as this giant bird appeared, the power of death had not spread out to invade Guiyuan, and was instantly swallowed up by Guiyuan's Hongmeng Guixu.

It didn't take long.

The tributaries that spread out from the ground have dried up, and the aura on Guiyuan's body is filled with the aura of the end, the end, the return of all things to ruins, and the restart of the world.

Guiyuan looked towards the place where the tributaries flowed out, and he had already sensed the main body of the River of Eternal Darkness.

But Guiyuan looked towards the outside world, and the outside world was filled with fluctuations of fighting.

"The God of War is here?"

Guiyuan was about to go out when suddenly multiple overlapping figures appeared in front of him, a young man covered in pure white robes, holding a book of contract in one hand and a golden ball like the sun in the other.

"Which god are you..."

Oseikus looked at Guiyuan, whom he had never seen before, and where the tributaries of the River of Eternal Darkness originally existed, but they had turned into a clearing.

"Did you swallow the River of Eternal Darkness?"

Osykus's voice was filled with shock.

"I didn't expect that the Sun Path would come to my door like this."

Outside Calderon City, which has been razed to the ground, two figures are constantly colliding, and the orange-red light is like the light of dusk.

In the lonely dusk, a figure as huge as a mountain came out. It had abnormally long limbs and was wearing a run-down silver armor. Its face was obscured by the visor, and only a faint glow of orange light was revealed.

He held an exaggerated long sword in his hand, letting the tip droop naturally, "In the dark night, you are so big, coming to spy on the river of eternal darkness!"

As the terrifying giant walked forward step by step, the long sword split on the already flat ground of the spiritual world.

On the other side, a similarly large figure floated out dragging a long scythe.

"The God of War...is really like a dog. You found me just by showing up here."

In an instant, the two gods collided together.

The goddess of the night wears a night cloak and holds a giant scythe. Her figure flickers in and out of the light of the spiritual world, like a ghostly existence.

Every time she swung the scythe, she brought up a cold storm, trying to cut through the huge body of the God of War.

Every step taken by the God of War made the earth tremble, as if it could resonate with the spirit world.

His long sword was like a streak of orange lightning, and every swing was accompanied by the roar of thunder, trying to force the hidden figure of the goddess of the night out.

During the battle, the goddess of the night used her speed and agility to constantly flash on the battlefield. Her giant scythe was like the scythe of death, trying to find flaws in the god of war.

However, the power of the God of War was too powerful, and every swing of his sword carried a devastating force, forcing the goddess of the night to change positions frequently to avoid direct impact.

"Your anchor point has been shaken. If you continue to use your power, you will fall out of control. You are dead."

The battle between the two gods intensified, and the light in the spiritual world became brighter and darker during their confrontation, as if the entire spiritual world was shocked by their power.

The God of War sneered: "Are you trying to hold me back and let the people there fetch water from the River of Eternal Darkness for you? But can that person withstand the power of the Eternal Burning Sun?"

The goddess of the night smiled and said: "You should first worry about whether the Eternal Fierce Sun can withstand that person's strength."

That's when.

A scream spread throughout the spiritual world!

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