All He had was surprise and anger.

He has been planning the 'War of Gods' for so long. He promoted the establishment of the Rose of Redemption, allowing Night to obtain the uniqueness of the God of Death, and even later obtain the water from the tributaries of the River of Eternal Darkness.

It is so that the development of the times conforms to His will.

But not long ago, everything went into chaos. An extremely terrifying battle broke out in Banxi. He thought it was the work of some true god.

What he is more concerned about now is becoming a god.

But the problem is that one of the protagonists in the drama he directed died.


Without the Eternal Blazing Sun, His divine battle would be almost impossible to fight.

"In the end what happened!!"

Adam growled, this is the feeling he hates the most!

In an instant, all his plans for several epochs came to nothing, but the Eternal Blazing Sun fell so quickly.

So fast that even He didn't react.

He instantly entered the spiritual world. He wanted to see why the Eternal Sun fell and who was the culprit of his fall!

"The true god has fallen!"

Amon wiped his monocle. He should have remained extremely calm, but now his eyes were flashing with panic.

Naturally, he also felt the fall of the gods.

He has clones everywhere, and he had already sensed it at the moment Osykus fell.

That guy Osykus became a true god after he ate his 'father'.

It actually fell, and it happened so quietly that even he didn't know what happened.

"Go and have a look first!"

After saying that, Amon's figure disappeared from the spot.

Not only the two brothers Adam and Amon, but also the God of Storms, the God of Steam and Machinery, the Mother Goddess of the Earth, and many other true gods were alarmed by the fall of the Eternal Blazing Sun.

One by one, they headed to the spiritual world, where Osykus fell.

Outside, the God of War, who was still fighting fiercely with the Night Goddess, was frightened when he heard the screams and burst out with his strongest power.

Without saying a word, he escaped towards another place in the spiritual world.

"Damn, damn! Is it really the old days? Why do the old days exist here? Oseikus fell so quickly!"

"Where did the goddess of the night know an old one?"

The God of War is not a fool. Oseikus is a sun-sequence guy with extremely domineering power. He is not weaker than the Lord of Storms in terms of strength. He is also his ally to deal with the goddess of the night.

The true god whom he compared to the Lord of Storms actually fell in such a short time, it could even be said that he fell instantly.

The God of War can think of an existence that is powerful enough to instantly kill the Eternal Blazing Sun, and it can only be an existence at the level of the old days.

But why does the old one appear here? How can there be someone in this era who can reach the top of the old one?

And this old day will also help the goddess of the night!

But how could the Goddess of Night allow him to escape? In an instant, the Goddess of Night turned into a 'dark night' and followed him, only to find that the God of War who had just been running away had stopped.

And in front of Him, there was a figure standing, the figure soaring into the air. Compared with the God of War, his size was like an ant or a giant dragon.

But the God of War had a look of horror on his face and his whole body was shaking, "Please, please let me go!"

If believers of the God of War saw this, I am afraid they would not believe that God actually has such a side.


Not long after, screams resounded throughout the spirit world.

Guiyuan casually threw the crystal in his hand to the goddess of the night next to him.

The goddess of the night quickly took it, with an extremely shocked expression on her face.

He saw with his own eyes the God of War whom he had planned for several epochs.

Unable to withstand Guiyuan's punch, the goddess of the night saw the end of the world, all things were extinct, even the gods, and the old days had fallen inside.

Because this is the destruction of the world and the end of all things.

The astral world, the spiritual world, and the real world are all shattered.

Even the God of War, who can be said to be the most physically powerful among the gods, was directly shattered in front of this punch, turned into countless dusk powers and was swallowed up by the circles containing countless devouring powers.

Finally, it turned into a bright crystal.

The goddess of the night felt the power belonging to the God of War on the crystal, "By the way, give this help to the person following Alger, that is my incarnation.

I went to deal with the River of Eternal Darkness first. "

Guiyuan threw the thing that Oseicus had just separated in his hand to the goddess of the night. It was nothing more than uniqueness and extraordinary characteristics.


The goddess of the night swallowed, and at this moment she realized what a rational decision she had made, if he had refused.

He may not be in the world anymore either.

"Move quickly."

Guiyuan said quietly, "The end will come soon."

"Why?" The goddess of the night was stunned. She naturally knew that the end was coming, but it was still a long time away from the time they had calculated.

"Because I merged the City of Disaster and the River of Eternal Darkness."

Guiyuan looked up into the sky. Above the spiritual world was the star world, a deeper place. He could already feel a consciousness awakening there...

Even his incarnation felt the pressure.

There is only one existence in this world, in the beginning.

"It turns out that the fusion of the River of Eternal Darkness and the City of Disaster will cause the world to undergo irreversible decline because of the initial awakening..."

"Just like Pangu did to the prehistoric times..."

Guiyuan thought to himself that this 'earth' was the original path and fruit, or in other words, it was his method of deducing the path in the future.

The fusion of the River of Eternal Darkness and the City of Disaster actually means that this deduction is about to end.

Regardless of whether there is progress or not.

But for all creatures in this world, it has sounded the death knell.

"You should feel it."

Guiyuan looked at the goddess of the night. The gods already had power, which was about equal to that of the saints of heaven in the ancient times, but it was said to be weaker than the saints of heaven.

But essentially it's the same.

The goddess of the night nodded, and just after Guiyuan finished speaking, he felt the murmur in his ears that had just weakened began to intensify again.

"But don't be too anxious. Now I have swallowed up part of the power of the "prime". I just need to speed up. I banned the prime.

All is well. "

After Guiyuan finished speaking, the goddess of the night had no choice but to nod. Now that the matter was over, she could only try her best to help Guiyuan complete his plan.

At least he is known.

After Guiyuan finished speaking, he landed under the city of Calderon again and walked along the place where the tributary of the River of Eternal Darkness flows out.

Only the goddess of night is left here.

The goddess of the night put away the crystal left by the god of war.

The goddess of the night looked around the spiritual world, and her familiar aura was rushing towards her, but then stopped instantly after the death of the God of War.

He shook his head and disappeared into darkness.

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